Rep. Jim Jordan has warned NY Attorney General Letitia James that he may issue a subpoena if she does not provide information about prosecutor Matt Colangelo's involvement in the Trump hush-money case.

According to Fox News, Jordan’s demand stems from James’ non-compliance with earlier requests for information about a former Justice Department official’s role in the trial.

Jordan's Initial Request

On Tuesday, Jordan sent a letter to AG Letitia James, urging her to provide documents and information concerning Mr. Colangelo, a former Justice Department official now linked to the hush-money trial against Trump. The process began on May 15 when Jordan requested details about Colangelo’s employment at the New York Attorney General’s Office.

Jordan’s letter to James, as reported by The Hill, emphasizes the Supreme Court’s ruling on Congress's wide-ranging oversight powers. These powers encompass inquiries into ongoing and proposed laws, as well as societal and political systems, to enact remedies.

Threat of Subpoena

The letter referenced Rule X of the House Rules, underscoring the Judiciary Committee's jurisdiction over matters concerning criminal justice and civil liberties. Jordan clarified that if the requested documents are not provided by 5:00 p.m. on July 2, 2024, the committee will issue a subpoena to obtain the necessary information.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Colangelo have agreed to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, with the hearing scheduled for July 12. Trump's sentencing in the hush-money case is slated for July 11, adding urgency to Jordan’s request.

Jordan’s efforts are part of the committee's ongoing investigation into what he terms politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Colangelo, who was hired by Bragg in 2022, played a pivotal role in Trump’s trial, handling the opening statement and examining witnesses.

Historical Context

Previously, Jordan had sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland before Trump’s verdict, seeking clarity on the Department of Justice's involvement in Trump’s prosecution. The DOJ responded, stating there had been no contact between federal prosecutors and those handling the hush-money case from January 2021 up to the verdict.

Bragg is currently serving his first term as Manhattan’s district attorney. He is known for previously prosecuting Trump’s company in an unrelated tax fraud case.

Jordan's recent letter captures his intense scrutiny of local prosecutions:

Popularly elected prosecutors, such as New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, have engaged in an unprecedented abuse of authority by prosecuting a former President of the United States and current leading candidate for that office.

Civil Liberties and Oversight

Furthermore, Jordan stressed the importance of preventing politically motivated prosecutions against current and former Presidents:

Among other things, if state or local prosecutors are able to engage in politically motivated prosecutions of Presidents of the United States (current or former) for personal acts, this could have a profound impact on how Presidents choose to exercise their powers while in office.

The committee's letter reiterated their request for James to produce documents by July 2 to avoid a subpoena, stating their readiness to use compulsory measures if needed. The Department of Justice emphasized its independence from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, and Fox News Digital received no immediate response from the New York Attorney General’s Office.


This development highlights the ongoing conflict between federal and state authorities over the pursuit of Trump’s hush-money case and underscores the broader tensions about politically charged prosecutions. With key testimonies scheduled and looming deadlines for compliance, the next few weeks will be crucial in determining the direction of this high-stakes investigation.

Howie Mandel recently shared a shocking story about his wife Terry's fall due to marijuana gummies, not alcohol.

In a candid conversation on "LIVE with Kelly and Mark," Howie Mandel discussed the incident involving his wife, Terry. After consuming some marijuana gummies, Terry experienced intoxication, which led to a fall in their room at Fontainebleau Las Vegas. Fox News reported that despite initial confusion, Terry Mandel has fully recovered from her Las Vegas hotel room accident.

Terry Mandel's Scary Night

Howie and Terry Mandel have been married for 40 years. On the night of the accident, Terry woke up in the middle of the night and fell, hitting her head. Howie described it as a scary moment and tried to help using what was available.

Howie explained his immediate reaction to the show. He used cans of soda to try to alleviate her head injury. "I put her on the bed and I tried to give her ice, but I didn't have ice, and I gave her cans of soda to put on her head," Howie recalled.

Security's Misunderstanding

Hotel security, responding to a mess and bloodied scene, suspected domestic violence. Howie shared, "They've got me against the TV. My wife is covered in blood all over the bed. There's cans that have been thrown across the room."

Security detained Howie and questioned both of them. Despite the confusion, the situation was eventually cleared up. Terry and Howie explained the real cause of the mess.

Howie remembered the questions from security, "They had me leave the room and they asked her, ‘What happened?’ And she kept saying, 'I don't know.' And I said, 'Don't say you don't know!'

Post-Incident Recovery and Humor

Terry was taken to the hospital, where she was treated and eventually recovered without any permanent injuries. "She is absolutely perfect. There is not a scar. She is beautiful," Howie proudly stated.

After their return to the hotel, Terry found humor in the situation. "We got back to the hotel, and she's opening the door to the room. We're going back in the room. Another couple is coming out and going out for breakfast, and she goes, 'Howie, I promise I'll be a good girl.'"

Despite the seriousness of the night, Terry's lighthearted approach helped ease the tension. However, Howie did not find the joke amusing at first, reinforcing the night's stressful events.

Lessons and Reflections

Howie and Terry Mandel's experience serves as a cautionary tale about the impacts of marijuana gummies. Howie emphasized, "First of all, she wasn't drunk. She doesn't have an alcohol problem. I'm going to tell you the truth. She took gummies."

Reflecting on the night's events, Howie stressed the importance of caution when using such substances. He recounted advice from Harvey Levin, "I think the lesson here is — and everybody does this, and especially in Vegas — if you've been drinking or smoking or taking gummies, you get up in the middle of the night and you think that you can walk across the room without turning on the light. No, turn on the light."


Howie Mandel's revelation about his wife Terry's accident highlights the risks associated with marijuana gummies. Although security initially misunderstood the situation as domestic violence, the truth eventually emerged. Terry recovered fully and even found humor in the incident afterward. The story serves as a reminder to exercise caution and take marriage's challenges in stride.

Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, declared that Iran's 2015 nuclear deal is ineffective and only exists on paper.

Rafael Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has asserted that the JCPOA “exists only on paper and means nothing.”

Breitbart News reported that the deal, originally formulated by former President Barack Obama, was never submitted to Congress for ratification. Efforts to revive the deal have repeatedly failed, and tensions remain high as Iran increases its uranium enrichment activities and limits access to international inspectors.

In May 2018, former President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the JCPOA, leading Iran to dismiss the agreement due to unmet economic benefits and resume U.S. sanctions. In response, Iran escalated its nuclear enrichment and obstructed IAEA inspections, despite pleas from IAEA's Grossi to maintain some level of oversight for potential new agreements.

International Frustration Over Iran’s Actions

The IAEA has faced resistance from Iran, which has blocked inspectors and withheld key documents. Grossi has repeatedly highlighted the cooperation issues, stating that while inspections of Iran are vital, current conditions are insufficient.

In early June, the IAEA board of governors officially censured Iran with a 20-2 vote, opposed only by Russia and China. Despite the escalation, both the Biden administration and Grossi opposed taking such a drastic action against Iran.

Furthermore, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom issued a joint statement this past Saturday condemning Iran's escalated uranium enrichment, categorizing these actions as hollowing out the JCPOA.

Concerns Over Uranium Enrichment

Iran's announcement of further uranium enrichment plans, along with the installation of more advanced centrifuges, has amplified concerns. The joint European statement warned of significant proliferation risks and termed these actions as violations of the JCPOA.

The situation also highlights Iran's breaches of the 1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Grossi pointed out that Iran has not updated the IAEA on these nuclear activities and new facility constructions. Grossi expressed hope that Russia could influence Iran to cooperate better with the IAEA.

Grossi Seeks Continuous Monitoring

Despite acknowledging substantial cooperation problems, Grossi remained optimistic about the importance of inspections. He emphasized that Iran continues to be heavily inspected but highlighted the inadequacy of the current level of access.

Grossi reported, “We know that Iran is considering a number of activities which require construction of new facilities, installing new cascades, among other things. They should be informing us of those changes.”

The JCPOA, initially seen as a groundbreaking agreement in curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions, now finds itself effectively ineffectual. Grossi stated that it “exists only on paper and means nothing.”

In conclusion, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, aimed at restricting its nuclear program, has seen numerous breaches by Iran. Trump's 2018 withdrawal marked a significant turning point, and since then, Iran has significantly increased its nuclear activities. The IAEA’s ongoing challenges highlight the complexities of international nuclear agreements and the critical necessity for continuous monitoring.

Donald Trump's consideration of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum as a potential vice president is causing a stir due to Burgum's emotional public displays.

According to Daily Mail, Trump's known disdain for men who show vulnerability could impact Burgum's chances despite his loyalty and appeal.

Doug Burgum's Emotional Public Appearances

Since Doug Burgum announced his run for governor in 2016, he has often shown emotion during public appearances. These emotional displays usually occur when he discusses deeply personal matters.

Burgum has shown emotional responses when discussing personal and public matters, such as his father's death and pandemic policies. His tendency to become visibly moved during discussions on sensitive topics like meth addiction and gratitude highlights his empathetic character.

Trump’s Known Preference for Stoicism

Donald Trump has long exhibited a preference for stoic masculinity in his leaders. This is grounded in his belief that emotional displays, particularly crying, signify weakness.

John Fredericks, a conservative broadcaster, aligned with this notion by stating, "I just don't think men crying in public fits the Trump image or the moment." Trump’s own words in his biography "TrumpNation" emphasize this view further: "I don't believe in crying. It's just not my thing... when I see a man cry I view it as a weakness."

Emotional Moments in Burgum’s Speeches

Despite Trump's preference, Burgum’s emotional episodes have been notable and frequent. He has never actually wept in public, yet there have been several moments where he came close. During his first State of the State address in 2017, Burgum choked up while discussing gratitude and a homeless meth addict.

In a more recent example from 2020, Burgum displayed tears while urging the public not to politicize pandemic masks. He pointed out that mask-wearing is often a protective measure for loved ones in vulnerable conditions.

Trump’s Preference and Historical Reactions

However, it is worth noting that Trump’s historical reactions to emotional public figures have been harsh. A notable instance was his reaction to Brett Kavanaugh's emotional Senate questioning.

"I wonder how #45 is reacting to Kavanaugh’s crying," tweeted Omarosa Manigault-Newman, reflecting public curiosity about Trump’s stance. Insiders are aware of Trump's aversion to emotional displays, which is likely to influence his VP choice. "There's no secret he views crying as a sign of weakness in men," an insider commented.

Current VP Contenders and Speculation

Despite this, Burgum remains a contender among other potential candidates, including Senators Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, and J.D. Vance. Vance might be favored by conservatives, but Burgum’s loyalty appeals to Trump.

The Trump campaign has been keen to curb premature speculation about the VP choice. Brian Hughes, a senior adviser, reiterated, "As President Trump has said himself, the top criteria in selecting a vice president is a strong leader... But anyone telling you they know who or when President Trump will choose his VP is lying unless that person is named Donald J. Trump."

Conclusion: Trump’s Choice for VP

The selection of Trump's vice presidential running mate continues to be a topic of active speculation. Governor Doug Burgum’s emotional public appearances might be a pivotal point in Trump’s consideration, given his preference for stoic display over visible vulnerability. As discussions about Burgum's potential candidacy persist, the decision ultimately depends on Trump’s final judgment. Alongside Burgum, other strong contenders like Senators Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, and J.D. Vance remain in the race, keeping the anticipation around Trump’s eventual choice alive.

The ongoing RICO trial against alleged YSL gang members has taken a controversial turn as the presiding judge, Ural Glanville, faces a recusal motion due to a private meeting with the prosecution, a state witness, and the witness's counsel.

According to Newsweek, Judge Ural Glanville is spearheading the high-profile case involving several alleged YSL gang members, including Grammy-winning rapper Young Thug. The case has attracted considerable attention not only because of its high-profile defendant but also due to the alleged procedural missteps.

Judge Glanville Faces Recusal Motion

In a dramatic turn of events, Judge Glanville held a private meeting with District Attorney Fani Willis' office, a state witness, and the witness's counsel. This action prompted defense attorneys, particularly Brian Steel, who represents Young Thug, to file a motion seeking Glanville's recusal.

Steel accused Glanville of improperly aligning with the prosecution and influencing a state witness to testify. Michael McAuliffe, a former federal prosecutor, described the motion as "aggressive and controversial." He suggested the defense might be aiming to force a mistrial by injecting controversy into the lengthy proceedings.

Trial Drama Intensifies

The RICO indictment lists Young Thug among 27 defendants, though only six are currently on trial. The trial has been ongoing for nearly seven months, with expectations it will continue into 2025. Legal complexities have made the case challenging, with Anthony Michael Kreis, an assistant professor, noting that there are more lawyers than defendants.

Steel's motion asserts that Young Thug has been deprived of his constitutional right to ethical prosecutors due to the district attorney's alleged misconduct. The defense claims the DA's office worked in concert with Judge Glanville to gain an unlawful advantage through witness intimidation and coercion.

Controversies During the Trial

Judge Glanville's courtroom has seen a fair share of drama in recent weeks. The legal proceedings have been marred by various controversies, including an incident where a defendant was stabbed in jail and another where drugs were distributed within the courtroom.

Judge Glanville sentenced defense attorney Brian Steel to jail for refusing to reveal his sources, an incident that Neama Rahmani believes was more embarrassing for the judge than the DA's office. However, Willis' office continues to face criticism for a series of perceived missteps.

Fani Willis' Office Under Scrutiny

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has faced mounting criticism. In addition to the current case's controversies, Willis faced backlash for hiring her boyfriend, Nathan Wade, as special counsel in another case, which led to his disqualification. Rahmani commented that Willis' office seems out of control and has botched both cases due to these errors.

Kreis added that an ex parte meeting should never have been sought by the prosecutors. Additionally, there is a widespread perception that Fulton County's legal proceedings are unraveling into chaos, partly due to the ongoing controversies.

Legal Experts Weigh In

Legal experts have offered varying perspectives on the challenges facing the current trial. Michael McAuliffe believes the defense's strategy is to induce chaos and force a mistrial. Anthony Michael Kreis observed that the case, inherently complex, has become more problematic by focusing on personalities rather than the evidence.

"This case was always going to be a beast to try," Kreis remarked, highlighting the difficulties posed by the legal complexities and the involvement of numerous lawyers and defendants.


The RICO case against alleged YSL gang members, including Young Thug, has faced significant turmoil, particularly due to Judge Glanville's controversial private meeting with prosecutors. Defense attorney Brian Steel’s motion for recusal highlights claims of judicial bias, prosecutorial misconduct, and overall trial disorder. The trial, already fraught with multiple controversies, continues to challenge the legal system's capacity to administer justice fairly. As the proceedings unfold, the case remains a focal point for discussions on judicial ethics and prosecutorial conduct in high-stakes trials.

Relatives of the victims of two tragic Boeing 737 MAX crashes are pushing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to impose a severe penalty on Boeing and to prosecute former company executives.

According to Fox Business, the families’ request follows Boeing's previous deferred prosecution agreement and growing scrutiny of the aerospace giant's safety measures.

In a letter sent to the DOJ on Wednesday, an attorney for 15 affected families requested a $24.78 billion fine for Boeing and criminal charges against former executives, including ex-CEO Dennis Muilenburg. Muilenburg resigned in December 2019 amid the fallout from the deadly crashes.

Disasters of Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines Flights

The devastating crashes involved Lion Air Flight 610 in October 2018 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March 2019, resulting in 346 fatalities.

Following these incidents, Boeing entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the federal government in 2021, protecting it from criminal charges related to these accidents.

However, in May, the DOJ concluded that Boeing violated its commitments under the existing agreement, prompting a reassessment of how to proceed. "The government is determining how it will proceed in this matter," a DOJ representative stated.

Increased Pressure on Boeing and DOJ

Families have significantly intensified their campaign to hold Boeing accountable. Their collective demand for justice accompanied a press briefing on Capitol Hill leading up to Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun's testimony before the Senate.

During his appearance, Calhoun acknowledged Boeing's responsibility for both crashes and extended an apology to the victims' families. He is scheduled to step down as CEO at the end of the year but will continue serving on Boeing's board.

The Boeing 737 MAX's safety issues resurfaced in January when a door detached mid-flight from an Alaska Airlines aircraft. This incident led at least a dozen Boeing employees to blow the whistle, raising concerns about the company's quality control and organizational culture.

Ongoing Federal Investigations

In addition to the DOJ's ongoing inquiry, multiple federal agencies are currently investigating Boeing. This scrutiny underscores the families' determination to achieve accountability and justice for the lives lost in the crashes.

Since contact was initiated, Boeing has not responded to FOX Business regarding the families' letter to the DOJ.

The affected families continue to advocate fervently for stringent repercussions and substantial corporate accountability throughout this unfolding situation. As the DOJ decides its next steps, the victims' relatives remain resolute in their quest for justice and significant reforms within Boeing.


Relatives of the victims of two fatal Boeing 737 MAX crashes are urging the DOJ to levy a $24.78 billion fine against Boeing and prosecute former executives involved. The crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 resulted in 346 lives lost, leading to intense scrutiny and legal maneuvers. Recent investigations and incidents have reignited safety concerns, and the DOJ's next moves are highly anticipated. Families remain steadfast in their demand for rigorous penalties and accountability from Boeing.

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts in his hush money trial, but legal expert Jonathan Turley argues that there are significant procedural and constitutional errors that could lead to a reversal on appeal.

Conservative Brief reported that Trump continues to garner substantial support and raise significant funds in regions previously considered unlikely despite the conviction.

Legal Expert Questions Trial's Integrity

According to Turley, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case was built on accusations that he deems false. He highlighted that Judge Juan Merchan allegedly hindered Trump's defense, which was potentially unconstitutional, and pointed out that numerous procedural and federal constitutional violations may have occurred.

“I think the level of reversible error here really is quite considerable. It runs the waterfront of procedural to constitutional problems,” Turley said. He noted that even the unanimity requirement might not have been properly met during the jury's deliberations.

Optimism About Appeal Process

Turley expressed optimism regarding the appeal process. He believes that the considerable reversible errors and violations could lead to a reversal in New York's appellate system. “I think that, in the end, we were going to have a reversal. I’m fairly confident of that. Now, in the New York appellate system, they have a rule for Trump,” Turley elaborated.

He reaffirmed his belief in the integrity of some New York lawyers and judges, predicting they would adhere to proper legal frameworks in the appeal.

Currently, Democrats feel vindicated by Trump's status as a convicted felon. However, Turley suggested that public sentiment might shift as more become aware of the potential issues in the trial.  “I think at some point, people will step forward and say enough. You know, hating this man is not enough to forget the lack of the evidence,” Turley added.

Meanwhile, Trump’s popularity is growing in previously unexpected regions. Despite his legal battles, Trump remains a polarizing figure capable of drawing significant financial and public support.

Successful Fundraiser Amid Conviction

Last week, Trump attended a fundraiser organized by affluent tech industry figures, where he raised nearly $12 million. Venture investors David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya hosted the event, which cost between $50,000 and $500,000 to attend.

Prominent cryptocurrency investors and venture capitalists were among the attendees. During the event, Republican National Committee member Harmeet Dhillon observed that Trump appeared calm and in high spirits, even joking about AI.

The Role of Influential Supporters

David Sacks disclosed that JD Vance primarily influenced the event's hosting. “This all started with JD Vance calling and asking if we could host an event for President Trump. Without JD’s advice and encouragement, this would never have happened,” Sacks revealed.

In a detailed post on the social media platform X, Sacks endorsed Trump, citing dissatisfaction with the Biden Administration's policies.  “My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability – issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back,” Sacks stated.


Former President Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 counts in his hush money trial is under scrutiny for alleged procedural and constitutional errors, as highlighted by legal expert Jonathan Turley.  As the legal process unfolds with an optimistic view on appeal prospects, Trump continues to attract substantial financial and public support, demonstrated by a lucrative fundraiser hosted by prominent tech figures. The ongoing developments emphasize his enduring influence and the divided public and legal opinion surrounding his case.

Brian Michael Gaherty of Houston received a 33-month federal prison sentence for making multiple violent threats to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) in 2022.

Breitbart News reported that Gaherty was fined $10,000 for making multiple phone calls threatening the life of Representative Waters. These threats, which started in August 2022, persisted even after law enforcement got involved.

In January, Gaherty admitted guilt to one count of threatening a United States official. His actions were intended to intimidate and disrupt Representative Waters in her congressional responsibilities.

Extended Threatening Behavior Despite Warnings

Gaherty's actions drew law enforcement's attention when he left a voicemail threatening to "put a cap" between Waters' eyes, "stomp" her, and "cut [her] throat." He also claimed that he had a "contract" on her life.

Law enforcement contacted Gaherty in October 2022, warning him to cease his threatening actions. However, he disregarded this warning and continued his threats, leading to more alarming voicemails in November 2022.

In his November voicemails, Gaherty told Waters she would meet him "on the street," threatened to "get in [her] face," and emphasized the severity of his threats by referring to them as a "promise" rather than a mere threat.

Federal Indictment And Response

This persistent behavior led to a federal grand jury's indictment in April 2023. Gaherty faced four counts of making interstate threats and four counts of threatening a U.S. official.

Gaherty admitted to making threats of assault and murder against Waters on four occasions in August and November 2022. The threats created an environment of fear and intended to disrupt Waters from fulfilling her duties as an elected official.

U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada stressed the importance of combating such threats. Estrada emphasized that threats undermining the safety of elected officials and democracy "must not – and will not – be tolerated."

Detailed Threats Recounted

In August 2022, a terrifying voicemail to Waters’ office included threats to "put a cap" between her eyes, among other violent imagery. Gaherty insisted that Waters "better move" due to a supposed "contract" on her life.

Despite authorities contacting Gaherty and warning him in October, he proceeded with further threats in November 2022. Gaherty emphatically communicated that Waters had "done [expletive] up" by reporting his threats, and claimed his threats were a "promise."

Gaherty's threats to meet Waters "on the street" and "get in [her] face," along with claims of a "contract" to "take [her]... out," highlighted the intensity and persistence of his intentions.


Brian Michael Gaherty's sentencing to 33 months in federal prison for threatening Rep. Maxine Waters signifies a stringent stance against such egregious behavior. His persistent threats continued even after law enforcement intervention, emphasizing the seriousness of his actions. This verdict reiterates the commitment of the judicial system to maintain the safety and respect for the roles of public officials by deterring violent threats against them.

According to Daily Mail, Pizza Hut has suddenly closed 15 stores and may close an additional 129 due to a significant dispute with a major franchisee.

Nearly 150 Pizza Hut locations are slated for closure following a financial dispute involving unpaid bills totaling millions of dollars between Pizza Hut and EYM Group, leading to mutual lawsuits.

On Friday night, patrons of 15 Pizza Hut locations in Indiana were met with abrupt closures, marking the debut of nearly 150 such impending shutdowns. A missed payment deadline during the past week spurred these initial closures. EYM Group, which operates these restaurants, has yet to reconcile millions in unpaid funds, exacerbating the conflict with Pizza Hut.

Additional States at Risk of Closures

Amid this conflict, another 129 locations spread across Illinois, Georgia, South Carolina, and Wisconsin now face similar threats. EYM Group’s operations span 144 Pizza Hut outlets within five states, making the stakes in this dispute particularly high.

Dates for staggered payment deadlines were set by Pizza Hut, with each state having its own schedule. Indiana's restaurants faced closure after missing the June 12 deadline, with the shutdown on June 14. South Carolina's deadline is June 27, while Illinois faces its own on July 7, Georgia on July 11, and Wisconsin on September 5.

Both corporations have taken legal action against each other, citing breach of contract among various other grievances. In March, EYM Group sought legal recourse, accusing Pizza Hut of failing to modernize its menus and applications, leading to a competitive disadvantage and financial strain. The group also highlighted inflation and rising ingredient costs as contributing factors. Pizza Hut responded with its legal suit on June 7, seeking to take control of the outlets should EYM Group fail to cover its debts.

Financial Struggles and Employee Impact

The financial entanglement sees EYM Group defaulting on over $5.6 million between late 2022 and 2023. Kevin Hochman, their CEO, alleged that Pizza Hut's negligible innovations, such as tweaking cheese types in their stuffed crust or temporary appetizers, contributed to declining sales.

Indeed, Pizza Hut's U.S. sales have dipped by 6% this year, contributing to the acrimonious situation. Meanwhile, employees at the closed Indiana locations were blindsided and advised to file for unemployment, further illustrating the abruptness and severity of these closures.

In an attempt to mitigate the situation, Pizza Hut hopes to transition these locations, expecting many will eventually reopen. A Pizza Hut spokesperson commented, "The company is working to transition these locations and expects many of them will reopen soon."

Legal Battle and Future Prospects

EYM Group, founded in 2008, has faced escalating issues with Pizza Hut over the last year. In an attempt to address mounting dues, Pizza Hut previously granted EYM a forbearance on debt repayment last August. However, tensions resurfaced, with EYM's operations deemed at risk should there be continuous missed payments.

Notably, a source disclosed to the strategy behind these shutdowns: "This is Pizza Hut bosses showing they are not bluffing." Pizza Hut, owned by Yum Brands Inc., outlined its intention to seize control of the outlets should unpaid debts persist, intensifying the pressure on EYM Group to navigate its financial burdens.

The immediate aftermath of the Indiana closures reveals the tangible effects on the broader workforce and local economies. As other states approach their respective deadlines, anticipation builds regarding potential closures and the employees' fate.


Nearly 150 Pizza Hut locations face potential closures due to unpaid bills between Pizza Hut and EYM Group, including 15 outlets in Indiana. With additional locations in Illinois, Georgia, South Carolina, and Wisconsin under similar threat, EYM Group’s financial struggles and legal issues compound the situation. This dispute underscores broader challenges, including anticipated job losses and diminishing sales figures, further complicating an already volatile scenario.

A new congressional reimbursement program has drawn criticism over its lack of receipt requirements, which some say could lead to abuse. About 300 members of Congress utilized the program last year, racking up nearly $6 million in reimbursements.

Last year, a new program allowed members to top off their salaries with reimbursements for food and housing without needing receipts.

According to Daily Mail, the program was introduced to help lawmakers cope with the high costs of maintaining housing in their home districts and the expensive Washington, D.C., market. Members of Congress who earn a $174,000 annual salary could claim an additional $30,000 or more under this program. This change was part of a House rule modification to ease financial burdens.

Top Spenders and Controversy

Rep. Jack Bergman, a Republican from Michigan, was the highest claimant, with reimbursements totaling $44,079 for lodging and meals. Other notable high claimers included Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, who claimed $42,279, and Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, who claimed $40,092.

A striking aspect of this program is that it does not require receipts for expenses related to food and housing. Critics argue that this lack of accountability could lead to potential misuse of funds. Despite this, Speaker Mike Johnson refrained from using the program, contrasting with former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who claimed $23,011 on top of his $223,500 speaker's salary.

Rep. Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, claimed $37,277 and reportedly overcharged taxpayers by $12,000 for a home she owns and rents out. The report underlined the program's shortcomings by highlighting such potential for misuse.

Legal Limitations and Compliance

The program allows members to expense hotels and rent within the per diem set by the General Services Administration (GSA) for days they are in Washington, D.C., on official business. However, expensing mortgage payments or interest on homes they own is not permitted under this program. Members can only claim reimbursements for utilities, property taxes, and home insurance.

"We had a lot of questions in the beginning," said a source involved in implementing the change, emphasizing the efforts to stick to a narrow range of reimbursements, including insurance, taxes, and utilities.

Financial disclosures reveal that Rep. Jack Bergman has assets valued between $647,000 and $1.4 million. Rep. Matt Gaetz's 2023 financial disclosures are pending, but in 2022, his assets ranged between $341,000 and $1.2 million, with liabilities between $20,000 and $30,000. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who reimbursed herself $40,092, has assets ranging between $37,000 and $208,000, with liabilities between $45,000 and $150,000.

Broader Impact and Legislative Background

Rep. Ilhan Omar also drew attention for paying her husband's political consulting firm $3 million in 2020. Omar, who has four children, may continue to face scrutiny over her financial practices in light of these new reimbursement claims.

The House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress suggested the expense program in 2022 as a workaround to address the financial needs of members who have not received a pay raise since 2009. Political implications of giving themselves a raise have kept lawmakers from direct salary increases, pushing them to alternative solutions like this reimbursement plan.

Critics argue that while the intent behind the program was commendable, the execution and the loopholes pose significant challenges. The average reimbursement amount claimed by members was $18,000, indicating that many took advantage of the system to supplement their income. Members who choose to sleep in their offices are barred from claiming housing expenses, ensuring that some level of restraint and guidelines are maintained within the program.

 Concluding Thoughts

The new program for covering additional housing costs in Washington, D.C., and home districts allows sizable claims without receipts, raising accountability concerns. Leading claimants like Rep. Jack Bergman, Rep. Matt Gaetz, and Rep. Ilhan Omar have sparked debates on its efficacy and potential misuse. Lawmakers support it for managing high living costs, while critics urge tighter controls to prevent undue expenses, suggesting future adjustments to balance support and abuse prevention.

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