Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 12, 2024

ABC Allows Debate Rule Violation Early On

During Tuesday night's presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, ABC News appeared to breach its own established rules within the first 30 minutes of the event.

According to The Western Journal, the network allowed Harris to interrupt Trump while he was answering a question about abortion, despite an agreement to mute microphones during each candidate's speaking time.

The incident occurred as Trump was explaining his stance on abortion following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. While Trump was speaking, Harris interjected to claim that he would sign a national abortion ban if elected. This interruption contradicted the debate guidelines, which stipulated that candidates' microphones would be muted while their opponent was speaking.

Trump's Response To Harris's Interruption

Trump swiftly responded to Harris's interruption, asserting that her claim was false. He firmly stated that he had no intention of signing a national abortion ban, emphasizing that the issue had been returned to the states for the people to decide.

The former president challenged Harris's assertion, stating, "There she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban, and there's no reason to sign a ban because we've gotten what everybody wanted." This exchange highlighted the tension between the candidates on the controversial topic of abortion rights.

Trump also attempted to redirect the conversation by asking the moderator to question Harris about her stance on late-term abortions, specifically mentioning the seventh month of pregnancy. This move aimed to put Harris on the defensive and clarify her position on abortion restrictions.

Debate Rules And Moderation Concerns

The agreed-upon rules for the debate included a provision for muting microphones while the other candidate was speaking. This measure was intended to ensure fair speaking time and prevent interruptions during each candidate's allotted time to answer questions.

However, the incident with Harris's interruption raised questions about the enforcement of these rules. Some viewers expressed their concerns on social media, noting that only Trump's microphone seemed to be muted while Harris was allowed to speak over him.

One social media user commented on the apparent discrepancy, asking why Harris's microphone wasn't muted and why she was permitted to talk over Trump during his designated speaking time. This observation highlighted potential issues with the debate's moderation and adherence to the established guidelines.

Focus On Abortion In The Debate

The debate's emphasis on the abortion topic was notable, with a significant amount of time devoted to this issue. Some observers suggested that this focus might have been an attempt by ABC to give Harris an advantage, as polling indicates she performs better than Trump on this particular subject.

The exchange between the candidates revealed stark differences in their positions on abortion rights. While Trump emphasized the return of the issue to state control following the Supreme Court's decision, Harris pledged to reinstate Roe v. Wade through federal legislation if elected and if Congress passed such a law.

Trump challenged Harris to clarify her stance on late-term abortions, but she did not provide a specific response beyond expressing support for the "protections" of Roe v. Wade. This lack of detail on potential abortion restrictions from Harris left some questions unanswered about her precise position on the issue.


The presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was marked by controversy over adherence to established rules. ABC News allowed Harris to interrupt Trump during a discussion on abortion, contrary to the agreed-upon guidelines for muting microphones. Trump refuted Harris's claim that he would sign a national abortion ban, emphasizing the issue's return to state control. The debate's focus on abortion and the apparent inconsistency in rule enforcement sparked discussions about fairness and moderation in presidential debates.

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