Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 24, 2024

Resolution Criticizing Kamala Harris’ Border Management Advances

A House panel has approved a resolution condemning Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the border after a special session according to Fox News.

This development follows President Biden's announcement that he will not seek re-election, leading Harris to announce her candidacy for the White House.

The House Rules Committee convened on Tuesday to vote on the resolution, initiated in response to growing concerns about Harris' approach to border security. The meeting was slated on Monday night, catching many by surprise due to its sudden scheduling.

President Biden, at 81 years old, revealed on Sunday that he would not pursue a second term, bowing to pressure from within his party. His decision set the stage for Vice President Harris to declare her intention to run for president.

Political Timing and Accusations

The resolution passed along party lines, with House Rules Committee Chairman Michael Burgess, R-Texas, acknowledging the political nature of the timing. "Everything's gonna be political this year," he remarked, asserting that the significance of border security transcends political timetables.

Republicans have long criticized Harris for her handling of border issues, particularly in her role as the designated "border czar" since 2021. Despite multiple visits to Latin America, including a trip to Honduras in 2022, her efforts have been deemed insufficient by her critics.

Adding to the scrutiny, it was revealed that Harris has not communicated with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens since he assumed his role last year. This lack of direct engagement has raised eyebrows and further fueled Republican allegations of mismanagement.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates countered these criticisms, accusing Republicans of deliberately obstructing vital resources for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol. He emphasized that the Biden-Harris Administration's executive actions have successfully reduced unauthorized crossings compared to the previous administration.

White House Defends Harris’ Performance

"As we speak, congressional Republicans continue their months-long blockade of critical resources for ICE and the Border Patrol in the tough bipartisan border security agreement supported by the Biden-Harris Administration," Bates stated. He accused Republicans of prioritizing their allegiance to former President Donald Trump over national security.

Burgess, however, pointed to recent tragedies involving American citizens and individuals who had entered the country unlawfully. In June, six Americans were reportedly killed by people who "had no business being here," according to Burgess, underscoring what he views as a failure of the current administration to protect the borders.

The passage of the resolution condemning Harris marks a significant political maneuver as she prepares for her presidential bid. The Republicans' action is likely to be a contentious issue in the upcoming election cycle.

The Biden-Harris Administration remains steadfast in their belief that their approach to border security has been effective. They assert that their policies have resulted in a notable decrease in unauthorized border crossings compared to when Trump left office.

The emergency session on Tuesday highlights the ongoing, deeply polarized debate over border management. It also illuminates the broader political landscape, where every action is scrutinized and often politicized, especially in an election year.


To conclude, a key House panel passed a resolution criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the border.

This occurred during an emergency session convened on Tuesday, following President Biden's announcement of not seeking re-election and Harris' subsequent announcement of her candidacy.

The House Rules Committee's decision came along party lines, with Republicans accusing Harris of failing in her "border czar" responsibilities. Harris' lack of direct communication with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens and her criticized trips to Latin America further complicated her position.

The White House defended its actions, blaming Republicans for blocking essential resources. Burgess highlighted the urgency with recent tragic incidents involving unauthorized individuals. The resolution's passage is a pivotal moment as Harris embarks on her presidential campaign.

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About Ashton Snyder

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