Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 9, 2024

Bragg Agrees to Testify, But Appearance Unlikely Until After Trump Sentencing

In a move that has caught national attention, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has agreed to testify before a congressional subcommittee led by Republicans.

This testimony is expected to occur sometime after former President Donald Trump's sentencing in July, as Breitbart reports.

On Friday, Alvin Bragg confirmed his willingness to testify before the Republican-controlled congressional subcommittee. This decision follows a request from U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, who had written to Bragg in late May, seeking his presence at a hearing initially set for June 13.

Testimony Delayed Until After Sentencing

Bragg's testimony is anticipated to take place at some point after Trump's sentencing, which is scheduled for July 11. Trump was convicted of falsifying records to conceal hush money payments made to a porn actress.

Jordan accused Bragg of conducting a "political prosecution" against Trump. Bragg's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck, responded, emphasizing the office's commitment to voluntary cooperation but highlighted scheduling conflicts with the requested date.

In her response, Dubeck mentioned that appearing at a public hearing before Trump's sentencing could hinder the fair administration of justice. She proposed discussing an alternative date and requested more information about the hearing's scope and purpose.

Prosecution's Role in Sentencing

Prosecutors, including Bragg’s team, are expected to make recommendations to the judge regarding Trump's punishment before the sentencing. This involvement adds another layer of complexity to the timing of Bragg's testimony before Congress.

Jordan also requested testimony from Matthew Colangelo, one of the lead prosecutors in the Trump case. Bragg’s office did not completely rule out Colangelo's testimony but indicated that officials would assess the appropriateness of having an assistant district attorney testify about an ongoing prosecution.

Jordan has been vocal about what he perceives as the “weaponization of the federal government” and has even proposed withholding federal funding from any entity prosecuting a former president.

Previous Subpoena Battles

This recent request for Bragg's testimony follows a contentious battle over a deposition from Mark Pomerantz, another former prosecutor. Pomerantz had declined to answer many questions during the deposition.

Despite the back-and-forth, Bragg's agreement to testify marks a significant development in the ongoing political and legal saga surrounding Trump’s prosecution.

Jordan's request for testimony and the subsequent negotiation highlight the broader tensions between the legislative and judicial branches in the context of high-profile prosecutions. Bragg’s strategic timing of his testimony underscores what he says is his office’s focus on ensuring justice is administered without external influence.

This situation will undoubtedly continue to evolve, with potential implications for both the legal proceedings against Trump and the broader political landscape.

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About Ashton Snyder


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