Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 12, 2024

JD Vance Calls For Mass Deportations To Begin With 1 Million

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) stated on Sunday that the Trump administration should initiate mass deportations, beginning with one million individuals.

According to a report by Breitbart News, when asked about the feasibility of deporting 15 to 20 million people, Vance responded by emphasizing the need to start with achievable goals.

He suggested that the first step should be focusing on deporting violent criminals and making it more challenging to hire illegal labor.

Vance Criticizes Open Border Policies

In an interview with ABC's "This Week", Vance discussed the proposal for large-scale deportations, which has been a topic of discussion for both him and former President Donald Trump.

Vance attributed the current situation at the southern border to what he described as "open border policies" set by the "border czar." While the interviewer, Jonathan Karl, pointed out that the individual in question was not actually the border czar, Vance maintained that she had assumed the title based on media coverage.

The senator argued that the attitude towards the issue of illegal immigration needs to change. He acknowledged the presence of approximately 20 million individuals in the country illegally but stressed the importance of starting with what is achievable and progressing from there.

Vance criticized the failure of Vice President Kamala Harris to address the problem and emphasized the necessity of being willing to deport some individuals to maintain border security.

Trump's Stance on Mass Deportations

Former President Donald Trump has been a vocal proponent of mass deportations as a solution to illegal immigration. Vance's comments align with Trump's stance on the issue, highlighting the need for decisive action to address the situation at the southern border.

The proposal for large-scale deportations has generated significant debate and controversy, with critics questioning the practicality and ethical implications of such an approach. Supporters argue that it is a necessary measure to restore order and enforce immigration laws.

Vance's Plan for Addressing Illegal Immigration

Vance outlined his approach to tackling illegal immigration, which involves starting with the deportation of violent criminals and making it more difficult for employers to hire illegal labor. He believes that these steps would go a long way in resolving the issue.

The senator emphasized the importance of starting with an achievable goal, such as deporting one million individuals, and then progressively working towards addressing the larger problem. He criticized the focus on the logistics of deporting 18 million people and instead advocated for a phased approach.

Vance's plan also includes measures to strengthen border security and deter illegal crossings. He argued that the failure to take decisive action has contributed to the current crisis at the southern border.

In conclusion, Senator JD Vance has called for the Trump administration to initiate mass deportations, beginning with one million individuals. He criticized the current open border policies and emphasized the need for a phased approach to addressing illegal immigration. The senator's plan involves targeting violent criminals, making it harder to hire illegal labor, and progressively working towards resolving the broader issue of illegal immigration in the United States.

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