Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 11, 2024

First Lady Jill Biden's Expensive France-Delaware Trip

First Lady Jill Biden's extensive travels between France and Delaware have raised concerns over taxpayer costs.

First Lady Jill Biden undertook a series of international flights between Wilmington, Delaware, and France to support her son, Hunter Biden, during his federal gun trial and to fulfill her duties in France.

Daily Mail reported that although the Democratic Party will cover some of the costs, taxpayers will bear the majority of the flight expenses.

The estimated flight costs amounted to an eye-watering $345,400. According to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, taxpayers will shoulder a significant portion of these expenses.

Questionable Use of Taxpayer Funds

Jill Biden's travel, separate from President Joe Biden’s international agenda, has raised eyebrows. She used a Boeing C-32, accruing an hourly operational rate of $13,816 as per Air Force reports.

Every leg of the trip from Paris to Wilmington was estimated to cost about $110,528, raising questions about the efficiency of these travels. Her journey spanned roughly 24 hours over three days, splitting her time between courthouse appearances in Delaware and official duties in France.

While the Democratic National Committee plans to reimburse the government for the equivalent of first-class fares, the coverage might seem minimal to some. A one-way first-class fare from Philadelphia to Paris runs around $6,655.

Balancing Official and Personal Duties

Jill Biden’s office told DailyMail.com, "In accordance with relevant regulations utilized across administrations, the government is reimbursed the value of a first-class fare for these flights to Wilmington and back to Paris." This calculation, however, leaves a substantial amount uncovered by the government.

Her security detail, along with several aides, accompanied her, further inflating the costs. Events attended in France included D-Day commemorations and a state dinner with French First Lady Brigitte Macron.

Demian Brady, vice president of research for the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, called for more transparency from the White House. "The White House should be more transparent about these costs so taxpayers aren't taken for a ride," he said.

Support and Criticism from Advocacy Groups

David Williams, president of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, showed empathy but also raised a point on financial responsibility, "While I appreciate that the First Lady wants to support her son during this difficult trial, travel to the trial should be a personal, not a taxpayer expense."

Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for the first lady, defended her travels stating, "She's his mother, and he's on trial, so of course she wants to be there as much as humanly possible." She added, "It's something that a lot of parents, and maybe mothers especially feel, that when your children need you, it doesn't matter how old they get, they're always your children and you always want to be there to support them."

In conclusion, First Lady Jill Biden’s recent travels between Wilmington, Delaware, and France raised significant concerns regarding taxpayer expenses. With the Democratic National Committee covering only a fraction of the costs, taxpayers are set to bear a large portion of the $345,400 flight expenses. The high operational costs of the Boeing C-32 and the presence of her security detail added further financial strain.

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About Ashton Snyder


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