Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 21, 2024

Trump Earns Higher Favorability Than Taylor Swift in Recent Poll

Former President Donald Trump outpaced pop superstar Taylor Swift in a new poll measuring favorability among likely voters.

The survey revealed that Trump was perceived more positively than Swift, with Vice President Kamala Harris also factoring closely into the results, as Just the News reports.

The poll, conducted from Sept. 11 to Sept. 16, was a collaboration between the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College. It surveyed 2,436 likely voters nationally to assess favorability ratings for major public figures, including Trump, Swift, and Harris.

According to the results, Trump, the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, garnered a 47% favorability rating. Swift, a cultural icon and widely popular figure in the entertainment industry, followed closely with a 44% favorability rating.

Swift's Popularity Trails Behind Trump In Poll

Despite her global fame, 34% of respondents held unfavorable views of Taylor Swift, a relatively high number for a figure largely associated with entertainment rather than politics. However, Trump’s unfavorability rating was even higher, with 51% of respondents viewing him negatively.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party's nominee for the upcoming presidential race, also saw mixed results in the poll. Forty-eight percent of respondents expressed a favorable view of Harris, while 49% viewed her unfavorably, placing her in a similar position to Trump and Swift in terms of public perception.

Notably, while Harris edged Trump in favorability by one percentage point, her unfavorable rating was almost identical to his, making all three figures somewhat divisive among likely voters.

National Poll Conducted Among Likely Voters

The poll’s margin of error is 3 percentage points, meaning that the close gap between Trump, Swift, and Harris in terms of favorability could shift slightly in either direction. Given the relatively small difference between these figures, public sentiment appears closely split on each of these prominent individuals.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Trump’s favorability numbers will likely be a key metric to watch. Despite his high unfavorable ratings, his strong base of support remains a critical factor in his political strategy.

While Swift is not formally involved in politics, her immense popularity and influence, particularly among younger voters, have positioned her as a cultural force that some see as having political implications. The poll results reflect her complex standing in the public eye.

Favorability Ratings Highlight Divisive Figures

In a political landscape where approval ratings for major figures often hover below 50%, this poll adds to the broader picture of public opinion on well-known individuals. According to a separate Gallup poll, both Harris and Trump have consistently remained below 50% in favorability, underscoring the deep political divides in the country.

For Taylor Swift, the poll results might suggest that while her fan base is large, there is also a notable segment of the public that views her unfavorably. In a politically charged environment, even non-political figures like Swift can find themselves subject to the polarizing views of the electorate.

With the 2024 presidential race on the horizon, Trump and Harris will likely continue to face scrutiny from voters, while Swift's influence remains tied more to her cultural presence than political involvement.

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About Ashton Snyder

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