Written by Ashton Snyder on
 April 10, 2024

Biden Administration's Secretive Immigrant Flights to Major Cities

Over 800,000 undocumented immigrants have been surreptitiously brought into the United States under President Joe Biden's administration, triggering a wave of controversy over its secrecy and lack of coordination with local governments.

The administration's actions, involving the covert transport of significant numbers of migrants into New York City and Florida, have raised eyebrows and sparked a conversation about transparency in immigration practices.

Breitbart News reported that despite the public focus on other immigration stories, the administration has discreetly flown 33,000 undocumented individuals into New York City and another 326,000 into Florida, bypassing typical local government communication. This move contrasts sharply with the attention received by Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his practice of busing immigrants to so-called blue cities, albeit in smaller numbers.

The CHNV Program: A Gateway Without Oversight?

Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, unveiled that more than 800,000 undocumented individuals entered the U.S. via the "CHNV Program" or “Advanced Travel Authorization Program.” These initiatives have transported individuals from foreign airports directly to U.S. soil, sidestepping standard immigration procedures and releasing them into the populace without alerting local authorities.

While the administration promotes these programs as avenues for undocumented individuals to seek refuge, they operate under a shroud of secrecy. The approval process for aspiring entrants remains undisclosed, sharpening criticism over the programs' transparency.

Notably, the Department of Homeland Security has not complied with Freedom of Information Act requests regarding these operations. Information about the actual number of immigrants flown into the U.S. has been extracted from various government reports, hinting at a deliberate effort to keep these flights under the radar.

Governors and Mayors Left in the Dark

Both Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and New York City Mayor Eric Adams have voiced their displeasure over the federal government's lack of communication on the matter. Governor DeSantis highlighted the administration's silence and absence of coordination with state or local authorities.

Mayor Adams, despite his vocal criticisms of Texas' busing of 37,500 illegal immigrants to New York City, has been relatively silent on the 33,000 immigrants the Biden administration has ferried to his city's airports. This reaction discrepancy has added another layer of complexity to the debate on federal versus state roles in managing immigration.

Among those flown into New York was Pierre Lucard Emile, a Haitian migrant who later faced arrest for a heinous crime. This incident has further fueled the discourse surrounding the administration's secretive immigration strategies and their potential implications on public safety.

Seeking a Path to Transparency and Accountability

The undisclosed transport of vast numbers of undocumented immigrants into New York City and Florida by the Biden administration has indeed stirred a pot of controversy and concern. Integrating over 800,000 individuals into communities without local government knowledge or coordination has prompted a nationwide discourse on the need for transparency in immigration processes.

As the public and officials demand clearer communication and procedural transparency from the federal government, the tale of these secretive flights underscores a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate over immigration policy in the United States.

The administration's quiet approach to managing undocumented immigrants—spanning the transportation of large numbers into major U.S. cities—raises questions that demand answers for the sake of both the migrants and the communities into which they are integrated.

In a climate of polarized opinions on immigration, finding common ground on transparency and coordination between federal and local governments may pave the way for more sustainable and publicly accountable immigration policies in the future.

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About Ashton Snyder


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