Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 23, 2024

Oprah Steps In After VP's Vague Reply

A recent interview with Vice President Kamala Harris took an unexpected turn when host Oprah Winfrey intervened to clarify a question about border security.

According to Breitbart News, the incident occurred during a two-hour "Unite for America" livestream event hosted by Winfrey. The event, which featured Harris as the main guest, aimed to address various issues facing the country.

During the event, a young man posed a straightforward question to the Vice President, asking about her specific steps for strengthening the border. Harris's response, however, seemed to meander without directly addressing the query, prompting Winfrey to step in and rephrase the question.

Harris's Background And Border Experience

In her initial response, Harris highlighted her background as a prosecutor and her tenure as Attorney General of California, a border state. She emphasized her experience in prosecuting transnational criminal organizations involved in trafficking guns, drugs, and human beings.

The Vice President also stressed the importance of having a secure border and ensuring the safety of the American people. She attempted to establish her credibility on the issue by referencing her past work and familiarity with border-related challenges.

However, rather than outlining specific steps for strengthening the border, Harris shifted focus to a recent border security bill that failed to pass in Congress. She argued that the bill would have provided additional resources and support for border agents.

Political Blame And Failed Legislation

Harris's response took a political turn as she placed blame on former President Donald Trump for the failure of the border security bill. She accused Trump of instructing lawmakers not to bring the bill to a vote, suggesting that he preferred to campaign on the issue rather than solve it.

The Vice President characterized this move as putting personal political interests ahead of national security concerns. She contrasted this approach with her own, stating that her career has always been focused on fixing problems rather than running on them.

Throughout her response, Harris touched on various aspects of the border issue, including the need for more border agents, the fentanyl crisis, and the prosecution of transnational criminal organizations. However, she did not provide specific steps or plans for addressing these concerns.

Oprah's Intervention And Question Clarification

As Harris's response continued without directly answering the original question, Oprah Winfrey intervened. Recognizing that the Vice President had not provided the specific steps requested, Winfrey rephrased the question to bring the conversation back on track.

Winfrey asked:

So to answer Justin's question, now that that bill is gone and hasn't passed, will you introduce that?

Winfrey's question aimed to get a clearer response from Harris about her border security plans, to which Harris replied affirmatively with "Absolutely."


The "Unite for America" livestream event, intended to showcase Harris and address important national issues, became notable for this particular exchange on border security. The incident demonstrated the complexities of political communication and the role that interviewers can play in steering conversations towards more direct answers. Harris initially provided a lengthy response touching on her background and failed legislation, but did not offer specific steps for strengthening the border. Winfrey's rephrasing of the question ultimately elicited a brief affirmative response from the Vice President.

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