Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 7, 2024

RNC Strategizes for Possible Trump Imprisonment During Convention

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is facing an unprecedented challenge.

The party is preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump, its presumptive nominee, might be incarcerated during the convention in July.

According to The Post Millenial, RNC chair Michael Whatley revealed on Tuesday that contingency planning is underway following Trump's conviction on 34 felony charges linked to alleged "hush money" payments.

RNC Makes Contingency Plans for Unusual Scenario

Trump’s legal woes took a significant turn last week. A New York jury found him guilty of altering business records to obscure an alleged extramarital affair dating back to his 2016 campaign. His sentencing, scheduled by Judge Juan Merchan, is set for July 11.

The GOP convention is set to commence soon thereafter in Milwaukee. With the convention's proximity to Trump's sentencing date, the RNC is proactively charting out alternative scenarios.

Michael Whatley voiced the RNC’s steadfast confidence in Trump’s nomination. He emphasized, “We expect that Donald Trump is going to be in Milwaukee and he’s going to be able to accept that nomination.”

Trump's Condition Doesn't Hinder Nomination Plans

While expressing optimism about Trump’s presence at the convention, Whatley acknowledged the RNC's need for fallback measures. He noted that contingency planning is already underway. “Yeah, we’re working on that right now,” he mentioned, underscoring the criticality of preparedness.

The RNC’s chair is spearheading this strategic process personally. Whatley plans to travel to Milwaukee for a series of crucial talks, aiming to ensure seamless convention proceedings, despite Trump’s legal constraints.

Whatley believes that irrespective of Trump’s physical location, the convention remains committed to showcasing Trump’s vision for America. His focus remains on ensuring the event serves as a platform to propel the Republican campaign.

Future of Trump's Campaign Amid Legal Troubles

Simultaneously, House Speaker Mike Johnson has advocated for the Supreme Court's intervention in Trump’s legal battle, highlighting the high stakes and broader implications for the GOP’s future.

Meanwhile, RNC co-chair Lara Trump, a strong advocate for the former president, affirmed his nomination certainty, stating, “We have to make plans as they happen, and we’re going to have several contingency plans.” She emphasized that Trump’s location wouldn’t prevent his nomination, asserting he will be the Republican nominee whether it's “Trump Tower in Manhattan, Mar-a-Lago, or our convention in Milwaukee.”

As the convention draws near, the RNC is navigating a complex landscape marked by legal entanglements and presidential ambitions. Regardless of the hurdles, the committee’s leadership remains resolute in its objective to nominate Trump.


In summary, the RNC is preparing for former President Donald Trump’s potential imprisonment as the GOP convention approaches. The committee’s executives, including Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, have expressed confidence in Trump’s nomination, regardless of his physical location at that time. The GOP remains focused on meeting any unforeseen challenges head-on and ensuring a seamless nomination process in Milwaukee this July.

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About Ashton Snyder


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