Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 2, 2024

Stormy Daniels Demands Trump Face Jail Time, Community Service

Adult entertainer Stormy Daniels has weighed in on what she believes would be a fair sentence for President Donald Trump following his conviction for hush-money payments.

Daniels demanded that Trump be jailed and perform community service in the wake of his Thursday conviction on charges of document falsification, as the Daily Mail reports.

The case revolved around a $130,000 payment made by Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, to keep Daniels silent about an alleged sexual liaison with Trump, and Daniels says she is continuing to live under a cloud of fear due to persistent threats from Trump's supporters.

Daniels Continues to Face Intimidation

According to Daniels, the threats have forced her to live in hiding. She disclosed the personal toll of these perceived dangers, asserting that she will never be entirely free from their impact.

"It's not over for me. It's never going to be over for me. Trump may be guilty, but I still have to live with the legacy," Daniels expressed.

Revisiting her experiences, Daniels noted that facing jurors during Trump's trial was an intimidating ordeal, but she felt a sense of relief upon his conviction. The sexual encounter between Daniels and Trump is alleged to have occurred in July 2006 at a Lake Tahoe golf event, though the former president denies the claims.

Details of the Alleged Encounter

During the trial, Daniels recounted explicit details of the alleged encounter, which she claims left her feeling traumatized. Although she stated that Trump did not threaten her during the incident, the experience had a lasting impact on her.

In 2011, Daniels had initially sold her story to In Touch Weekly for $15,000, but it was suppressed by Cohen. The issue resurfaced when Trump's controversial "Access Hollywood" video emerged, prompting renewed efforts to silence her.

MAGA Supporters Target Jurors

Following the trial, a pro-Trump group attempted to uncover and expose the identities of the jurors involved.

This behavior has added to the climate of fear and harassment that Daniels says she has experienced.

Despite the constant threats, Daniels says she feels a deep sense of satisfaction in seeing Trump face legal repercussions.

Acknowledging the wider implications of her actions, Daniels believes that Trump's sentencing could be a significant step towards justice.

As Trump awaits his sentencing in July, the reverberations of his actions continue to affect Daniels and others involved. Daniels’ steadfast insistence on what she says is appropriate accountability emphasizes the ongoing struggle she claims to face, even in Trump’s absence from office.

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About Ashton Snyder


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