Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 19, 2024

Obama Raises Concerns Over Biden's Re-election Prospects

Barack Obama has stirred up concerns about President Joe Biden's chances of winning re-election.

According to the Washington Post, Obama has urged Biden to reconsider his candidacy amid widespread concerns about his re-election chances and the impact on his legacy.

Former President Barack Obama has recently conveyed his worries about Joe Biden’s diminishing path to re-election. As concerns grew among Democrats, Obama emphasized that Biden should re-evaluate his decision to run.

Since the last debate, Obama has spoken directly to Biden only once, urging him to assess his candidature's future. In addition, Obama has been in discussions with various key Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Obama Steps Up as Political Counselor

Obama has notably taken on a more significant advisory role. His spokesperson, however, declined to comment on these matters. Obama underscored his commitment to protecting Biden and his legacy, which he believes is at risk should Republicans win.

The former president has noted troubling polling trends and concerns over dwindling donor support for Biden. Despite these issues, Biden’s campaign maintains a confident front, with campaign adviser Quentin Fulks affirming Biden's determination.

On Wednesday, Biden tested positive for coronavirus and has since retreated to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, to quarantine. His campaign continues to project confidence, but anxiety within the Democratic Party is palpable.

Democratic Leaders Express Growing Anxiety Over Biden's Prospects

Top Democrats like House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer have cautioned Biden about broader concerns within the party. Pelosi, meanwhile, has been actively engaged in efforts to counter any moves toward Biden withdrawing from the race.

Obama’s influence remains substantial due to his prior leadership and longstanding friendship with Biden. Key former Obama aides like David Axelrod and prominent figures like the Crooked Media podcasters have voiced skepticism about Biden’s viability as a candidate.

National polls reveal Biden’s lagging performance in critical northern battleground states. Simultaneously, there is speculation that former President Donald Trump may gain momentum from recent political events and the forthcoming nominating convention.

Obama's Role Intensifies Amid Party Divisions

Obama’s apprehensions about Biden’s re-election chances have deepened since an earlier, undisclosed conversation. Some Biden aides feel Obama's activities have contributed to party disunity.

Following the debate, Obama publicly defended Biden in a supportive social media post. Yet, Biden’s camp believes Obama could have preempted actor George Clooney’s op-ed that urged Biden to step aside, which was published despite Jeffrey Katzenberg's objections.

In conclusion, Barack Obama’s concerns about Joe Biden's pathway to re-election reflect a broader unease within the Democratic Party. Despite campaign assurances, Biden faces internal and external challenges as he seeks to maintain party unity and voter confidence. With key Democratic figures actively engaged and national polls suggesting a tough battle ahead, the coming months will be critical for Biden's political future.

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