Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 29, 2024

The Biden Administration Seeks To Ensure Continuity At The Department Of Justice

Recent actions by the Biden-Harris administration have raised questions about their confidence in Kamala Harris's ability to win the upcoming presidential election.

According to an analysis by PJ Media, the administration's behavior suggests they may be preparing for a potential Trump victory in 2024.

The commentary points to two main pieces of evidence: the latest indictment against former President Donald Trump by special counsel Jack Smith, and the administration's use of a little-known hiring mechanism to staff key positions in the Department of Justice (DOJ). These actions, the analysis argues, indicate that the Biden-Harris team may be bracing for a possible return of Trump to the White House.

Latest Indictment Against Trump Raises Questions

Despite the Supreme Court's earlier ruling on immunity that significantly weakened Smith's case, the special counsel has brought forth a new indictment against Trump. This move, coming just months before the presidential election, has been interpreted by some as an attempt to use the Justice Department to hinder Trump's candidacy.

The timing and persistence of these legal actions have led to speculation about the administration's motives. Critics argue that if the Biden-Harris team were truly confident in their electoral prospects, such aggressive legal pursuits might not be necessary.

The continued use of the Justice Department in this manner has raised concerns about the politicization of federal law enforcement agencies and the potential impact on the upcoming election.

DOJ Staffing Strategy Suggests Preparation For Transition

According to documents obtained by The Daily Caller, the Biden-Harris administration has been using a hiring mechanism known as "Schedule A" to staff key divisions of the Department of Justice. This method allows for appointments that do not expire at the end of the current president's term.

The Environmental and Natural Resources, Antitrust, and Immigration Review divisions have seen hundreds of new hires, primarily lawyers and judges, appointed through this process. Critics argue that this strategy aims to "Trump-proof" these departments, ensuring that Biden-Harris policies remain in place even if there's a change in administration.

Michael Chamberlain, Director of Protect the Public's Trust, stated:

The Biden-Harris administration and its allies have already signaled their intent to hamstring their successor and prevent a future president from reversing their agenda. Exploiting non-competitive hiring authorities to fill career civil service positions could be just another component of this scheme. It's no wonder that the public's trust in its government has all but disappeared.

Immigration Judges Appointed Through Non-Traditional Means

The report highlights that over 100 immigration judges have been appointed to the Immigration Review division using the Schedule A hiring process. This bypasses the usual merit-based system for selecting judges who decide on cases involving non-citizens in the United States.

Given the current backlog of immigration cases, which has grown from 1.3 million at the end of 2020 to 3 million under the current administration, these appointments could have significant long-term impacts on immigration policy enforcement.

Critics argue that this hiring method may be used to install judges who are more likely to support the administration's immigration policies, potentially creating challenges for future administrations with different policy goals.


The Biden-Harris administration's recent actions, including renewed legal efforts against Trump and strategic staffing of key DOJ positions, have led to speculation about their confidence in the upcoming election. The use of special hiring mechanisms to appoint officials in crucial roles, particularly those that will outlast the current administration, suggests preparation for a potential transition of power. These moves have sparked debate about the long-term implications for government operations and policy implementation beyond the 2024 election.

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About Ashton Snyder

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