Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 8, 2024

Musk Demands Penalty For Opponents Of Voter Citizenship Proof

House Speaker Mike Johnson proposed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which aims to ensure that only American citizens can vote in federal elections.

According to Fox Business, Elon Musk's endorsement of the bill has ignited controversy over the proposed penalties for treason.

The SAVE Act, initially championed by Representative Chip Roy, was unveiled by Johnson at a press conference in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, earlier this year. The bill requires proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections, allowing state election officials to ask about citizenship status before providing voter registration forms.

Musk Labels Opponents As 'Traitors'

Elon Musk took to his social media platform, X, to voice his strong support for the SAVE Act. He labeled those opposing the bill as "TRAITORS" and questioned the appropriate penalties for such individuals. His statements have sparked a heated debate about the nature of treason and its consequences.

House Speaker Johnson circulated a memo within the House GOP conference before the July Fourth recess, advocating for the bill's necessity. He emphasized that the SAVE Act is designed to safeguard American elections by ensuring only citizens participate in the voting process.

The bill also provides a variety of documents that can be accepted for voter registration to simplify the process for citizens. Additionally, it grants states access to a federal agency database to identify and remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm the citizenship of registrants.

Details Of The SAVE Act

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is directed by the bill to determine if noncitizens registered to vote in federal elections should be removed. The DHS is also required to notify state chief election officials when an individual is naturalized so that they can be added to the voter rolls.

The legislative push comes at a critical time, with Congress expected to return to Washington, D.C., on Monday. A vote on the SAVE Act is anticipated to take place this month, making it a significant issue ahead of former President Donald Trump's expected rematch with President Joe Biden.

Democratic critics argue that the bill is redundant, as it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. They contend that existing laws sufficiently address the issue, making the SAVE Act unnecessary.

Political Implications And Timing

Johnson continues to advocate for the bill on Musk's platform, reinforcing the message that the SAVE Act is crucial for the integrity of American elections. His persistent efforts highlight the significance of this legislation in the current political climate.

In response to the opposition, Musk's comments have intensified the debate around voter eligibility and the penalties for those who undermine election security. His call for severe punishment for "traitors" has raised questions about the limits of free speech and the appropriate response to dissenting views.

As the vote on the SAVE Act approaches, the discussion around the bill is likely to become more contentious. Both supporters and critics will continue to voice their perspectives, shaping the narrative around this pivotal piece of legislation.


The SAVE Act, proposed by House Speaker Mike Johnson and originally pushed by Representative Chip Roy, aims to ensure that only American citizens can vote in federal elections. Elon Musk's endorsement and his labeling of opponents as "TRAITORS" have sparked a debate about treason and its penalties. The bill requires proof of citizenship for voter registration and grants states access to federal databases to confirm citizenship. Democratic critics argue that the bill is unnecessary, as it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.

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About Ashton Snyder

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