Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 27, 2024

Appeals Court Questions Legitimacy Of Trump's $454M Fraud Fine

Donald Trump's legal team faces a pivotal moment as an appeals court in New York grapples with the legitimacy of a $454 million civil fraud judgment against the former president.

According to the Daily Mail, the appeals court judges raised challenging questions for New York prosecutors during a hearing on Thursday, signaling potential sympathy towards Trump's position as he fights the substantial fine.

The case, initially brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, resulted in Justice Arthur Engoron ordering Trump to pay $454.2 million in penalties and interest in February. The judgment stemmed from allegations that Trump inflated his net worth to secure better terms from lenders and insurers.

Appeals Court Expresses Concerns Over Penalty

The five-judge panel of the appeals court expressed skepticism about various aspects of the case against Trump, particularly focusing on the extent of Attorney General James's authority in pursuing the case, the apparent lack of victims resulting from the alleged fraudulent conduct, and the substantial size of the penalty imposed on Trump.

Justice Peter Moulton voiced concern over the magnitude of the fine, stating:

The immense penalty in this case is troubling. How do you tether the amount that was assessed by the Supreme Court to the harm that was caused here where the parties left these transactions happy?

Deputy New York Solicitor General Judith Vale defended the penalty, arguing that the large sum was justified due to the extent of fraud and illegality involved in the case. However, the judges continued to press for clarification on the rationale behind such a significant financial judgment.

Questions of Precedent and Harm

The appeals court judges also probed the prosecutors about the precedent for such a case, given that neither party involved in the transactions had lost money. This line of questioning suggested that the court was struggling to reconcile the lack of apparent financial harm with the severity of the penalty imposed.

Justice David Friedman highlighted this issue, pointing out that previous cases cited by the prosecution typically involved damage to consumers or the marketplace, elements which seemed absent in Trump's case. This observation raised questions about the legal foundation for the substantial judgment against the former president.

The judges' focus on these aspects of the case indicates a potential shift in perspective that could benefit Trump's appeal efforts. Their apparent concern over the lack of direct financial harm to any parties involved may prove to be a significant factor in their final decision.

Trump's Legal Strategy and Response

While Trump was not present in court for the hearing, his legal team, led by attorney John Sauer, presented a robust defense against the judgment. Sauer argued that the case was brought too late and that imposing a "crippling financial penalty" for decades-old financial statements would be unfair.

The defense strategy centered on emphasizing that testimony during the trial showed any discrepancies in Trump's net worth were irrelevant to his lenders. Sauer stated:

What is not disputed is the testimony that if the net worth had been as low as one million (dollars), the deal would've been exactly the same.

Furthermore, Trump's legal team continued to hammer home the point that none of the former president's lenders or business partners suffered harm due to the alleged discrepancies in financial statements. This argument aims to undermine the justification for the substantial penalty imposed by the lower court.


The appeals court hearing has introduced new uncertainty into the fraud case against Donald Trump. The judges' skepticism regarding the size of the penalty, the lack of apparent victims, and questions about legal precedent suggest that the $454 million judgment may face significant scrutiny. As the legal process continues, all eyes will be on the appeals court's decision, which could markedly alter the trajectory of this high-profile case and its implications for Trump's legal and financial standing.

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