Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 30, 2024

Vice President Harris's U-Turn on Immigration: Campaign Strategy or Genuine Change?

Vice President Kamala Harris has adjusted her positions on key immigration and border security policies, signaling a shift towards a more pragmatic approach as she campaigns for the presidency.

According to Fox News, Harris has modified her stance on issues such as decriminalizing illegal border crossings and closing immigration detention centers.

The Harris campaign confirmed these changes to Fox News, emphasizing the Vice President's commitment to bringing all sides together to build consensus. Campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg stated that Harris believes real leadership involves finding common-sense solutions and making progress through bipartisan efforts.

Evolving Positions On Border Security And Immigration

Harris's current positions on immigration and border security have been shaped by her three years of governance as part of the Biden-Harris administration. This marks a departure from her previous statements as a California senator and during her 2020 Democratic presidential primary campaign.

In 2017, Harris expressed support for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, arguing that they should be treated as civil offenses rather than criminal acts. She famously stated, "An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal," a position that garnered both praise and criticism at the time. However, the Harris campaign now aligns with the administration's stance, asserting that unauthorized border crossings are indeed illegal.

Shift In Approach To Immigration Detention

During her 2020 presidential campaign, Harris had promised to shut down immigration detention centers on "day one" if elected. She had also suggested potentially starting the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency "from scratch."

The Vice President's current position, as clarified by her campaign, now mirrors the administration's approach. This includes ensuring sufficient resources to enforce immigration laws, prioritizing detention and removal for individuals posing threats to public safety and national security, and ensuring compliance with immigration proceedings and decisions.

Harris has repeatedly backed the bipartisan Senate package that emerged from negotiations earlier this year. This package includes increased funding for border security, including ICE bed space and mechanisms to limit asylum entries into the United States. The Vice President has also supported President Biden's executive order signed in June, which limited asylum at the border and has been credited with causing a sharp decrease in border crossings after three years of a historic crisis.

Criticism And Political Implications

The Trump campaign has pushed back against narratives suggesting that Harris has become more moderate on immigration issues. They argue that her past statements and positions are well-documented and accuse her of dishonesty rather than a genuine shift in perspective.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has also weighed in on the broader Democratic Party's approach to immigration. In a post on Twitter/X, Musk suggested:

The US Democratic Party as a whole has a massive incentive to bring in and legalize illegal immigrants, as they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. No grand conspiracy theory is needed. The simple incentive of winning elections explains why they won't even deport criminals who assault police officers on camera, because that would mean losing those votes.

Balancing Act In A Contentious Debate

The Harris campaign's shift in immigration policy positions reflects the complex and evolving nature of the immigration debate in the United States. As Vice President and potential presidential candidate, Harris must navigate the competing demands of border security, humanitarian concerns, and political realities.

This adjustment in stance also highlights the challenges faced by politicians as they transition from regional roles to national leadership positions. Harris's evolving perspective on immigration issues demonstrates the impact that executive experience can have on policy positions.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris has modified her stance on key immigration and border security issues. Her campaign now emphasizes a pragmatic approach focused on bipartisan solutions and effective governance. This shift reflects the complexities of national leadership and the ongoing challenges of addressing immigration policy in the United States. As the 2024 election approaches, Harris's evolving positions on these critical issues will likely continue to be a subject of debate and scrutiny.

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