Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 12, 2024

Marla Maples Open to VP Role in Trump's 2024 Campaign

As reported by Times of India, Marla Maples, ex-wife of former US President Donald Trump, has expressed her willingness to support and potentially serve as his running mate in his 2024 presidential campaign.

Maples, who recently marked her 60th birthday, shared her readiness to assist Trump in his pursuit of a second term in an interview with The Evening Standard. This was her first media engagement in nearly a decade. She asserted that the entire Trump family is united in support of his bid for the presidency.

The former First Lady expressed her belief in Trump's innocence amid his ongoing legal battles, which include a lawsuit by Jean E. Carroll and the Manhattan hush money trial. She criticized the media's focus on Trump's scandals, stressing the need to prioritize critical national concerns such as public safety.

First Public Comments in a Decade

"I'm ready. I am available if needed and I'm not sitting back anymore," Maples declared. Her commitment to playing an active role in Trump's campaign is clear, with sources hinting that she may be considered for the vice presidential position.

Trump's announcement regarding his choice of vice presidential candidate is anticipated in the coming week. As the former president navigates the legal system, Maples stands firmly by his side, ready to support him in any capacity necessary.

Maples and Trump began their relationship at a 1985 charity event and later married in 1993. Despite separating in May 1997 and finalizing their divorce in 1999, Maples has maintained a forgiving stance towards Trump, focusing on their shared history and mutual respect.

Support Despite Legal Hurdles

"I do know my daughter's father well enough to know that he's never had to push himself on another person. He's always had women throw themselves on him instead," Maples said, defending Trump against allegations. She remains convinced that he has committed no crime, stating, "I don't believe there was a crime done."

Maples previously advised Trump against a presidential run in the 1990s, but by 2022, the two appeared amicable at their daughter Tiffany Trump's wedding. This signifies a continued underlying connection despite past marital challenges.

Reflecting on her potential role in the upcoming campaign, Maples remarked, "Someone would have to ask my ex-husband about that." She expressed her openness to serve in whatever capacity might be needed, saying, "I'm open. I'm open to whatever way that I can serve. Right now everyone [in the Trump family] is just seeing how we can help."

Trump Family’s Unified Stance

The Trump family appears unified in their dedication to supporting Donald Trump's 2024 run. Marla Maples' candid remarks underscore her unwavering belief in his political beliefs and her desire to contribute meaningfully to his campaign.

The looming question of who Trump will select as his running mate has prompted much speculation. Maples' openness to the role adds an interesting dynamic to the unfolding political scene. As the announcement draws nearer, the Trump camp remains tight-lipped about the final decision.

In conclusion, Marla Maples has stepped forward to support Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign, potentially offering to serve as his vice-presidential running mate. Despite Trump's legal entanglements, Maples focuses on broader national issues, criticizes the media's emphasis on scandals, and highlights the Trump family's solidarity.

As Maples asserts, she is "ready" and "available" to assist in any required capacity, emphasizing her belief in Trump's innocence and the importance of moving past the legal distractions to address the country's pressing challenges.

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