Written by Ashton Snyder on
 March 11, 2024

Biden’s Gaza Air Drop Resulted In 5 Deaths

A distressing incident in the Gaza Strip has captured global attention, involving an airdrop that went terribly awry.

A video surfaced this week showing an airdrop with a parachute malfunction in the Gaza Strip, leading to several fatalities.

According to Fox News, the footage revealed numerous packages plummeting toward the ground without parachutes over the al-Shati refugee camp, causing panic and tragedy among the local population. According to reports, the malfunction resulted in the death of five individuals and injuries to ten others, raising serious questions about the safety and efficacy of air-dropped humanitarian aid.

Mohammed al-Ghoul, a resident, recounted the harrowing moments to AFP, describing the scene as people rushed to assist those impacted by the falling aid packages. "Ten minutes later, I saw people transferring three martyrs and others injured, who were staying on the roof of the house where the aid packages fell," al-Ghoul stated, providing a first-hand account of the chaos and devastation that ensued.

The Pentagon and CENTCOM Address the Controversy

Early rumors suggested that a U.S. cargo plane was responsible for a tragic airdrop incident. However, both the Pentagon and the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) have firmly denied these claims. They communicated to the press their lack of involvement and offered condolences to those affected by the event.

The Pentagon informed Fox News Digital that the reports of injuries in Gaza due to an airdrop from the U.S. were incorrect, aiming to clear up any confusion and misinformation related to the incident.

CENTCOM also addressed the matter on the social media platform X, stating, "We offer our condolences to the families of the deceased...despite some reports, the incident was not caused by U.S. airdrops."

Despite these clarifications, the incident underscores the inherent risks of delivering aid in such a manner. CENTCOM's statement highlighted the humanitarian intentions behind the DoD airdrops, asserting their role in alleviating human suffering alongside partner nations.

International Cooperation and Challenges in Aid Delivery

The air drops along the Gaza coastline began earlier in the week, carried out in cooperation with the Royal Jordanian Air Force and supported by several other countries. A total of 38,000 meals, 41,000 meal equivalents, 23,000 bottles of water, and 11,500 meal equivalents were distributed over several days to provide relief to the besieged area.

While acknowledging their participation, Jordanian military sources denied any responsibility for the incident, attributing the technical defect to another country's aircraft. This collective effort also included Egypt, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium, highlighting a significant international endeavor to assist the people of Gaza.

Following this incident, the effectiveness and efficiency of airdrops as a method of aid delivery have come under scrutiny. The Gaza media office and President Joe Biden have explored alternative methods for distributing aid, with a consensus emerging around the superiority of land deliveries.

The United Nations has also voiced its preference for land-based aid, citing challenges at the Rafah Crossing and the need for more secure and reliable assistance.


In the aftermath of the tragic airdrop in the Gaza Strip, the international community faces renewed pressure to ensure the safety and efficacy of humanitarian aid. As investigations continue, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of delivering assistance in conflict zones and the urgent need for coordinated, secure methods to support those in crisis.

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