Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) voiced strong criticism of President Joe Biden's immigration policies during a recent appearance on Fox News Channel's Hannity.

Paul argued that the criminal activities and potential terror threats posed by illegal immigrants should disqualify Biden from reelection, as Breitbart reports.

The lawmaker appeared on Hannity on Friday, expressing grave concerns about the immigration issue. He highlighted the risks associated with allowing individuals from various countries into the U.S., emphasizing potential terror threats and domestic criminal behavior.

Concerns Over Terror Threats

The senator mentioned that nearly 200 individuals from countries such as Tajikistan, Egypt, Tunisia, and China have entered the U.S. illegally. He noted that the sheer diversity of origins adds to the complexity of the threat landscape.

“I think terrorism is of great concern,” Paul said. He pointed out the risk posed by individuals coming from regions known for terrorist activity, stressing that it’s not only terrorism but also regular criminal behavior that is concerning. Paul also criticized the Biden administration for allowing individuals into the country who later committed crimes. He emphasized that images of these crimes would deeply disturb the American public.

Crimes Committed by Paroled Individuals

Paul expressed frustration with the administration’s policy of paroling individuals who then commit crimes in sanctuary cities led by Democrats. He argued that these cities do not share arrest records with immigration authorities, thereby preventing deportations.

“This is all on Biden’s shoulders,” Paul stated, referring to the administrative decisions that allowed these individuals into the country. He pointed to specific cases where individuals committed serious crimes after being paroled. Paul argued that the administration's leniency in handling these cases has led to preventable tragedies, placing the blame squarely on Biden's immigration policies.

Critique of Bipartisan Immigration Reform

Paul also criticized Biden's proposed bipartisan immigration reform, which would allow 2,500 people into the U.S. daily. He equated this to nearly 900,000 people annually, a figure he deemed unacceptable.

“Biden has the power to have zero,” Paul said, advocating for a policy starting at zero entries per day. He believes that a strict zero-tolerance policy would deter illegal immigration effectively.

The Republican senator compared Biden’s approach unfavorably to former President Donald Trump’s policies, suggesting that a more stringent approach would yield better results in controlling illegal immigration.

Call for Stricter Immigration Policies

Paul’s comments reflect a broader concern among some lawmakers about the perceived inadequacies of current immigration policies. His call for stricter measures highlights the ongoing debate over how best to secure the nation’s borders.

The legislator's stance is rooted in a belief that tougher policies will discourage illegal entry and reduce the associated risks. He advocates for immediate action to address these concerns.

In conclusion, Sen. Rand Paul’s appearance on Hannity underscored his belief that President Biden’s handling of immigration poses a significant threat to national security. He highlighted the potential terror threats and criminal activities associated with illegal immigrants and criticized the administration's policies for failing to address these issues effectively. Paul called for a zero-tolerance approach to immigration, arguing that this would deter illegal entry and enhance security.

Actor Alec Baldwin's criminal case will proceed to trial next month, marking a critical juncture in the legal proceedings surrounding the tragic death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

Baldwin's legal team lost another attempt to dismiss the charges, with a trial now set for July 9, as Fox News reports.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer ruled against dismissing the involuntary manslaughter charges during a virtual hearing on Friday. Baldwin's defense had argued that FBI testing damaged the firearm at issue, which they claim impedes their ability to mount a proper defense.

The defense contended that Baldwin had no reason to suspect the gun contained a live round when it discharged, tragically killing Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza during a rehearsal for the film Rust. Despite these arguments, Judge Sommer found the reasoning insufficient to throw out the case.

Judge Rejects Baldwin's Argument Over Damaged Gun

Baldwin was rehearsing on the set of Rust on Oct. 21, 2021, when the firearm discharged. Baldwin has consistently maintained that he never pulled the trigger. An FBI expert, however, testified that the firearm seemed unlikely to discharge without the trigger being pulled.

Special prosecutor Erlinda Ocampo Johnson revealed that boom operator Zac Sneesby witnessed Baldwin pull the trigger, countering the actor's claim. "Mr. Sneesby specifically said he saw Mr. Baldwin pull the trigger," Johnson stated during the hearing.

Baldwin was not present during the virtual hearing in which his attorneys claimed the FBI had damaged the gun by striking it repeatedly, allegedly preventing a proper examination. This issue will be addressed further in another pending motion from Baldwin's legal team.

Prosecution's Effort to Compel Testimony Fails

The prosecution also suffered a setback as Judge Sommer denied their request to compel testimony from Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the set's armorer, who had mistakenly loaded the gun with live ammunition. Gutierrez-Reed has already been convicted of involuntary manslaughter for her role in Hutchins' death and is currently serving an 18-month sentence.

Gutierrez-Reed invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and has refused to cooperate with the prosecution. "It's pretty clear she does not intend to cooperate," Judge Sommer noted during the hearing, determining that there were no grounds to compel her testimony under immunity.

Prosecution's Claims of Baldwin's Reckless Behavior

The prosecution alleges that Baldwin displayed reckless behavior on set and neglected to adhere to safety protocols. They plan to assert that Baldwin exercised complete control over the set and acted in a boorish manner with staffers.

Prosecutors have revived charges against Baldwin by presenting further analysis of the firearm, after initially abandoning a manslaughter charge due to potential gun modifications and malfunctions. They argue that Baldwin's actions on the set reflected a disregard for established safety standards.

The hearing is scheduled to continue on Monday, where further details of the case will be examined in court. With the trial date set for July 9, both parties are preparing for a judicial battle that will scrutinize the events leading to Hutchins' death.

Baldwin, facing a maximum of 18 months in prison if convicted, maintains his innocence and has pleaded not guilty. With courtroom deliberations intensifying, the unfolding case underscores the tragic consequences of lapses in movie set safety.

In a tense Democratic primary race, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing fierce criticism from her challenger.

AOC's primary opponent, Marty Dolan, has labeled the lawmaker too radical and has accused her of being absent from the community, as Just the News reports.

Dolan, who is challenging Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the upcoming Democratic primary on June 25, has taken aim at the congresswoman's record. According to Dolan, Ocasio-Cortez has been absent on pressing issues within the community, notably on crime.

Dolan Criticizes Ocasio-Cortez on TV Show

The criticism was aired during an episode of the Just the News, No Noise TV show that went live on Thursday. Dolan’s remarks included a strong accusation that Ocasio-Cortez has not been present enough in local matters and has focused more on her national reputation and progressive agenda. "AOC is absent on community," Dolan stated during the show. "She's not around. She's absent on crime. She's not around. She's off doing things that are making her famous."

The forthcoming primary has captured significant attention as the Job Creators Network, a conservative advocacy group, has thrown its support behind Dolan. His endorsement from this group suggests a tactical maneuver aimed at drawing a contrast between his platform and Ocasio-Cortez's progressive stances.

Job Creators Network Backs Dolan with Financial Support

The Job Creators Network has reportedly invested heavily in Dolan’s campaign, including spending approximately $100,000 on advertisements targeting Ocasio-Cortez. This effort has utilized high-visibility avenues such as billboards in Manhattan's Times Square to deliver their message.

Dolan asserts that the electorate has grown weary of what he describes as "radicalism." He embodies a sentiment he believes reflects a broader public dissatisfaction with Ocasio-Cortez's approach and policies. "I think people just had enough of radicalism," Dolan commented. "They're just completely fed up with it."

Strategic Positioning in the Upcoming Primary

Ocasio-Cortez, a notable figure within the far-left Democratic "Squad," faces a tough challenge. Known for her progressive policies, she has been a prominent voice in Congress, often polarizing opinion within her district and beyond.

The primary election on June 25 could prove a critical juncture for both candidates. Dolan aims to position himself as a more community-focused and pragmatic alternative, contrasting sharply with Ocasio-Cortez's broader political aspirations.

With the backing of the Job Creators Network, a significant financial infusion into Dolan’s campaign highlights the stakes involved. This primary could potentially set a precedent for future Democratic primaries involving high-profile progressive figures.

Dolan’s criticisms underscore deeper debates within the Democratic Party about the direction in which it should head. His narrative appeals to voters who may feel disillusioned by Ocasio-Cortez's tenure.

As the election approaches, both candidates are expected to ramp up their efforts to mobilize their respective bases.

The effectiveness of their strategies will likely be reflected in the voter turnout and the eventual outcome of the primary.

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office, headed up by Alvin Bragg, has dismissed a significant portion of criminal charges against pro-Hamas extremists involved in a tumultuous event at Columbia University.

The decision has stirred controversy, particularly given Bragg's prior devotion of energies and resources to his prominent prosecution of former President Donald Trump, as the Daily Wire reports.

Earlier this year, a group of extremists stormed Columbia University's Hamilton Hall, leading to the arrest of 46 individuals. The charges were primarily for trespassing.

However, Bragg's office has decided to drop charges against 31 of the defendants, citing insufficient evidence. This decision has led to widespread outrage among law enforcement and the public.

Insufficient Evidence Sparks Outrage

The D.A.'s office claimed that there was a lack of evidence connecting the suspects to the takeover. This justification has been met with skepticism, especially among police officers who were directly involved.

One officer, questioning the ruling, remarked on the adequacy of body-worn camera footage that was available during the incident. Another officer lamented that the move could embolden further disorder.

Michael Nussbaum, a long-standing member of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, expressed his frustration, referring to the situation as "turnstile justice."

Community Leaders and Commentators React

Nussbaum further emphasized that such a decision sends the wrong message, potentially encouraging more property destruction. His sentiments were echoed by various commentators on social media.

A well-known conservative attorney criticized Bragg on X, indicating that his office appears to target political adversaries while leniently handling actual criminal activities.

Scott Jennings, a senior political commentator at CNN, drew a sharp contrast between this case and Trump's prosecution. He pointed out the disparity in the legal actions taken for different offenses.

Bragg's Legal Actions Under Scrutiny

Bragg's actions have increasingly come under the microscope, with critics questioning his judicial priorities. The decision to drop charges in this high-profile case has only heightened the scrutiny. Bragg, whose office is engaged in the headline-grabbing prosecution of Donald Trump, now faces dual public perspectives on his effectiveness and impartiality as a prosecutor.

The incident at Columbia University has already garnered extensive national attention, further amplifying the public debate around prosecutorial discretion and judicial fairness.

To summarize, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, headed by Alvin Bragg, has opted to dismiss most criminal charges against pro-Hamas extremists at Columbia University. This action has ignited profound controversy, especially regarding the purported lack of evidence.

United States District Judge Aileen Cannon is under intense scrutiny over claims of favorable rulings towards former President Donald Trump in his documents handling case.

Cannon is, according to reports, facing an orchestrated campaign for her removal from her position on the bench, as the Daily Caller reports.

A former FBI official has asserted that Democrats are trying to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from her post in the Southern District of Florida. The effort has been spurred by allegations that she has rendered decisions that benefit former President Donald Trump.

Chris Swecker, a former FBI Assistant Director, made these remarks during an appearance on Mornings with Maria. He suggested that liberals are targeting Cannon because Trump's courtroom isn't predisposed against him. He highlighted the fairness exhibited by Cannon during proceedings challenging the constitutionality of appointing special counsel Jack Smith.

Eleventh Circuit Rejects Complaints

The United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit addressed over 1,000 complaints against Judge Cannon and dismissed them on May 22. The court emphasized that these complaints were part of a coordinated campaign against the judge. Swecker addressed this matter, noting that the chief circuit court judge labeled the campaign as orchestrated, and the court dismissed the complaints, finding no bias or grounds for recusal.

On May 11, Glenn Kirschner, an MSNBC legal analyst, had urged people to file complaints against Cannon following her decision to delay Trump's trial indefinitely. This call to action led to a flood of complaints aimed at the judge.

Calls for Recusal Amid Heated Debate

Judge Cannon has come under increasing pressure to recuse herself due to perceptions of her granting advantageous rulings for Trump. Despite these calls, the recent court ruling reiterated that there was no evidence to justify recusal based solely on her appointment by Trump.

The controversy over Cannon's impartiality heated up after she ordered the appointment of a special master to review documents seized in the Aug. 8, 2022, raid on Mar-a-Lago. However, this decision was subsequently overturned by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Swecker commented that the actions against Cannon are perceived as an attempt by the far left to stack the deck against Trump. He noted that the orchestrated campaign aimed to influence the judicial process to disadvantage the former president.

Swecker Defends Judge Cannon

During his interview, Swecker stressed the importance of maintaining judicial independence and fairness. He argued that efforts to remove a judge due to perceived political bias undermine the integrity of the judicial system.

He pointed out that the refusal by the 11th Circuit to accept more complaints reinforces that the claims against Cannon lacked merit. This decision was seen as a safeguard against politically motivated attacks on the judiciary. The fate of the complaints against Judge Cannon was sealed with the court’s May 22 ruling, which stated that no further public complaints would be entertained, and no evidence of bias was found.

In the intricate web of political and legal battles, Judge Aileen Cannon remains a focal point of contention. Allegations of her favoritism towards Trump have sparked a flurry of legal maneuvers and public outcry.

The recent developments surrounding Judge Cannon’s handling of cases involving Trump reflect wider themes of judicial fairness, political strategy, and the challenges facing the legal system today. Judge Cannon’s recent experience, from her rulings to the 11th Circuit’s steadfast response, embodies the ongoing struggle to preserve judicial independence against orchestrated political pressures.

Washington-based Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against the Pentagon over the removal of "Duty, Honor, Country" from West Point's mission statement.

This action has ignited a fierce debate, particularly among conservatives, over the military's direction under perceived "woke" policies promulgated by the Pentagon, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Judicial Watch, a respected legal watchdog, took legal action after West Point's refusal to disclose information regarding the controversial decision. The group seeks to uncover the reasoning behind omitting the cherished words from the United States Military Academy’s mission statement.

Details of the Recent Change Emerge

The original mission statement read: "To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.” The update, however, replaced it with a version emphasizing the broader "Army Values."

The new mission statement, introduced by Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steven Gilland, outlines West Point's goal: "To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation."

Lt. Gen. Gilland assured that the institution remains devoted to "Duty, Honor, Country," even though these words no longer appear in the document. He highlighted that the revision was the result of an eighteen-month development process aimed at better illustrating West Point's role.

Concerns Raised by Judicial Watch

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, voiced significant concerns over what he termed the "woke virus" affecting West Point. He stressed that the removal has raised justified alarm about the principles instilled in future Army leaders.

Additionally, Fitton criticized the academy's lack of transparency in handling the matter, claiming it further fuels speculation and distrust. "The unlawful stonewalling of the release of documents about the issue makes matters worse," emphasized Fitton.

This sentiment echoes widely among conservatives, who argue the alteration aligns with a broader trend of political correctness within the military. Prominent voices have joined the conversation, including Fox host and military veteran Pete Hegseth, author of the best-selling book, The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free.

Judicial Watch's Ongoing Investigations

Judicial Watch is no stranger to initiating probes of military practices. The organization has a history of scrutinizing and unveiling "woke" policies across various military institutions. The lawsuit against the Pentagon is seen as another step in their mission to ensure transparency and accountability. West Point's decision not to disclose pertinent records has only intensified Judicial Watch's resolve.

The broader question remains: how will the military reconcile traditional values with contemporary societal expectations? As Judicial Watch seeks answers through its legal channels, the debate over military ethos continues to unfold on the national stage.

The Pentagon has yet to respond publicly to the lawsuit, and the timeline for potential disclosure of the requested documents remains uncertain. Meanwhile, West Point maintains that the core values of "Duty, Honor, Country" still underpin its teachings and mission.

In summary, Judicial Watch's lawsuit underscores the clash between long-standing military traditions and modern interpretations of inclusivity and values. The controversy surrounding West Point's mission statement revision has not only brought legal challenges but also sparked a wider conversation about the future direction of military education.

Justice Clarence Thomas stood in dissent, alone, on a significant Supreme Court decision regarding federal gun restrictions.

In a pivotal ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a federal gun ban for those under domestic violence restraining orders, with Justice Thomas being the lone dissenter, as The Hill reports.

The decision represents a notable victory for the Biden administration and several gun control advocates. It aligns with historic practices of disarming individuals deemed to be credible threats, effectively supporting the existing gun ban for domestic abusers.

Thomas Challenges Historical Precedent

Chief Justice John Roberts led the court's majority in maintaining this position, supported by seven other justices. The case draws on the influential 2022 Bruen test, which Thomas authored and which now serves as a benchmark for evaluating Second Amendment matters.

In his lengthy 32-page dissent, Justice Thomas argued fervently that the federal government lacks adequate historical precedents for revoking Second Amendment rights based solely on a protective order. He insisted that without a crime accusation or conviction, the government should not infringe upon these rights.

“The question is whether the Government can strip the Second Amendment right of anyone subject to a protective order -- even if he has never been accused or convicted of a crime. It cannot,” Thomas declared, starkly contrasting with the majority opinion.

Controversy Around the Bruen Test

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, concurring with Justice Elena Kagan, voiced strong opposition to Thomas’s interpretation, asserting that it was excessively stringent. She commented that Thomas’s stringent approach to the Bruen test undermines reasonable historical analogues.

“Thomas’s opinion picks off the Government’s historical sources one by one, viewing any basis for distinction as fatal,” said Sotomayor in her concurring opinion. Her statement highlights the discord between Thomas and his colleagues over how historical firearm regulations should be interpreted.

The case's origins trace back to Zackey Rahimi, a Texas man contesting his conviction under the federal domestic violence gun law. Rahimi's legal battles bring to light the practical implications of such federal decisions on individual rights.

Defending the Federal Gun Ban

Rahimi was under a restraining order after a series of violent incidents, including dragging his girlfriend and attempting to shoot a witness, which subsequently involved him in five separate shooting incidents. His indictment came after law enforcement discovered a rifle and a pistol in his residence.

The federal law in question was defended robustly by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department. They employed historical references, specifically surety and affray laws, to justify the repressive measures against domestic abusers. Thomas, however, dismissed these historical references as insufficient, arguing they failed to provide an appropriate historical basis for such modern regulations.

The debate over the future of the Bruen test and its application in Second Amendment cases remains heated. Justice Clarence Thomas’s dissent signals an ongoing battle over how historical precedents should guide contemporary gun regulations.

This case underscores the tension within the nation's highest court regarding gun rights and public safety considerations. The decisions made today will continue to shape the landscape of firearm regulations in America.

A family of taekwondo black belts in Katy, Texas, heroically intervened to stop an alleged sexual assault.

The group of martial arts experts subdued an alleged attacker at a local cell phone store, preventing a potential sexual assault, as ABC News reports.

The incident occurred on Tuesday at a cell phone store adjacent to Yong-In Tae Kwon Do, the family's dojo. Han An, his wife Hong An, and their children Hannah, Simon, and Christian quickly responded to the alarming situation.

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez shared that the family successfully pulled the victim away from Alex Robinson, who then tried to attack the family. Utilizing their taekwondo training, they managed to restrain him until authorities arrived.

Family Witnesses Suspicious Behavior Before Attack

Han An had first noticed Robinson riding a bicycle around the plaza at about 2:00 p.m., observing him looking into various stores. Approximately two hours later, he saw Robinson and the victim tussling outside, initially mistaking it as playful behavior.

The family's intervention began when they heard screams coming from the cell phone store. Rushing inside, they found Robinson on top of the woman, who was clearly in distress.

"When we already opened the door, the male was on top of the female already inside the employees' room," said Hannah An to ABC News.

Heroic Effort to Subdue the Attacker

Hannah and Hong An escorted the traumatized woman outside to safety, while Han, Simon, and Christian faced Robinson. As Han An recounted, the attacker bit and scratched him during the struggle, prompting further intervention from one of his sons to protect him.

Harris County Sheriff's deputies arrived around 15 minutes later and took Robinson into custody. He has been charged with felony attempted sexual assault and is being held on a $100,000 bond, with his arraignment set for Friday.

Community Commends Family's Quick Actions

Han An's keen observation and quick, decisive action helped prevent a potentially tragic outcome. His family's commitment to their taekwondo training played a crucial role in their ability to handle the situation effectively and safely.

Sheriff Gonzalez praised the family's bravery and skill, stating, "By utilizing their training and discipline, they managed to stop the assault and hold him." The local community has since commended the An family for its heroic deeds.

The family of black belts is not only being recognized for their immediate response but also for its ongoing commitment to fostering safety through martial arts. The family dojo remains a pillar in the Katy community for its emphasis on discipline and self-defense.

In conclusion, the An family's timely intervention on Tuesday at a cell phone store in Katy, Texas, averted a potential sexual assault. The alleged attacker, 19-year-old Alex Robinson, was subdued using their taekwondo training and was later taken into custody and charged with felony attempted sexual assault. The community, including Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, has praised the Ans' heroic efforts.

Two Venezuelan men are accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray after being released by the Department of Homeland Security.

Authorities allege the men strangled the girl in Houston after being freed pending deportation hearings, fueling new debate about the Biden administration's immigration stance, as Breitbart reports.

Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Pena, 26, were in DHS custody before entering the U.S. near El Paso, Texas. Both were later released on orders of recognizance with a Notice to Appear before federal immigration judges. The young girl’s tragic death has raised questions about immigration policies.

Suspects Allegedly Captured on Surveillance

Martinez-Rangel and Pena are currently accused of murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. Surveillance cameras recorded the suspects with her shortly before her demise in Houston early on June 17. Jocelyn’s body was found later that same day.

The suspects reportedly lured the girl from her apartment building after her mother had gone to bed. According to her boyfriend, he was the last person to talk to her that night. The surveillance footage showed her with Martinez-Rangel and Pena at a 7/11 convenience store shortly after midnight.

The three were last seen heading toward a nearby bridge after leaving the store. Between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., prosecutors allege, Martinez-Rangel and Pena killed Jocelyn and discarded her body in a creek, which was later found in a bayou.

Immigrants Awaiting Deportation Hearings

Both suspects were among the 7.4 million migrants released from DHS custody while awaiting their deportation hearings. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials described Martinez-Rangel and Pena as “illegally present Venezuelan nationals.”

The two men were apprehended near El Paso, Texas, in separate incidents before being released with a court date. Martinez-Rangel was released first, followed by Pena on May 28. Both had orders to appear before a federal immigration judge.

Detainers Placed by ICE

Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Pena, 26, are both currently imprisoned in Harris County Jail. Prosecutors are requesting a bail amount of $1 million each. ICE agents have also placed a detainer on both suspects, requesting custody should they be released.

The tragic incident has fueled criticism regarding the policies which allowed the suspects to be released into the United States.  This alarming case has led to increased scrutiny over the handling of migrants crossing the southern border. DHS procedures for releasing individuals pending their hearings are under the spotlight. The precision of these policies is now being questioned by various stakeholders.

The suspects' alleged actions have cast a shadow on the system meant to manage the influx of migrants while ensuring safety and order. It remains to be seen how policy adjustments might evolve following such a tragic incident.


In summary, Venezuelan nationals Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel and Franklin Pena are accused of murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray after being released into the U.S. by President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security.

The suspects were apprehended near El Paso, Texas, before receiving orders of recognizance with a Notice to Appear before a federal immigration judge. Martinez-Rangel and Pena allegedly killed Jocelyn on June 17 in Houston and are now held in Harris County Jail on $1 million bail each. ICE has placed a detainer on the suspects, requesting custody should they be released.

A tragic incident unfolded in Utah as a transgender woman, Mia Bailey, allegedly shot and killed her parents.

Bailey, age 28, was taken into custody for her alleged involvement in the double homicide of her parents and the attempted murder of her brother, as Fox News reports.

Authorities report that the violent events transpired on Tuesday around 7 p.m., in the comfort of the family's home. The victims, identified as Joseph Bailey, 70, and Gail Bailey, 69, were found dead at the scene.

Police Capture Suspect After Manhunt

The incident did not stop with the murders of her parents. Mia Bailey allegedly attempted to kill her brother as well. Locked in his bedroom with his wife, her brother miraculously survived after Mia fired shots through the door.

After the shooting, Bailey fled the scene in a yellow Kia Soul. The authorities quickly initiated an extensive manhunt that lasted several hours.

By Wednesday, around 24 hours after the incident, police successfully tracked Mia Bailey about 7 miles away from the initial crime scene.

Bailey Shows No Remorse

Bailey surrendered herself without incident by willingly dropping her firearm upon capture. St. George Police Officer Tiffany Mitchell conveyed relief to the public, stating, "We have the suspect in custody."

However, the relief was short-lived as details emerged about Bailey's lack of remorse. According to police, Bailey expressed her willingness to "do it again," highlighting the cold-blooded nature of the crime. Mia Bailey’s brutal actions and statements, vividly described in her booking affidavit, cited her lack of remorse multiple times.

Details of the Brutal Crime

The affidavit reviewed by authorities revealed the chilling acts committed by Bailey. After initially shooting her father, Joseph, she reportedly shot him again in the head to ensure he was dead. Similarly, Gail Bailey suffered the same fate as her husband.

Police stated, "Mia described that she returned to her father who was lying on the ground and shot him one more time in the head to make sure that he was dead." Bailey, without hesitation, did the same to ensure her mother, Gail, would not survive.

Legal Actions and Background

Following her capture, Mia Bailey faced 11 felony counts, including the murders of her parents and the attempted murder of her brother. Bailey had legally changed her name and gender almost a year prior to the killings, with the changes finalized in August 2023.

The community remains shaken by the gruesome events and the disturbing details revealed in the aftermath. St. George Police Officer Tiffany Mitchell confirmed, "Everyone is safe. No one else was injured." The continuing investigation will likely bring more details to light about the motive and circumstances leading up to the events.

In summary, Mia Bailey's arrest for the brutal murder of her parents in Utah has left a community in shock. Following a day-long manhunt, Bailey was captured and showed no remorse for her horrific actions, even stating she would repeat them.  The grisly details and complex personal history surrounding the case continue to emerge as authorities pursue justice.

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