Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 11, 2024

Mike Pence Steers Clear of 2024 Race, Criticizes GOP Policies

In a surprising turn of events, former Vice President Mike Pence has revealed his decision to forgo participation in the 2024 presidential race.

Instead of backing former President Donald Trump or current Vice President Kamala Harris, Pence will channel his efforts into promoting conservative causes through his advocacy group, as Just the News reports.

Speaking candidly, Pence confirmed he would not be supporting either Trump or Harris in the upcoming election. "For my part, I’m staying out of the presidential campaign," he explicitly stated. He further clarified his stance on distancing himself from the campaign dynamics dominating the political scene.

Pence's Critique of the GOP's Direction

Pence's decision comes with a sharp critique of some emerging trends within the Republican Party. "I cannot endorse this growing abandonment of our allies on the world stage that’s taken hold in parts of our party," he remarked. His words reflect discontent with what he sees as an increasing isolationist sentiment among some GOP members.

A particular point of concern for Pence is the national debt, which recently hit a staggering $35 trillion. "I cannot endorse ignoring our national debt that reached $35 trillion just in the last week," he remarked, pointing out what he sees as fiscal irresponsibility among his peers.

Another significant issue for Pence is the apparent shift in the party's approach to the right to life, a cornerstone for many conservatives. "I cannot support marginalizing the right to life in our party as we saw in our national platform," he stated, highlighting a potential rift in core conservative values.

Pence's Continued Advocacy and Financial Support

Despite distancing himself from the presidential campaign, Pence remains committed to conservative principles through his advocacy group. This organization is set to invest $20 million in various conservative causes, ensuring that his influence continues to shape the national dialogue.

The advocacy group's efforts will not be limited to broad causes but will also extend to supporting candidates aligned with conservative values. This approach underscores Pence's belief in influencing the political sphere from the grassroots level rather than the top-down approach of a presidential campaign.

Pence's critiques also reached back to the controversial events of Jan. 6, 2021, when the Capitol unrest shook the nation. His condemnation of Trump’s actions during this period remains a poignant reminder of their ideological differences.

A Strategic Withdrawal from the Race

By opting out of the 2024 presidential race, Pence sends a clear message about his priorities and the direction he wishes to take. His departure from the campaign trail signifies a strategic pivot towards nurturing conservative causes from outside the nation's highest office.

The advocacy group's financial commitment serves as a testament to Pence's lasting dedication to conservative principles. His $20 million pledge is meant to ensure that these values continue to be represented in American politics.

As the election season progresses, it remains to be seen how Pence's absence will affect the Republican Party's dynamics. His critique of both Trump's influence and current GOP policies may resonate with a segment of the electorate seeking a return to traditional conservative values.

Mike Pence's decision to stay out of the 2024 presidential campaign marks a pivotal moment in his political journey. His choice not to support Donald Trump or Kamala Harris demonstrates a clear break from the current political climate and a firm stance on key issues.

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About Ashton Snyder

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