Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 13, 2024

Hunter Biden’s Payments from Romanian Businessman Under Scrutiny

Evidence has emerged in Hunter Biden's federal tax trial, raising serious questions about his past business dealings and the U.S. government’s response.

According to Conservative Brief, Hunter Biden is accused of receiving payments from a Romanian businessman in exchange for influencing U.S. policy.

The trial, which is taking place in California, is centered around allegations that Biden accepted payments from foreign governments, including Romania, in violation of U.S. law. This case has drawn attention to a whistleblower testimony from last year that accused the Department of Justice of allowing crucial evidence to lapse under the statute of limitations, shielding Biden from prosecution.

Whistleblower Testimony Supported by Evidence

Federal prosecutors are set to introduce evidence indicating that Hunter Biden and his associates received payments from Romanian businessman Gabriel Popoviciu, purportedly to influence U.S. policy and public opinion to benefit Popoviciu, particularly in relation to a criminal case against him in Romania.

This evidence supports allegations made by whistleblowers who testified before Congress last year, claiming that the Department of Justice possessed substantial proof of Biden's misconduct but failed to prosecute before the statute of limitations expired.

Tristan Leavitt, President of Empower Oversight, has publicly voiced his disappointment with the Department of Justice, accusing it of failing to enforce the law. His sentiments reflect those of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who asserted that the investigation into Biden was deliberately stalled, resulting in the statute of limitations running out.

Allegations of Influence Peddling and Legal Violations

The government’s legal team has clarified that they do not intend to merely reference allegations during the trial. Instead, they will present concrete evidence showing that Biden and his associates received compensation to alter U.S. policy. This strategy aims to establish a clear link between the payments and the intended political influence.

The Romanian businessman, Gabriel Popoviciu, who was under investigation in his home country, reportedly sought Biden’s assistance to end the investigation. Popoviciu was eventually sentenced to seven years in prison in Romania in 2017 for real estate fraud.

Concerns Over Political Ramifications

The case also revealed concerns about the potential political fallout of Hunter Biden’s father, President Joe Biden. Business Associate 1, who was involved with Biden in this venture, expressed worries about the political implications of their actions.

These concerns were significant enough to prompt the formation of a management services company, which was allegedly used to disguise payments from Popoviciu.

In a related development, Hunter Biden’s legal team requested in July that any evidence of “alleged improper political influence” be excluded from the trial. They argued that such evidence could prejudice the jury and distract from the primary issues at hand.

Despite this request, federal prosecutors have made it clear that they will present the evidence of payments from Popoviciu. This evidence is crucial to establishing that Biden’s actions were not merely unethical but potentially illegal under U.S. law.


Hunter Biden is set to face a federal tax trial in California, where evidence will reportedly show he and his associates received payments from a Romanian businessman to influence U.S. policy. This case aligns with whistleblower testimony suggesting that the Department of Justice had evidence of Hunter's involvement in crimes but did not act before the statute of limitations expired. The evidence suggests these activities were intended to affect U.S. policy and public opinion, particularly concerning investigations in Romania.

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About Ashton Snyder

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