Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 20, 2024

Prince Harry's Unfulfilled Dream: Isolation and Disappointment Surface Amid Colombia Tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's quasi-royal tour of Colombia has come to a close, with the couple engaging in various cultural activities and public appearances.

According to a report from the Daily Mail, despite the Duke of Sussex's outward displays of joy and enthusiasm, sources close to him suggest he may be harboring feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction with his current situation in America.

The tour concluded in Cali on Sunday, and the Duchess of Sussex delivered a speech on "Afro women and power," partly in Spanish. However, beneath the surface of these public engagements, one of Harry's oldest friends claims that the prince is struggling with his new life away from Britain.

Prince Harry's Alleged Discontent With American Life

According to a friend who spoke to The Times, Prince Harry is described as "an angry boy" whose circumstances haven't unfolded as he had hoped.

The source, who claims to be among the few still in contact with the Duke, suggested that Harry misses his life in Britain and yearns for the admiration he once received.

The friend stated:

He's an angry boy. Things haven't turned out how he wanted. I think he misses being over here [in Britain] desperately and wants to be admired more. Anyone who knows him feels he'd rather be top of the pops here with everyone loving him, as they do with William and Kate.

This revelation paints a picture of a prince potentially struggling to adapt to his new life across the Atlantic despite the public facade of contentment.

Another source, who has known Harry since his teenage years, speculated that the Duke likely misses aspects of his former life in England.

This includes socializing at pubs and enjoying the countryside with friends - activities that formed a significant part of his pre-royal exit routine.

Royal Commentator's Perspective On The Tour

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams offered his analysis of the Colombia tour, particularly focusing on Meghan's speech in Cali. He suggested that her remarks about fixing wrongs and promoting love and kindness seemed "extremely selective" given the ongoing rift with the royal family.

Fitzwilliams also pointed out the apparent contradiction in the couple's stance on security. He noted:

The problem is the disastrous optics of saying Britain is "too dangerous" to visit and going to Colombia, which is notorious for its high levels of crime. This is absurd, the fact that Harry is involved in a battle with the Home Office over levels of security which he may win, does not alter the fact that he reportedly preferred a hotel to Buckingham Palace when he was last in Britain. It doesn't make any sense.

This commentary highlights the complexities surrounding the Sussexes' public appearances and statements.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's tour of Colombia has concluded, but it has sparked discussions about Harry's contentment with his new life in America. Sources close to the prince suggest he may be missing aspects of his former life in Britain, including old friendships and routines. While outwardly successful, the tour itself has been subject to analysis regarding the couple's statements and choices, particularly in light of ongoing tensions with the royal family.

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