Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 2, 2024

House Democrat Urges Kathy Hochul To Pardon Trump For Nation's Benefit

Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota has made a surprising appeal, calling on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Donald Trump, arguing that his conviction boosts his 2024 campaign.

The Democratic lawmaker, known for his brief primary challenge to President Joe Biden, expressed his concerns on social media regarding the potential political fallout from Trump’s conviction, and he described pardoning Trump as something that should be done for the "good of the country," as Fox News reports.

Trump Campaign Experiences Major Fundraising Push

Phillips criticized Trump, highlighting his past behaviors and legal troubles, encompassing everything from being a “serial liar” to his conviction. This outspoken critique comes at a time when the Trump campaign announced a record-setting fundraising milestone. The conviction resulted in almost $53 million raised within 24 hours, doubling the campaign’s previous fundraising efforts.

Phillips expressed his opinion that the conviction is bolstering Trump’s image among his supporters. In his view, the portrayal of Trump as a victim is motivating his base, significantly increasing campaign contributions, and potentially improving his electoral chances.

Trump’s campaign noted that $34.8 million was raised in the immediate hours following the conviction verdict, emphasizing the surge in activity within the MAGA movement.

Phillips Echoes Concerns in CNN Interview

During a recent interview with CNN, Phillips elaborated on his viewpoint, suggesting the New York legal actions might have backfired against the Democrats. He posited that the conviction related to the payment to a porn star was especially damaging, arguing that election-related charges are different and should be considered separately.

Phillips officially entered the primary race against Biden in October but stepped down in March, pledging support for Biden. He emphasized the necessity of Democrats rallying behind President Biden, whom he advocated for as a figure of decency and integrity.

Phillips’ concern extended to the implications of the legal proceedings on Trump’s current campaign. Despite the controversies and legal battles, Trump’s campaign and the RNC successfully out-raised Biden’s campaign and the DNC in April for the first time. However, Biden’s campaign maintained a financial edge with $84 million in cash on hand versus Trump’s $49 million by the end of April.

Gov. Kathy Hochul's Office Silent on Phillips’ Request

As of now, no response has been issued by Hochul’s office in direct response to Phillips’s request. The Democratic representative’s plea is an unusual occurrence in the political sphere, showing a significant divide in the Democratic Party’s strategy toward Trump’s legal battles.

In one of his social media posts, Phillips commented, “Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid. (Election charges are entirely different.)” This statement underscored his belief that the current situation was giving Trump unnecessary political leverage.

Phillips remains steadfast in his support for Biden, urging Democratic efforts to mobilize and maintain a unified front against Trump’s rising campaign momentum. “I ask you to join me in mobilizing, energizing, and doing everything you can to help keep a man of decency and integrity in the White House. That’s Joe Biden,” Phillips implored.

Phillips’ call for Hochul to pardon Trump has highlighted a rift within the Democratic Party concerning how to best handle Trump’s legal and electoral strategies. His comments reflect a deeper strategic concern that pursuing certain legal cases may unintentionally fortify Trump’s campaign.

Despite the controversies surrounding Trump, Phillips argued that focusing on making Trump a martyr over specific charges may not serve the intended purpose of weakening his electoral strength. His nuanced stance suggests a strategic reconsideration within the Democratic ranks.

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About Ashton Snyder


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