Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 9, 2024

Biden's Staff Provide Detailed Instructions Ahead Of Public Events

Concern is mounting over President Joe Biden's cognitive abilities, evidenced by reports of detailed and visual instructions given for his event navigation.

According to the Daily Mail, President Biden is provided with meticulous guidelines featuring large fonts and pictures to aid his movement during events.

The White House has a specific template, obtained by Axios, that includes a photograph illustrating Biden's precise route to the podium.

Democratic Leadership Questions Biden's 2024 Candidacy

The template also comprises memos captioned 'view from podium' and 'view from the audience,' each with accompanying photographs for clarity. A White House official stated that these memos are 'critical to presidential advance work' and emphasized that Vice President Kamala Harris' team uses similar materials.

Some event staff members expressed surprise at the level of guidance, considering a seasoned political professional shouldn’t require such detailed instructions. A staff member shared an instance of a simple fundraising event being handled with the precision reserved for high-stakes summits.

Biden's team downplays the special guidance, arguing that precision and detail are essential irrespective of who holds the office. Documents released publicly on Sunday coincided with a crisis call among Democratic lawmakers about Biden's viability for the 2024 candidacy.

White House Aides Assert Biden's Fitness for Another Term

Reports indicate that five Democratic lawmakers asked Biden to step down. Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries organized a discussion among caucus members, highlighting concerns over political futures and national democracy.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is also engaging Senate Democrats in conversations regarding Biden’s future. Rep. Adam Schiff mentioned concerns about Biden's ability to effectively counter Donald Trump, suggesting that Biden seek an objective evaluation about continuing his candidacy.

A senior White House official, who requested anonymity, raised alarms over Biden's declining mental sharpness and advised against his re-election bid. This official noted Biden’s recent faltering during public appearances and stressed the visible signs of aging in recent months.

Concerns Mount as Public Missteps Continue

Among Biden’s recent missteps was freezing momentarily at a White House Juneteenth celebration and making an erroneous reference to an 'Italian' cemetery. He also confused his own role with that of Vice President Harris during an interview.

Reports of Biden requiring stage management at the G7 summit, along with observations of fatigue from his entourage, further fueled concerns. French officials noted Biden's team's protective behavior, which hinted at underlying health worries.

Steps taken to mitigate Biden's on-air blunders include shorter Air Force One stairs and scheduled recovery breaks. Despite these measures, White House aides assert that Biden remains physically and mentally capable of serving until 2028, when he will be 86 years old.


As discussions about President Biden's future intensify, the White House emphasizes the necessity of detailed preparations for any president amid public missteps and a shifting political landscape. Democratic leaders, including Rep. Adam Schiff, are urging Biden to consider stepping aside for the benefit of the nation and the party, highlighting concerns about his age-related capabilities. The release of these documents and the resulting conversations among lawmakers highlight serious worries about Biden's cognitive health, with significant implications for the 2022 election.

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About Ashton Snyder

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