Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 22, 2024

Advisor to Fauci Allegedly Bragged About Making Emails 'Vanish'

A top advisor to Anthony Fauci, Dr. David Morens, is under scrutiny for allegedly bragging about deleting sensitive emails to avoid scrutiny.

According to Daily Mail, this has prompted concerns over potential obstructions in the investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Congressional hearings and subpoenas have been issued to unravel the extent of these actions and their implications.

Dr. David Morens, who served as Anthony Fauci's senior advisor from 1998 until 2022, has come under the spotlight following revelations about his email practices. Lawmakers disclosed these comments last Thursday amid their ongoing probe into COVID-19's origins. Some of Morens' emails, acquired through a congressional subpoena, were read aloud by House Oversight Chairman James Comer.

Revelations From Email Correspondence

Morens, currently working at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), communicated with Peter Daszak regarding the deletion of emails to sidestep Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures. EcoHealth Alliance, Daszak's organization, had previously faced suspension of federal funds for contracting contentious coronavirus research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In his emails, Morens commented on methods to make communications vanish and emphasized avoiding the creation of "smoking guns." His candid statements have raised concerns over the lack of transparency and potential efforts to conceal critical information about coronavirus research.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, including allocations from Fauci and his advisors, went to EcoHealth Alliance for risky coronavirus studies. EcoHealth, in turn, subcontracted work to the Wuhan lab, where insufficient oversight may have played a role in the pandemic's onset in 2020.

Concerns Over Potential Cover-Ups and Transparency

Congressman Brad Wenstrup voiced concern about the possible cover-ups arising from erasing federal records. Wenstrup's committee has unveiled emails showing Morens' inclination to use his personal email account to dodge scrutiny. These messages, dating back to 2021, revealed that Morens resorted to Gmail to avoid relentless FOIA requests.

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic demanded Morens' testimony and all of his Gmail communications related to COVID-19's origins. On April 30, Morens handed over approximately 30,000 emails to the committee, which are now subject to thorough examination.

During a recent hearing, Lawrence Tabak, the former acting director of NIH, confirmed that Morens' actions were inconsistent with NIH's document retention policies. This admission raises questions regarding the integrity and adherence to protocols within the NIH.

Public Scrutiny and Calls for Accountability

US Right to Know, an advocacy group, has been pressing the NIH to release emails related to COVID-19's origins. Gary Ruskin, the executive director, has criticized NIH for thwarting public records requests and obscuring essential information about the virus's origins. Ruskin has condemned NIH's conduct as both abysmal and reprehensible, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.

Morens is expected to provide testimony soon, shedding light on his email practices and their ramifications. This testimony is anticipated to clarify the consequences of his actions on democratic transparency and offer insights into NIH's internal operations.

As the investigation proceeds, Congress and the public will gain a more in-depth understanding of the events and decisions that may have impacted COVID-19 research disclosures. These revelations underscore the importance of safeguarding public interest and ensuring accountability within federal agencies.


Dr. David Morens, a senior advisor to Anthony Fauci, is reportedly involved in practices aimed at avoiding oversight. His exchanges with Peter Daszak and the use of a personal email account to bypass FOIA requests have raised serious questions. Congressional hearings and subpoenas are investigating these actions to ensure transparency and compliance with appropriate procedures. The developments in this case will likely shape the understanding of NIH's role in monitoring sensitive research and its dedication to transparency.

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