Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 9, 2024

Trump Juror Allegedly Discusses Verdict Before Announcement

A controversial Facebook post has led to allegations that a juror in former President Donald Trump's trial discussed the guilty verdict before it was officially announced.

Judge Juan Merchan informed Trump’s defense about a Facebook comment suggesting a juror leaked the guilty verdict before it was delivered, as Fox 5 reports.

The information was disclosed to Trump's defense team on Friday.

The alleged comment, posted on May 29, suggested a juror indicated a guilty verdict before it was formally issued.

Social Media Post Under Scrutiny

Fox News obtained a letter that detailed the problematic comment. According to the now-deleted post, a user named "Michael Anderson" claimed to have a cousin on the jury who falsely implicated Trump.

The social media profile of "Michael Anderson" is sparse, listing the user as "Transabled & professional sh-- poster." Due to the limited information, the authenticity and credibility of the comment remain unclear.

On learning about the post, court officials felt it necessary to inform both parties involved in the trial.

A spokesperson for the court stated, "As appropriate, the Court informed the parties once it learned of this online content."

Judge Shares Potential Bias with Defense

Judge Juan Merchan addressed the matter by informing Trump's legal team without delay. He cited the comment where the user described, "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted! Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!"

The very next day after the comment surfaced, Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. The trial, which spanned six weeks, was initiated by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Throughout the trial, Trump maintained his innocence by pleading not guilty to all charges. Despite his persistent avowals, the jury returned a guilty verdict on every count.

Trump Campaign Investigates Allegations

A Trump campaign official is currently probing the matter. The timing of the comment and subsequent verdict has raised questions about potential jury bias.

The Trump campaign stated they are "Investigating the matter" to gather more details about the social media claim and its implications on the fairness of the trial.

Judge Merchan's decision to relay the information demonstrates a commitment to maintaining transparency and fairness in the judiciary process.

The discovery of such an allegation throws a spotlight on the integrity of the judicial system. The implications of juror misconduct, if proven true, could impact public perception and proceedings.

Trump's legal team is yet to issue a formal response addressing the specific details of the Facebook controversy. The unfolding developments will likely be closely monitored by both legal analysts and the general public.

To summarize, Judge Juan Merchan informed Trump's defense about a potentially prejudicial Facebook post that suggested a juror leaked a guilty verdict, leading to significant inquiries.

The trial, prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, found Trump guilty of falsifying business records. A Trump campaign official confirmed an investigation into the alleged misconduct.

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About Ashton Snyder


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