Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 1, 2024

Trump Pardon Unlikely, NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Suggests

In a striking move, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signaled her stance on a potential pardon for former President Donald Trump, who was convicted by a Manhattan jury on 34 felony charges of falsifying business documents to cover up hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

Hochul (D) possesses the authority to pardon Trump for these convictions, but on Thursday evening, Hochul announced that she would not entertain the notion of pardoning the former president, as the Huffington Post reports.

Hochul Touts Belief in Rule of Law

“Today’s verdict reaffirms that no one is above the law,” Hochul stated, reinforcing the power of the judicial system. Her office was prepared for the verdict, coordinating with local and federal officials to ensure public safety and uphold the integrity of the process.

“We are committed to protecting the safety of all New Yorkers and the integrity of our judicial system,” she added.

Legal And Political Ramifications

Trump, who has already declared his intention to appeal the decision, faces significant legal hurdles. The unique nature of the felony charges means that Trump’s potential path to self-pardon is blocked. Unlike federal offenses, state law convictions cannot be pardoned by a sitting president.

Amid the swirling political climate, U.S. Rep. Nick LaLota, a Republican from Long Island, urged Hochul to intervene. On the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, LaLota expressed his belief that a pardon would counteract what he referred to as District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s “political prosecution.”

Political Tensions and Public Reaction

The call from LaLota to pardon Trump comes at a time of heightened political tensions. “The best way to unwind Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution and today’s conviction is for Governor Hochul to immediately announce her intention to pardon President Trump,” LaLota wrote. He emphasized the need to avoid appearing as a “banana republic” by not doing so.

The national response to Trump’s conviction and Hochul’s stance is deeply divided. Supporters laud Hochul's commitment to the legal process and fairness, while detractors argue that the trial was politically motivated.

As the legal battles continue, Trump’s plans to appeal the verdict will prolong the judicial process. The outcome of these appeals could influence both the former president's political future and the broader American political terrain.

Future Implications for Trump And New York

The ruling and subsequent responses underscore the challenges Trump faces in his 2024 presidential bid. With a significant legal burden, the implications for his campaign are profound. His legal team is mobilizing for an extensive appellate battle, signaling a prolonged confrontation with the New York legal system.

For Hochul, the decision not to pardon Trump is a definitive stance on what she believes about the rule of law and judicial independence. The ongoing developments will require close observation as they unfold, shaping the political discourse in the months ahead.

In conclusion, Gov. Kathy Hochul has asserted her position against pardoning Trump, emphasizing what she says is her belief in the principle that no one is above the law.

Trump's inability to self-pardon if re-elected underpins the gravity of the state law convictions. Representative Nick LaLota’s appeal for a pardon underscores the contentious political climate, while Trump’s appeal plans foreshadow an extended judicial battle. The ramifications of these events will inevitably play a central role in the American political landscape.

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About Ashton Snyder


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