Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 15, 2024

Occidental College Faces Backlash After Letting Go Conservative Economics Professor

Fox News reported that Occidental College in Los Angeles faces mounting criticism after it decided not to renew the contract of Daron Djerdjian, a conservative economics professor.

Daron Djerdjian, who had been teaching at Occidental since 2010, was a well-regarded figure among students. His courses, focusing on free-market economics, were popular, and he was recognized as the sole professor on campus to offer this perspective.

Despite his popularity, the college chose not to renew his contract for the 2023-2024 academic year, which has left many in the college community questioning its motives.

The Loss of Conservative Perspectives

The situation has led to a petition signed by approximately 400 students and alumni, calling for the college to reconsider its decision. The petition highlights the significant loss to the academic environment at Occidental if Djerdjian were to depart, particularly noting his unique position in the economics department. The students argue that his departure would deprive them of a vital viewpoint in their education that challenges prevailing ideas and stimulates robust debate.

One student, Rayna Singh, remarked on the absence of other faculty members who teach from a free-market perspective, emphasizing Djerdjian’s critical role in the department. The petitioners have expressed their belief that the ideological diversity Occidental claims to uphold without his presence will be severely compromised.

Two anonymous faculty members have also come forward in Djerdjian’s defense, suggesting that his dismissal was not due to academic reasons but rather because of his political stance. They argue that this move could have long-term consequences for students, who will now be exposed to a more homogenous set of ideas within the economics curriculum.

Occidental's Shift in Economics Focus

In recent years, Occidental’s economics department has shifted its focus toward topics such as fair trade and market failures, aligning more closely with progressive economic theories. This transition has led some to speculate that Djerdjian’s conservative approach was increasingly at odds with the department’s direction.

Mark Skousen, a prominent economist and critic of the decision, has pointed out the irony of a college that champions diversity, equity, and inclusion while seemingly sidelining a faculty member who offered a different perspective.

Skousen highlighted the growing tendency within the department to prioritize viewpoints aligned with Keynesian economics over those associated with figures like Milton Friedman.

For its part, Occidental College has maintained that its decision was based on standard academic considerations, including curricular needs and student demand. A spokesperson for the college stated that non-tenure track faculty appointments, such as Djerdjian’s, are subject to change depending on these factors and that the college remains committed to providing students with a variety of perspectives in their education.

Concerns Over Academic Freedom and Diversity

Despite the college’s assurances, the decision has left many in the academic community uneasy. The concern is not just about Djerdjian’s departure but about what it might signify for Occidental's broader climate of academic freedom. Critics fear that the college’s actions could dissuade other faculty members from expressing viewpoints that deviate from the majority, leading to a narrowing of discourse on campus.

The situation at Occidental College is ongoing, with no clear resolution in sight. As the academic year progresses, the college community will be watching closely to see how the administration addresses these concerns and whether any steps will be taken to ensure that diverse viewpoints continue to be represented on campus.

In summary, Occidental College is facing criticism for not renewing Daron Djerdjian’s contract, with accusations that the decision was politically motivated. Students and faculty members argue that this move threatens the ideological diversity that is vital to the academic environment, while the college insists that the decision was based on academic factors. The outcome of this controversy could have significant implications for the future of free discourse at Occidental and beyond.

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