Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 31, 2024

Psaki Apologizes For Misleading Afghanistan Watch Comments

According to Fox News, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki apologized to Gold Star families for her previous comments, denying that President Biden checked his watch during a dignified transfer ceremony.

Psaki's apology occurred during a House Foreign Affairs Committee interview examining the 2021 Afghanistan evacuation.

On a Friday, Psaki agreed to a transcribed session with the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The focal point was the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Psaki faced scrutiny for making multiple unsubstantiated claims about the incident.

Psaki Faces Intense Questioning In an Interview

House Foreign Affairs Committee members questioned Psaki extensively about her prior statements, especially those contradicting the experiences of Gold Star families. The session re-examined an incident where Biden appeared to check his watch multiple times during a solemn event.

Leslie Shedd, the majority spokeswoman for the committee, described the exchange. "The chairman asked Psaki about her remarks regarding Biden's actions at Dover Air Force Base," Shedd revealed. "After being pressed multiple times, Psaki asked if the chairman could relay her apology to the families."

The former press secretary conveyed her profound regret to the chairman, hoping to ease the pain caused. GOP Florida Representative Mike Waltz later confirmed Psaki's contrition via a statement on X, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the families' distress.

Rep. Waltz Praises Psaki's Apology

Representative Waltz expressed his approval of Psaki's actions. In a message posted on X (formerly Twitter), he mentioned the interview and lauded Psaki for apologizing to the families. Waltz did not view this as a partisan issue but as a necessary gesture of humanity.

"This isn’t a partisan or gotcha moment. This is the right thing to do as fellow Americans, and I pray she follows through," Waltz stated, reflecting a bipartisan sentiment for healing.

In response to inquiries from Fox News Digital, neither the Foreign Affairs Committee nor Psaki provided additional comments about the session. The committee referenced a video of Biden's actions during the Dover ceremony, prompting the initial outcry from the Gold Star families.

Discrepancies In Psaki's Book Prompt Controversy

Psaki's "Say More" book fueled the controversy with claims that Biden checked his watch only once the ceremony concluded. This narrative contradicted the experiences relayed by the families of the fallen service members.

The backlash was swift and intense, leading Psaki to alter future editions of her book. Removal of the contentious passage directly resulted from the families' objections and the uproar that followed.

In May, Psaki came under heavy criticism for the statements in her book, further complicating her involvement with the Afghanistan withdrawal's portrayal. The episode highlighted the sensitivity surrounding the evacuation and the broader impacts on those directly affected.

Ultimately, the interview highlighted the ongoing need for transparency and sensitivity in discussing the 2021 Afghanistan evacuation. For the families who lost loved ones, these reflections and acknowledgments serve as vital steps in their healing journeys.

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