Written by Ashton Snyder on
 April 18, 2024

Biden's New Student Debt Forgiveness Plan Could Hit $750B

President Joe Biden has launched an ambitious student loan forgiveness initiative that could significantly alleviate the financial burdens of millions. The scheme, which could cancel debts for as many as 30 million Americans, is estimated to cost taxpayers up to $750 billion.

The recent announcement comes as a response to the Supreme Court's rejection of an earlier proposal. According to Fox Business, the revised plan by the Department of Education was initially pegged at $150 billion over a decade. However, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) significantly revised this figure.

Expanding Forgiveness Under New Guidelines

The CRFB's projection considers the possibility of widespread financial hardship among borrowers. The anticipated cost might range between $250 billion to $750 billion, depending on the final details of the plan's implementation. This disparity in estimates underscores the complexity of predicting the financial outcomes of such sweeping policy changes.

The Department of Education's blueprint includes several provisions aimed at comprehensive debt relief. For instance, it proposes eliminating accrued and capitalized interest for qualifying borrowers and introducing automatic debt discharge under the SAVE program. The plan also extends debt cancellation to those repaying their loans for over two decades.

Defining Financial Hardship in Loan Forgiveness

A crucial aspect of Biden's proposal is its approach to defining financial hardship. The plan considers 16 criteria: age, healthcare expenses, and other consumer debts. This broad definition allows the Secretary of Education to apply a flexible standard in determining who qualifies for debt relief.

This approach could potentially forgive the debts of individuals with an 80% likelihood of default, as assessed by the Secretary of Education. Over $150 billion in student loans are in default, with the government typically recovering 70% of such debts.

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers a slightly lower yet still formidable estimate of the plan's cost: approximately $559 billion. This figure reflects the ongoing debate among experts about the true financial impact of student loan forgiveness.

Following the failure of his previous attempt, President Biden emphasized his commitment to continue seeking relief for middle-class families. He has already canceled nearly $138 billion in student loans, benefitting about 3.9 million borrowers.

Implications for the U.S. National Debt

This substantial financial undertaking occurs against an escalating national debt recently surpassed $34.6 trillion. The scale of this plan, coupled with its potential economic ramifications, highlights the critical balancing act the administration must perform in its policy formulations.

In their critique, the CRFB pointed out that the administration's methodology in defining and assessing hardship and default risk could lead to significant variability in the plan's ultimate cost. "It is unclear how the Administration will define hardship, but they discuss 16 possible criteria and also declare hardship could be defined based on ‘any other indicators of hardship identified by the Secretary,'" noted the CRFB.

The extensive provisions of Biden's plan, including support for borrowers from low-financial-value educational programs and those facing dire economic circumstances, illustrate a comprehensive attempt to address the systemic issues within the student loan system.

Continued Efforts to Alleviate Student Debt

The Biden administration's persistence in addressing student debt reflects a commitment to financial relief for Americans, particularly those most vulnerable to economic fluctuations. As the plan unfolds, it will no doubt ignite further debate on the effectiveness and fairness of large-scale debt forgiveness as a tool for economic stabilization.

This policy initiative, bold in its scope and intent, continues to evoke a spectrum of reactions from various stakeholders, underscoring the contentious nature of student debt relief in America's broader socioeconomic landscape.


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