Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 30, 2024

Ancient Seal Unearthed in Jerusalem Confirms Biblical Accounts

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed a rare stone seal dating back to the First Temple period, providing compelling evidence of Jerusalem's biblical importance 2,700 years ago.

According to a Fox News report, the discovery was made in the City of David National Park, marking one of the oldest finds made in the area since excavations began.

The black stone seal, described as one of the most beautiful ever found in ancient Jerusalem excavations, showcases exceptional artistic craftsmanship. It features a winged figure and a Hebrew name inscribed in paleo-Hebrew script, offering insights into the literacy and cultural influences of the time.

Seal's Unique Features And Historical Significance

Dr. Yuval Baruch and Navot Rom, the excavation directors, emphasized the seal's rarity and artistic value. The artifact depicts a winged genie in Neo-Assyrian style, reflecting the Assyrian Empire's influence in the region during the 7th and 8th centuries BCE.

The seal bears the inscription "LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu" in paleo-Hebrew script. This name bears similarities to biblical references, including a shortened form mentioned in Chronicles as one of King David's fighters. Experts believe the seal's owner held a senior position in the Kingdom of Judah's administration. The presence of a drilled hole suggests it was worn as an amulet, further indicating its importance.

Implications For Understanding Ancient Jerusalem

Dr. Filip Vukosavovic, an archaeologist and Assyriologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority, highlighted the uniqueness of this find. He stated:

The seal, made of black stone, is one of the most beautiful ever discovered in excavations in ancient Jerusalem, and is executed at the highest artistic level.

This discovery challenges previous assumptions about literacy in ancient Jerusalem. Dr. Baruch suggested that reading and writing abilities were more widespread than previously thought, extending beyond society's elite.

The seal's artistic style and cultural influences provide valuable insights into the cosmopolitan nature of ancient Jerusalem. It demonstrates the city's connections to broader regional cultures, particularly the Assyrian Empire.

Affirmation Of Jerusalem's Biblical Heritage

Ze'ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs for the City of David Foundation, emphasized the significance of this discovery in affirming Jerusalem's biblical heritage. He stated:

This singular find joins the list of countless archeological discoveries in the City of David - the historic site of Biblical Jerusalem - affirming Jerusalem's Biblical heritage.

The seal adds to the growing body of archaeological evidence supporting Jerusalem's importance during the First Temple period. It provides tangible proof of the city's administrative and cultural significance in the ancient world.

Public Display And Future Research

Israeli Minister of Heritage Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu praised the find, describing it as a "spectacular and unique" discovery that offers a window into the Kingdom of Judah's past and its international connections.

The City of David team intends to exhibit the newly discovered seal to the public on September 4 and 5, during its annual research conference. This significant find is anticipated to enhance understanding of ancient Jerusalem, potentially shedding light on its political and cultural influence, as well as its administrative and international relations during the First Temple period.


The discovery of this ancient seal in Jerusalem provides tangible evidence of the city's biblical significance 2,700 years ago. It offers insights into literacy levels, artistic styles, and cultural influences of the time. The seal's unique features and historical context make it a valuable addition to our understanding of ancient Jerusalem. Its public display will allow people to connect with this piece of history and spark further interest in archaeological research in the region.

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