Written by Ashton Snyder on
 October 14, 2024

Video Shows VP Hopeful Walz Struggling With Shotgun

A recent video of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz struggling to load a shotgun has ignited discussions about gun control and political authenticity.

According to Breitbart News, the footage shows Walz, a self-described hunter, awkwardly attempting to load a Beretta A400 semiautomatic shotgun while on the campaign trail.

The incident has raised questions about his familiarity with firearms and the sincerity of his claims regarding his hunting background.

In the video, Walz can be seen hunching over the firearm, visibly struggling with the loading process. At one point, he comments, "It never fits quite right," highlighting his apparent difficulty with the weapon. When questioned about the type of gun he was handling, Walz correctly identified it as a Beretta A400, a popular semiautomatic shotgun model.

This incident has garnered significant attention, particularly because Walz has frequently emphasized his hunting experience during his campaign. The stark contrast between his professed expertise and the fumbling display in the video has led to scrutiny from both supporters and critics alike.

Walz's Stance on Gun Control Raises Eyebrows

Despite his claims of being an avid hunter, Walz has been a vocal proponent of stricter gun control measures. His campaign platform includes support for an "assault weapons" ban, which would prohibit the sale and possession of many popular firearms, including the widely-owned AR-15 rifle.

This position has put Walz at odds with many gun rights advocates and Second Amendment supporters. Critics argue that his difficulty in handling a common hunting weapon undermines his credibility on firearms-related issues and calls into question his understanding of the practical aspects of gun ownership and use.

Walz's campaign has repeatedly highlighted his hunting background as a way to connect with rural and conservative voters. However, this recent incident may potentially damage that narrative and raise doubts about the authenticity of his claims about outdoor pursuits.

Connections to Gun Control Activists Fuel Controversy

Adding to the controversy surrounding Walz's stance on firearms is his reported close relationship with prominent gun control activist David Hogg. In a campaign event on October 3, 2024, Walz openly referred to Hogg as "a good friend of mine."

This association with a well-known gun control advocate has further complicated Walz's image among gun rights supporters and hunters, who may view it as contradictory to his claimed hunting background.

Impact on the Campaign Trail and Voter Perception

The viral video and subsequent discussions have the potential to impact Walz's campaign, particularly in regions where hunting and gun ownership are prevalent. Political analysts suggest that this incident could erode support among rural voters who prioritize Second Amendment rights and outdoor traditions.

Conversely, some supporters argue that Walz's stance on gun control, combined with his personal experience with firearms, positions him as a moderate voice in the often polarized debate on gun rights and regulation. They contend that his support for both hunting traditions and stricter gun laws demonstrates a balanced approach to a complex issue.


The video of Tim Walz struggling to load a shotgun has sparked a heated debate about gun control, political authenticity, and the qualifications necessary for crafting firearms legislation. This incident underscores the complex relationship between personal experience, policy positions, and public perception in the realm of gun rights and regulation. Moving forward, it will be crucial for candidates to navigate these issues with transparency and consistency to maintain credibility with voters on both sides of the gun debate.

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About Ashton Snyder

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