Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 30, 2024

Trump Mocks Harris as Mentally Impaired, Criticizes Biden's Leadership

Former President Donald Trump delivered a scathing critique of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during a recent campaign event in Wisconsin.

According to Breitbart News, Trump's remarks at the Wisconsin rally focused on questioning the mental acuity of both Biden and Harris. The former president's comments were met with enthusiastic applause from his supporters.

Trump's speech highlighted what he perceives as the current administration's failures in various policy areas. He specifically targeted Harris, criticizing her handling of issues such as inflation, border security, and foreign policy decisions, including the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Trump's Pointed Remarks On Leadership

During his address, Trump made a direct comparison between Biden and Harris, suggesting that while Biden's mental state had deteriorated over time, Harris had always been intellectually challenged. Trump stated:

Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.

This statement reflects Trump's consistent narrative questioning the competence of the current administration. It also aligns with broader criticisms from opponents who have expressed concerns about Biden's age and Harris's readiness for high office.

Trump's comments come in the wake of Biden's recent statement delegating significant responsibilities to Harris. The President reportedly entrusted Harris with overseeing both foreign and domestic policy matters, a move that has drawn attention and criticism from political opponents.

Public Perception And Polling Data

The former president's remarks also touched on public perception of Harris. He referenced polling data that suggests a significant portion of the American public views Harris as someone who tailors her statements to public sentiment rather than expressing genuine beliefs.

A recent Economist/YouGov poll cited in the report indicates that 48% of Americans believe Harris says what she thinks people want to hear, while only 36% believe she expresses her true convictions. This perception aligns with criticisms that portray Harris as a politically expedient figure rather than a leader with strong, consistent principles.

Harris's Approval Ratings And Media Coverage

Trump's speech also highlighted the trajectory of Harris's approval ratings throughout her vice presidency. Initially, Harris faced historically low approval ratings, with some polls showing her net negative rating at -17, the lowest for any vice president in U.S. history.

However, recent months have seen a significant improvement in Harris's public approval. Her rating rose from 28% in January 2024 to 32% in July, coinciding with Biden's decision to step aside. Most recently, Harris's approval rating has surged to 48%, representing a 16-point increase in just two months.

The rapid improvement in Harris's approval ratings has led to speculation about the factors contributing to this change. Some political commentators, like digital strategist Greg Price, attribute the shift to increased positive media coverage rather than any fundamental change in Harris's performance or policies.

Price suggested that the media's portrayal of Harris has become more favorable, potentially influencing public opinion without any substantive changes in her approach or achievements. This observation raises questions about the role of media in shaping political narratives and public perceptions of political figures.


Trump's speech in Wisconsin encapsulated his ongoing critique of the Biden-Harris administration, focusing on perceived mental fitness issues and policy failures. The former president's comments highlighted the contrasting public perceptions of Biden and Harris, as well as the evolving approval ratings of the Vice President. This event underscores the intensifying political rhetoric as the country moves closer to the next presidential election cycle, with Trump positioning himself as a vocal critic of the current administration and a potential candidate for the upcoming race.

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