Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 6, 2024

Report: Nearly 100 Terror-Linked Migrants Released

According to Fox News, a recent House report indicates that nearly 100 illegal immigrants on the terror watch list have been released into the United States during the Biden administration, raising significant concerns about national security.

The report underscores the increasing number of migrants from high-risk countries being encountered at the southwest border and the potential threat they pose.

Prepared by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, the report details that more than 250 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were stopped at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021 and 2023. Out of these, at least 99 were released into various American communities. Meanwhile, 34 remain in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody but have not yet been removed from the country.

Concerns Over Migrants from High-Risk Countries

Additionally, the report highlights that immigration judges granted bonds to at least 27 of these individuals who entered illegally. Border Patrol has also encountered tens of thousands of migrants hailing from nations deemed high-risk, including Afghan, Chinese, Iranian, Syrian, and Uzbek nationals among others. Specifically, there were 2,134 Afghan, 33,347 Chinese, 541 Iranian, 520 Syrian, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.

The situation is further complicated by nearly 2 million 'gotaways'—migrants who have evaded Border Patrol—since the beginning of the Biden administration. These individuals' origins span 36 different countries, some of which are known for active terror presences, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, and Yemen.

According to the House report, the Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS) encompasses both known or suspected terrorists and others considered a "potential threat." The number of encounters involving persons on the watchlist has surged by over 3,000% since President Biden took office in 2021.

Bipartisan Blame and National Security Concerns

The Biden administration attributes the crisis to inadequate funding and lack of comprehensive reforms, blaming Republicans for failing to address a “broken” immigration system. Conversely, Republicans pin the rising numbers on the current administration's rollback of Trump-era policies, which they claim has exacerbated the problem.

Adding a layer of severity to the situation, DHS reported that an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network facilitated the entry of over 400 individuals from Eastern European and Central Asian countries into the U.S. Among them, eight Tajik nationals with connections to ISIS were arrested in urban centers like New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia after crossing the southern border. Three of these individuals made use of the CBP One phone application to arrange an appointment, while Border Patrol encountered four others.

The House report states, "Under the Biden-Harris Administration, of the more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist who were encountered by Border Patrol at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, DHS has released into American communities at least 99, with at least 34 others in DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States.”

Potential Terror Threat Raises Alarm

The report further emphasizes the potential danger posed by the nearly 2 million migrants who have evaded capture. It contends, "That does not include the untold numbers of potential terrorists that evaded Border Patrol to enter the United States as part of nearly 2 million ‘gotaways’ since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration."

One segment of the document warns that the current impact on national security could be dwarfed by future threats. "Although American communities already feel the disastrous effects of the Biden-Harris Administration’s immigration policies, the worst could still be yet to come," the report claims.

Echoing a growing sentiment among national security experts and immigration officials, the report urges immediate action:

With national security experts and immigration officials increasingly concerned about the threat of terrorism originating from the border, it is clear that policymakers must take all necessary steps to secure the border and stop the flow of illegal aliens. However, the Biden-Harris Administration has refused to address the national security nightmare created by its radical, open-borders agenda.

The public debate over immigration policies is likely to intensify as both sides of the political spectrum seek solutions to these pressing concerns. Whether through policy reform or increased funding, it remains to be seen how, or if, the reported issues will be effectively addressed moving forward.

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