In a poignant moment before a high-stakes debate, former President Donald Trump reached out to Alexis Nungaray, whose daughter Jocelyn had been murdered, allegedly by illegal immigrants.

Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old from Houston, was killed by two undocumented migrants, igniting a fierce debate on immigration between Trump and President Joe Biden that took place after the former president placed his call to the grieving mother as the Daily Mail reports.

The young girl's lifeless body was discovered on June 16 in a bayou near her home. She had been strangled, sparking a wave of grief and outrage within the community.

Trump's Unexpected Call to Grieving Mother

Less than half an hour before stepping onto the debate stage on Thursday, Trump made a condolence call to the young girl's mother. His act of reaching out added a deeply personal touch to the evening’s proceedings.

Family friend Victoria Galvan recounted the profound impact of the phone call to the New York Post. She described how Trump expressed his sorrow and promised to follow up with the family in the coming days. “He was like, 'I'm actually about to come on for a debate' … He gave his condolences, and he said that he would be reaching back out to her," Galvan shared. Suspects Arrested in Jocelyn's Murder

Authorities have arrested Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, both Venezuelan nationals, in connection with the gruesome crime. Each suspect is currently held on a $10 million bond.

Trump referenced the tragic death during the debate, without naming Jocelyn directly, as a stark example of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. He contended that these tragedies are emblematic of a larger problem facing the nation.

Franklin Jose Peña Ramos had been under U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) surveillance with a GPS ankle monitor prior to his arrest. He had reportedly cut it off after crossing into the United States at El Paso, Texas.

Tragic Funeral and Lasting Grief

While speaking during the debate, Trump noted, “One of them, I just spoke to the mother. They just had a funeral for this girl. She's 12 years old. This is horrible what's taken place.” His words echoed the heartbreak and frustration felt by many.

The family's grief was eloquently captured in the lines of Jocelyn’s obituary, reflecting on the heartache and the enduring memory of their angel. A line from a Billie Eilish song underscored their pain: "Things fall apart and time breaks your heart."

Martinez-Rangel and Peña Ramos had both been released into the U.S. after being intercepted by border agents. Martínez-Rangel had entered the country on March 14, 2023, while Peña Ramos had stated his intent to reside with his cousin in Houston.

The debate between Trump and Biden focused heavily on immigration issues, made more poignant by the recent tragedy. Trump’s call to Jocelyn’s mother underscored the personal toll of the discussions.

Galvan emphasized, “He wanted to … say that he was praying for Alexis and that he's been thinking about her and he wanted to reach out. He said that he was going to reach out in a couple days to her … I mean, she was really … we were all shocked.”

President Joe Biden is facing fierce backlash in the wake of a contentious debate performance against Donald Trump.

The New York Times and influential Democratic donors are reportedly urging a seemingly reluctant Biden to drop out of the presidential race, citing his age and questionable effectiveness, as the Daily Mail reports.

Biden fired back at the New York Times and its calls for his withdrawal, defying the criticism prompted by his latest debate. It is not the first time Biden has faced such dissent from the Times. Despite their previous endorsements of other candidates in 2020, Biden secured the Democratic nomination and the presidency.

A top adviser dismissed the Times critique, reminding that Biden's past victory came without their support. The newspaper's latest editorial labeled Biden's campaign as a "reckless gamble," intensifying the discussion about his viability for the upcoming election.

Increasing Pressure from Prominent Democrats

Prominent Democratic donors are considering intervention measures, potentially spearheaded by former President Barack Obama. Internal discussions are growing about the feasibility of replacing Biden before the Democratic National Convention in August.

Obama took to Twitter to defend Biden, highlighting his lifelong commitment to ordinary people. Meanwhile, critics like David Axelrod and David Plouffe pointed out the dire state of Biden's campaign and urged contemplation of his withdrawal.

In a joint effort, publications such as the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and The Economist, alongside a significant percentage of independent voters in a poll, also support Biden's exit. Analysts question Kamala Harris’s potential to replace Biden due to her perceived unpopularity.

Financial Struggles and Debate Aftermath

Biden's campaign is also experiencing financial strain, trailing Trump in fundraising efforts. This decline follows a critical debate viewed by 48 million, despite Biden getting the debate conditions he requested against his opponent.

Donald Trump seized the opportunity to criticize Biden's performance, attributing his falter to age and preparation issues. On the rally stage in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden countered with reassurances about his integrity and capability, though conceding that he no longer moves and speaks as he once did.

Public and Private Calls for a New Candidate

Jill Biden stood by her husband, praising his character and condemning Trump's repeated dishonesty during the debate. Even as Biden's campaign faces criticism and financial challenges, his supporters emphasize his steadfastness and commitment.

However, Biden's detractors, including some U.K. Conservative Cabinet ministers, are adamant that a younger candidate should be considered to secure a victory for the Democrats in the upcoming election. They argue for a prompt change in candidacy to avoid potential defeat.

Chris Whipple, an author and presidential commentator, reflected on the inherent reluctance of leaders to relinquish power voluntarily. His remarks resonated amid the ongoing debate over whether Biden should stay the course.

As discussions continue to escalate, influential Democrats and strategists openly question Biden’s future in the race. The overarching concern is that his continued candidacy might jeopardize the party's chances against Trump.

The House Judiciary Committee intends to sue the Department of Justice to obtain audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced the legal move against the DOJ, emphasizing the necessity of verifying the transcript's accuracy and assessing the president's cognitive state, as the Washington Times reports.

The suit aims to obtain the audio from President Biden’s interview in connection with an investigation led by special counsel Robert Hur. “We will go to district court here in D.C. which is the appropriate venue and we will fight vigorously to get it,” Johnson told reporters on Wednesday.

House's Determined Legal Move

The investigation by Hur focused on the potential mishandling of classified documents by President Biden. Although Hur’s final report concluded that Biden did indeed mishandle classified documents, it did not recommend criminal charges, citing potential jury reluctance to convict someone with Biden's cognitive concerns and memory issues.

Despite the transcript of President Biden's interview having been released, Johnson stressed that the actual audio is required to confirm the transcript's accuracy. “We need it. We’ve talked about it here with this group before, is that we’ve got to have the audiotape to confirm what is on the written transcript,” he asserted.

Attorney General Merrick Garland cited executive privilege when he refused to comply with the subpoena for the audio requested by the GOP. This refusal has led to heightened tensions between the legislative and executive branches. Earlier this month, the House voted to hold Garland in contempt for not turning over the audio, although the Justice Department later declined to prosecute Garland over the contempt charge.

Push for Verification

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna sent a letter on Monday outlining her plan to press for a vote on an inherent contempt resolution against Attorney General Garland. This resolution is another step in the GOP's effort to obtain the audio, which they see as vital for the investigative process. Johnson mentioned having discussions with Luna regarding her plans but noted that no definitive decisions had been made yet.

The planned lawsuit will draw attention to the clash over executive power and the constitutional obligations of the legislative branch. “We’re going to be as aggressive as we can and use every tool in our arsenal to make sure that it happens because we have an obligation on the Constitution to do it,” Johnson declared.

Focusing on Executive Privileges

The refusal by Garland to provide the requested audio, citing executive privileges, underscores the significant legal and political ramifications of such a standoff. The House Judiciary Committee's planned legal action aims to test the limits of these claimed privileges. Johnson’s announcement signals a determined stance by the GOP to pursue this matter vigorously through the judicial system.

As the Judiciary Committee prepares to bring this issue to district court in Washington, D.C., the broader implications for executive-legislative relations are substantial. This legal action may set a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future. Both sides appear to be preparing for an extensive legal fight that will center on constitutional interpretations and executive authority.

In summary, Johnson's announcement reflects a critical juncture in the ongoing investigation and the legislative branch's commitment to ensure accountability. The push for the audio recording stems from a desire to verify the transcript and hold parties involved to the highest standards of transparency and accuracy.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's plan to file a lawsuit underscores the GOP's position on ensuring thorough oversight and accountability within the government's highest levels. The House Judiciary Committee is set to take significant legal steps to obtain the audio recording of President Biden's interview, asserting the need to confirm the accuracy of existing transcripts.

The ongoing dispute with Attorney General Merrick Garland over executive privileges adds a layer of complexity to the situation.  Johnson's comments signal a determined effort to use every available measure to achieve the legislative branch's constitutional obligations.

Following a turbulent debate performance, President Joe Biden's re-election campaign says it raised an astonishing $27 million through the ensuing Friday evening.

Word of this remarkable fundraising haul aims to restore faith regarding Biden's competency amid concerns about his age and suitability for office and of the dangers of a potential Kamala Harris administration, as Fox News reports.

The Biden-Harris campaign reported a substantial sum of $27 million accumulated since the debate against former President Donald Trump. From the debate day through to to Friday night, they recorded this notable fundraising total, providing the campaign with a significant boost.

An update from the campaign on Friday disclosed that $14 million was raised on the debate day alone and the following morning. The campaign experienced its most successful fundraising hour between 11 p.m. and midnight on Thursday since the campaign's launch in April 2023.

Worries within the Democratic Party around Biden’s cognitive capability followed his performance in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday. Addressing these concerns at a Friday rally in North Carolina, Biden highlighted his determination and extensive experience on the job.

President Biden's Rally Addressed Concerns

"I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious," Biden remarked. "Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up," he acknowledged further.

Political analysts observed improvement in Biden’s debate as it progressed, despite initial challenges with his delivery. His performance ignited discussions among pundits and some Democrats about his viability as the candidate.

Grassroots Fundraising Bolsters Biden's Position

In defense of Biden, his allies scrutinized Trump for issuing false statements during the debate. To assuage donor concerns, top campaign officials convened with them on Friday.

The significant influx in grassroots contributions served as an essential counter to critiques of Biden’s debate performance. Veteran political strategist and Democratic National Committee member Maria Cardona said, "Biden‘s record grassroots fundraising from the day of the debate is critical. It helps blunt the criticism from Biden’s performance."

Trump’s campaign paralleled the narrative of success. Officials reported gathering $8 million on the debate day itself, promoting their own post-event narrative.

The Impact and Future Implications

Maria Cardona of the Biden camp underscored that the fundraising success "Reminds Democrats that there is enthusiasm for the president and urgency to make sure that the liar and criminal Donald Trump doesn’t get close to the Oval Office." Meanwhile, Brian Hughes, Trump campaign senior adviser, commented on Biden's spending strategy, noting, "As of last week, the Biden campaign has spent $100 million on cable, TV and radio. They've spent money on a bloated organization. Yet President Trump's lead has grown in battleground states, and now we see polling and enthusiasm on the ground putting Virginia and Minnesota in play for the GOP nominee for the first time in many election cycles."

The significant funds raised allow the Biden-Harris campaign to address existing concerns while also funding essential campaign activities going forward. Biden’s remarks sought to reassure his supporters of his dedication and capability in fulfilling presidential duties.

In summary, the Biden-Harris campaign's ability to raise $27 million post-debate underscores their resilience and grassroots support. Despite initial performance woes during the debate, Biden's campaign says it has demonstrated strong financial backing, and officials remain poised to confront future challenges in the re-election effort.

A New York judge has provided former President Donald Trump some leeway by partially lifting a gag order tied to his Manhattan trial.

Judge Juan Merchan has decided to permit Trump to comment on witnesses and jurors while maintaining other restrictions, as PJ Media reports.

On June 25, Merchan announced a modification to the gag order originally imposed on Trump. The initial order restricted the former president from discussing aspects of the trial, including witnesses, jurors, court staff, and prosecutors. However, the judge adjusted this decision to allow comments related to the witnesses and jurors, given the trial concluded on May 30.

Judge Merchan’s Decision Based on Trial 'sConclusion

In a statement, Judge Merchan explained his rationale for the adjustment, citing the shift in circumstances following the trial’s conclusion. “Circumstances have now changed. The trial portion of these proceedings ended when the verdict was rendered, and the jury discharged,” he said. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office agreed, noting that the original provision no longer needed to be enforced.

The appellate courts had previously upheld the gag order on March 26, despite resistance from Trump’s legal team. These efforts indicate the contentious nature of the restrictions. Judge Merchan underscored the importance of protecting the court’s integrity by maintaining certain restrictions.

Extended Restrictions and Previous Violations

Although comments about witnesses and jurors are now permissible, other elements of the gag order remain intact. This includes the identities of court staff and counsels, which are protected to ensure they can perform their duties without harassment or harm. Violations of the initial gag order resulted in multiple fines for Trump, totaling $10,000.

Some violations included remarks about key individuals involved in the case, such as Michael Cohen and Stephanie Clifford. A Fox News report featuring an analysis on the juror pool also led to reprimands. Trump's attorneys argued these restrictions were excessive and signaled political bias.

Judge Merchan addressed these concerns but maintained specific protections, citing the need for a fair process. Notably, the restrictions extend to the relatives of both the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan.

Accusations and Appeals in the Trial

Trump’s accusations have often focused on perceived political biases from Bragg and Judge Merchan. His legal team even cited Merchan’s daughter’s business interests as a potential conflict of interest, attempting to have the judge recused. This attempt was unsuccessful.

The New York Attorney General’s Office is also pursuing a separate case against Trump regarding the alleged overvaluation of his net worth. These legal challenges run parallel to the gag order and related proceedings.

Merchan emphasized that “the proceedings are not concluded,” reinforcing the need for continued adherence to the court’s mandates. The gag order remains in effect for court staff and counsel until sentencing occurs, underscoring the ongoing nature of these judicial processes.

As the legal challenges continue, the dynamics between Trump and the New York court system remain under scrutiny. With the partial relief from the gag order, Trump gains some freedom in his public discourse, although significant restrictions still apply.

The resolution of the fines, ongoing trial aspects, and reactions from involved parties are anticipated to shape the next stages. Judge Merchan’s decisions illustrate the balancing act required to maintain decorum in high-profile cases.

Barron Trump, the 18-year-old son of former President Donald Trump, has captured the attention of podcast hosts who recently shared dinner with him.

The podcast hosts offered insights into Barron's character, revealing a side of him rarely seen in public, as the Irish Star reports.

A recent episode of the Valuetainment podcast, hosted by Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, Vincent Oshana, and Jesse Watters from FOX News, has shed light on this usually reserved young man. The hosts had the opportunity to dine with Barron at his request at Mar-a-Lago.

Barron's Appreciation for Valuetainment

Barron is an enthusiastic fan of the Valuetainment podcast, which has featured prominent guests like Kobe Bryant and Cuba Gooding Jr. The hosts described Barron as "witty, smart, and hilarious," attributing these qualities to his engaging personality during the dinner.

The dinner, as shared by the hosts, was far from a typical meal. Barron captivated his guests with various stories and anecdotes about his life and family. By keeping the evening lively, Barron displayed a maturity that impressed the hosts.

Captivating and Entertaining Presence

Reflecting on the evening, one host remarked, "I've never laughed this hard. He ran the whole dinner with stories and entertainment. He gave honest life anecdotes about family -- it was cracking me up." This statement paints Barron as a charismatic and engaging individual, able to charm and entertain those around him.

Beyond his humor, Barron demonstrated a balanced and grounded nature. He refrained from making inappropriate jokes, instead opting to be witty and genuinely funny. Another host noted, "He was a kid but he wasn't snide, he wasn't telling dirty jokes. He was an incredibly balanced, engaging, witty, funny guy. I came away liking him a lot."

A Grounded Young Man

The hosts' admiration for Barron only grew as the dinner progressed. They described him as "sharp, funny, sarcastic, tough, quick, not weak." Additionally, Barron appeared grounded and legitimately funny, according to the podcast hosts.

Throughout the dinner, Barron proved to be knowledgeable in various fields, including politics. The podcast hosts emphasized his intelligence, especially concerning political matters, which might hint at a potential future involving public service or related fields.

Former President Donald Trump has openly expressed his desire for Barron to explore basketball, a suggestion likely influenced by Barron's height. However, it remains uncertain whether Barron will pursue this path.

In concluding their thoughts on the evening, one host said, "Sharp, funny, sarcastic, tough, quick, not weak. He was grounded and legitimately funny. I don't laugh to laugh." This statement encapsulates the group's overall impression of Barron Trump.

Barron's Multi-Faceted Personality

In summary, the podcast hosts' dinner with Barron Trump revealed a side of the young man far removed from the scant public images available.

Described as witty, smart, and hilarious, Barron demonstrated maturity, charm, and a well-rounded personality. His future prospects, whether in sports, academics, or possibly politics, appear promising as he continues to grow and explore his potential.

President Joe Biden was reportedly planning to meet with key Democratic Party leaders and allies following his poorly received debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

The meeting among party power players such as former president Barack Obama raises speculation about potential replacement candidates for Biden ahead of the Democratic National Convention, as Fox News reports.

One notable insider, Doug Kass, a fund manager at Seabreeze Capital Partners LP and a Democratic National Committee insider, revealed that Biden would be meeting with Obama and his own former chief of staff, Ron Klain, among others. Kass's insights have increased speculation regarding Biden's future in the campaign.

Jill Biden's Unyielding Support for Joe

Despite the turmoil triggered by Biden's debate performance, first lady Jill Biden remains a steadfast supporter of her husband's campaign. Kass reported that Jill Biden is determined that President Biden continues his bid for re-election.

However, the concerns surrounding the president's debate performance are hard to ignore. Biden's raspy voice, frequent loss of train of thought, and rambling answers during the debate have stirred anxiety among his supporters and advisors.

Vice President Not in Running?

Amid this uncertainty, Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly feels overlooked as a possible savior for the ticket. Kass mentioned that Harris is upset at not being considered as a potential replacement candidate, with the spotlight instead falling on California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

This discontent stems from Harris’s position in the administration and the broader political landscape. Despite her status as the current vice president, she is perceived as an unpopular choice for the nomination by many within the party.

Alternative Candidates Take Spotlight

As Biden's performance casts doubt on his campaign, Democratic strategists are suggesting an immediate substitution, with Newsom and Whitmer, seen by some as especially strong last-minute contenders.

Kass mentioned an intriguing detail that could further shape the narrative. According to Kass, his neighbor in East Hampton is imminently scheduled to host a fundraiser for the Bidens. The potential cancellation of this event might be a critical indicator of the campaign's direction.

Strategic Meetings Underway

Biden’s reported meeting with powerful Democratic figures such as Obama and Klain demonstrates the urgency and gravity of the situation. This strategic discussion aims to address Biden's campaign trajectory and explore possible replacement options.

Meanwhile, former President Trump has weighed in on the situation. While acknowledging the speculation around the Democratic ticket, Trump expressed his belief that Biden will ultimately remain the nominee.

Immediate Decisions Required

The push for a decisive and prompt resolution is clear. Democratic strategists argue that any potential changes to the ticket must occur swiftly, ahead of the official nomination at the Democratic National Convention in August.

As speculation abounds, the fate of President Biden's campaign hangs in the balance. The upcoming meeting and fundraiser could prove pivotal in deciding whether Biden continues to be the Democratic Party’s nominee.

Democrats are in turmoil following Joe Biden's highly questionable performance during a recent debate against Donald Trump, with concerns rising about his cognitive abilities.

The incident has overshadowed Trump’s legal troubles and sparked discussions about potential replacement candidates for the 2024 Democratic nomination, as Newsweek reports.

Biden's Debate Performance Causes Stir

At 81, Joe Biden appeared to lose his train of thought multiple times during Thursday night's debate with Donald Trump. This prompted John King, CNN's chief national correspondent, to state that it caused "panic" within the Democratic Party and led to widespread mockery on social media platforms.

A New York Times poll conducted in March revealed that 61 percent of Biden's voters from the 2020 election believe he is "just too old" to seek another term. This growing concern among his base only amplifies the issues surrounding his debate performance.

Calls For New Democratic Candidate

Democratic consultant Johanna Maska took to social media to express her concerns, posting a video urging the party to consider new candidates for the 2024 election. She stressed that the party has many suitable candidates on the sidelines. "We cannot do this, Democrats. Joe Biden can't put a sentence together. We have to change our candidate, and we have so many good candidates who are sitting on the sidelines," Maska stated.

This sentiment echoes the growing worry within the party about Biden's viability as a candidate, pushing discussions about potential replacements into the spotlight.

Potential Candidates Emerge

Newsweek has compiled a list of nine Democrats who could potentially become the party's nominee for the 2024 election. Among these names is Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, who has served as governor since January 2019. Vice President Kamala Harris, despite her poor approval ratings, is another prominent figure on this list. Harris, 59, previously served as a senator from California.

Former first lady Michelle Obama, although unlikely to run according to her office, has also been mentioned due to her widespread popularity and support. Her office has reiterated her support for Biden and Harris.

State Leaders and Political Veterans

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, who has served since 2019, is another key candidate. Whitmer's positions during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought her national recognition on the left. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate, is also on the list. Despite her age, Clinton remains an influential figure within the party.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, serving since January 2019, and Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, who started his term in January 2023, also highlight the pool of state leaders. Both are recognized for their progressive policies and leadership.

Party Reactions and Statements

Newsom, when asked about the potential candidates, expressed his pride in the current president but refused to engage further, calling it a "non sequitur."

Michelle Obama's office responded to speculations by firmly stating that she would not run for president. "As former first lady, she has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president," they conveyed.

Clinton, ahead of the debate, suggested that attempting to refute Trump might be futile, indicating the unpredictable nature of his tactics. She noted, "It's nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are." Even so, political observers learned long ago not to underestimate her hunger for the political spotlight, which could cause her to at least float the idea that she is ready to run for the top job once more.

Longtime ESPN commentator Dick Vitale is once again battling cancer and will undergo surgery this Tuesday.

This latest setback marks Vitale's fourth bout with cancer since his initial diagnosis in 2021, as the New York Post reports, with fans now pulling for a favorable outcome.

On Friday afternoon, the sports media community was met with disheartening news as it was revealed that Vitale, 85, is facing another struggle with cancer.

Just recently, Vitale's vocal cord cancer, which had been in remission since December, was found to have returned following a biopsy of a lymph node in his neck.

Vitale to Undergo Surgery

The revered college basketball commentator announced that he would undergo surgery on Tuesday. This news comes shortly after he had already made a triumphant return to ESPN for the 2023-24 season, contributing his insight and enthusiasm to college basketball games once more.

Earlier on Friday, Vitale mentioned attending his 20th annual Dick Vitale Gala. The event is a significant fundraising effort that generates support for pediatric cancer research, having raised nearly $100 million in collaboration with The V Foundation.

Emotional and Mental Struggle

Vitale had hinted at his ongoing health challenges on Wednesday, indicating that he was dealing with a medical issue mentally and emotionally.

He subsequently shared updates from his recent oncology examinations and biopsy, preparing his fans and supporters for the news that followed.

In the interim, Vitale has remained engaged with the sports world, even commenting on the recent NBA draft. He offered his insights particularly on the Lakers selecting Bronny James in the second round, showcasing his enduring passion and involvement in the sport.

Community's Support and Encouragement

Loyal fans of Vitale have shown unwavering support, showering him with standing ovations and messages of encouragement on social media. His latest post amassed nearly 20,000 likes within just over an hour of its release, demonstrating the widespread admiration and affection his audience holds for him.

Reflecting the community's sentiment, the official NCAA March Madness X account offered words of encouragement, saying, “We are all with you Dickie V,” accompanied by a heart emoji. Additionally, The V Foundation’s profile shared uplifting words, assuring Vitale that his strength and positive outlook would see him through this trial.

A Message of Determination

Despite the daunting news, Vitale expressed steadfast determination and optimism in his statements.

He wrote on X, “With all the [prayer emojis] I have received & the loving support of my family, friends & @espn colleagues I will win this battle. Surgery on Tues. will be a success. Thanks for All the prayers.”

Former St. Louis middle school principal Cornelius M. Green's criminal actions have shocked the community after receiving two consecutive life sentences for orchestrating the murder-for-hire of teacher Jocelyn Peters and her unborn child.

Green worked with Phillip J. Cutler, who also received life terms, in a plot that culminated in the deaths of Peters and her child, Micah Leigh, in 2016, as USA Today reports, after his February decision to plead guilty, to one count of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire and one count of murder-for-hire.

The Timeline Leading to Tragedy

The crime's planning and execution began on March 24, 2016, when Green arranged for the death of Jocelyn Peters, who was 30 years old and more than 27 weeks pregnant with his child. Peters' unborn child, Micah Leigh, tragically died alongside her.

Green paid Phillip J. Cutler, his friend, $2,500 to carry out the murder. The amount, Green later admitted, was stolen from a school dance team fundraiser. His actions not only betrayed the school's trust but also led to a tragic loss of life.

Green and Peters were romantically involved, despite him being married and involved with other women. Their complicated relationship saw past instances where Green pressured Peters to terminate pregnancies, but she was steadfast in her decision to keep Micah Leigh.

Plot Details and Execution

Green's callous planning included researching various ways to kill Peters, even considering poisoning. However, he eventually collaborated with Cutler, bolstering their conspiracy. On March 7, 2016, Green sent a $2,500 UPS package to Cutler, who agreed to murder Peters upon receiving payment on March 8.

Cutler traveled from Oklahoma to St. Louis on March 21, staying at Green's home. Just a day later, Green left for Chicago, creating an alibi while leaving his car and Peters' apartment keys with Cutler.

On March 24, 2016, using Green's car, Cutler drove to Peters' apartment. There, he shot Peters in the head while she was planning for her baby shower, using a potato as a silencer. He immediately informed Green of the completed crime over the phone.

Efforts to Build Alibi

To solidify his alibi, Green purchased an Amtrak ticket from Chicago to St. Louis, then called 911 after arriving back in the city. He made numerous false statements to the police, attempting to divert suspicion from himself. Adding to his deceit, Green urged Jocelyn's mother, Lacey Peters, to check on her daughter. Lacey Peters later reflected on her daughter's love for Green, stating that "all she ever did was love him."

Nicole Conaway commented on Green’s actions, highlighting the gravity of his betrayal: "He literally stole from children to pay for killing his own child."

Legal Consequences and Emotional Reactions

Both Green and Cutler faced the justice system and received their respective sentences. Green was convicted by a judge in the Eastern District of Missouri. Cutler, who ate two pieces of paper upon detainment, was similarly found guilty and sentenced to two life terms.

The emotional toll on Peters' family has been immense. Tiffany Becker emphasized the cruelty of Green’s deceitful actions: "The depravity of asking a mother to go find Jocelyn’s body, knowing she was dead, can’t be matched." Dedra Peters, reflecting on Jocelyn's character, noted, “Jocelyn had a light around her at all times,” adding that her untimely death left the family "empty and heartbroken."

In sum, the case of Cornelius M. Green has left a deep scar on the St. Louis community. His actions not only cost the lives of Jocelyn Peters and her unborn child but also shattered the trust and compassion once connected to him. The legal consequences reflect the severity of his crimes, underscoring the heinous nature of his betrayal and the profound impact on Peters' loved ones.

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