Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 5, 2024

Biden Admits Debate Mistake but Remains Confident

According to Breitbart News, President Joe Biden openly acknowledged his missteps in a recent debate against former President Donald Trump.

During an interview, the President conveyed his confidence in winning the upcoming election despite his subpar performance.

In an interview with Wisconsin radio host Earl Ingram, released on Thursday, Biden confessed, "I had a bad night." He admitted that his debate performance against Trump did not meet his or his supporters’ expectations.

Determination Despite Poor Performance

Despite the blunder, Biden remains optimistic about his prospects. He confidently stated, “we’re gonna win this election,” drawing parallels to his victory over Trump in 2020.

Biden urged voters to focus on his achievements over the last 3 1/2 years rather than solely on the 90-minute debate. He highlighted that his real track record should be the basis for evaluation by the electorate.

Central to the President's critique was Trump's stance on employment and the black community. Biden accused his rival of utilizing divisive rhetoric, particularly over “black jobs” allegedly taken by illegal immigrants.

Accusations Against Trump's Policies

“He’s talking about black jobs meaning only things blacks can do, manual labor, menial labor. That’s what he’s doing and that’s how he looks at it,” Biden noted, criticizing Trump's language and implications.

Biden posed the question, “Name me something he’s done to help the black community, give people a shot like I’ve gone with college and education and home-buying.” He contrasted his own contributions to the black community with Trump's actions.

The President also brought up past controversies involving Trump. He mentioned Trump’s involvement in the birther movement and his comments about George Floyd and the Central Park Five as examples of the former president's contentious positions.

Responses within Democratic Circles

Biden’s admission of a “bad night” drew reactions from various corners of the political spectrum. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, while acknowledging Biden’s lackluster performance, praised his values and core principles.

“I admit that from a performance standpoint [the debate] wasn’t great, but from a values standpoint he far outshone the other guy,” Pelosi stated. Her support underscored the deep respect for Biden’s integrity among some Democrats.

However, Senator Chris Coons reported receiving panicked responses from longtime friends and supporters concerned about the debate. These reactions suggest a significant level of unease within the party's ranks.


President Joe Biden’s admission of a poor debate against Donald Trump has stirred criticism and concern. Despite this, Biden maintains his optimism about winning the election and urges voters to focus on his track record. Key figures like Nancy Pelosi have expressed their continued support based on the president's values. The media’s significant scrutiny and internal worries among Democrats contrast with Biden's confidence and resolve.

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