Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 28, 2024

Actress Deceived in Clinton Film Scheme

The Peterhead Sheriff Court has sentenced Anne Mulloy to three years in prison for defrauding Helena Breck under the guise of producing a fictitious Clinton documentary. 

Anne Mulloy, 63, was convicted of defrauding Helena Breck, an actress known for her roles in Eastenders and Triangle. The fraudulent acts occurred from 2011 to 2017 and involved Mulloy soliciting loans from Breck under false pretenses.

According to BBC, Mulloy promised Breck the funds would secure access to Hillary Clinton's 2016 US presidential campaign. However, the documentary mentioned never existed, leaving Breck manipulated and out-of-pocket.

Fraudulent Claims and Broken Promises

Helena Breck is recognized for her portrayal of Elizabeth Willmott-Brown in Eastenders. The character was notably the spouse of James Willmott-Brown, who committed a significant offense against Kathy Beale in the series.

Breck's other notable work includes voicing the phrase "unexpected item in the bagging area" heard in many supermarket self-checkouts. This voice work is another testament to her diverse acting career.

Despite her successful career, Breck fell victim to a well-orchestrated scam executed by a trusted friend. Sheriff Craig Findlater emphasized that Mulloy's sustained fraud warranted a custodial sentence.

The Legal Proceedings and Sentencing

Initially charged with an £85,000 fraud, the offense was later amended to unspecified. The Crown's amendment did not lessen the severity of the charges Mulloy faced.

The legal proceedings, overseen by Sheriff Craig Findlater, culminated in a guilty verdict. In response to the decision, Breck expressed gratitude, indicating it brought some closure to the ordeal.

"I’m very grateful to learn of the guilty verdict," Breck stated. The sentiment highlights the relief and validation Breck felt after years of deceit.

Deception and Friendship Betrayed

Mulloy’s fraudulent activities extended over six years, during which she repeatedly asked Breck for loans. These loans were based on the promise of a lucrative documentary project with high-profile access, which never materialized.

From 2011 to 2017, Mulloy continuously misled Breck about the documentary's progress. This sustained deceit indicates a calculated effort to exploit Breck's trust and financial standing.

The Impact and Conclusion

Anne Mulloy's sentencing to three years in prison serves as a strong warning against fraudulent actions, aiming to deliver justice and deter future offenses.

Her deception involved false promises linked to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, which added credibility to her scam. Despite the sentencing, Helena Breck faces significant emotional and financial impacts, underscoring the need for vigilance even in dealings with close friends to avoid such schemes.

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