Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 17, 2024

Trump Courts Black Detroit Voters, Criticizes 1994 Crime Bill

Former President Trump targeted Black voters in Detroit by criticizing President Biden's 1994 crime bill.

According to recent polls, the event marked the launch of Trump's campaign-driven Black voter coalition amidst growing support for him in the Black community.

According to Fox News, the meeting took place at the predominantly Black 180 Church, drawing attention to Trump's attempt to engage with the community. He used the occasion to comment on Biden's authorship of the controversial 1994 legislation, which has often been blamed for contributing to mass incarceration rates affecting Black Americans.

Trump Emphasizes Rising Crime Rates

Trump underscored the impact of increasing crime rates on the African American community, reiterating his stance on law enforcement. "Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities," he emphasized during the event.

He continued, "More people see me, and they say, ‘Sir, we want protection. We want the police to protect us. We don’t want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread.’” This appeal seeks to position Trump as an advocate for safety and security, a theme he has frequently revisited.

Trump sharply criticized Biden's authorship of the 1994 crime bill and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. "Biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill, talking about ‘super predators.’ That was Biden. You know, he walks around now talking about the Black vote. He’s the king of the ‘super predators,’" Trump declared in his remarks.

Referencing Biden’s Historical Statements

Amid the criticism, it is pertinent to note that Biden referred to criminals as "predators" in the 1990s but did not use the term "super predators." This particular phrase was coined by Hillary Clinton in 1996. Nonetheless, Trump's statements aim to underscore Biden's contentious history regarding criminal justice reform and its impact on Black communities.

During a previous statement to The Washington Post in 2019, Biden remarked, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," referring to his 1986 bill. Moreover, Biden labeled the 1994 crime bill a "mistake" prior to the 2020 election, showcasing his evolving stance on the legislation.

Trump's roundtable served as a launchpad for his new coalition, Black Americans for Trump, introduced ahead of the Juneteenth celebration. The coalition's formation appears to target increased voter turnout and support within the African American community.

Support From Community Leaders

The discussion saw the presence of notable Black leaders and supporters, including Ben Carson, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; John James, former U.S. Senate candidate; and James Craig, former Detroit police chief. Their attendance highlights an attempt to unify and amplify Trump's message to Black voters.

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church welcomed the former President's visit, deeming it "significant" for the local community. This support from community leaders aims to bridge the gap between the Trump campaign and Black voters.

Reflecting on polling trends, the data suggests an upswing in Trump’s support among Black voters, marking a rise to 22% compared to the figures from 2020. This growing support could play a crucial role in battleground states including Michigan, where Trump presently leads in polls.

Polls Indicating Crucial Shifts

Trump's roundtable event in Detroit underscored his critiques of past crime bills associated with Biden and highlighted his campaign to bolster support among Black voters. The launch of Black Americans for Trump marks a strategic effort to solidify this support ahead of the 2024 election. Amid rising crime concerns, notable community endorsements, and burgeoning polling trends, Trump's engagement with Black voters could play a pivotal role in the election landscape.

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About Ashton Snyder


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