According to a report by Just the News, former President Donald Trump has announced plans for a sweeping crackdown on election fraud if he returns to the White House.

During a speech in Mosinee, Wisconsin, Trump outlined his intentions to expand the 25th Amendment, targeting vice presidents who might conceal a president's incapacity.

Trump's proposal aims to allow for the removal of a vice president who "lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States." This move appears to draw a connection between Joe Biden's perceived mental decline and potential concealment by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Proposed Changes To the 25th Amendment And Election Integrity

Trump emphasized the severity of such actions, stating:

If you do that with a coverup of the president of the United States, it's grounds for impeachment immediately and removal from office, because that's what they did.

The former president's plans extend beyond constitutional amendments. He expressed his commitment to prosecuting those involved in election fraud, promising severe consequences for offenders.

Trump took to his TruthSocial platform to further elaborate on his intentions, warning of potential legal repercussions for various individuals involved in election processes, including lawyers, political operatives, donors, and election officials.

Unprecedented Levels Of Prosecution Promised

Trump's message on TruthSocial was unequivocal about the scope and intensity of his proposed crackdown:

Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

This statement underscores Trump's determination to address what he perceives as widespread election fraud, a claim that has been a cornerstone of his political narrative since the 2020 election.

The former president's focus on election integrity appears to be a key component of his campaign strategy for the 2024 presidential race. By promising tough action against alleged cheating, Trump is appealing to his base while also raising concerns among his critics about the potential implications of such measures.

Implications For Future Elections And Political Landscape

Trump's proposed changes to the 25th Amendment and his pledge to prosecute election fraud raise significant questions about the future of American democracy. These proposals could potentially reshape the relationship between the president and vice president, as well as impact the conduct of elections.

The former president's statements reflect his ongoing concerns about election integrity, a theme that has dominated his political discourse since leaving office.

His promises of unprecedented prosecution levels for those involved in alleged election fraud signal a potential shift in how election-related disputes might be handled in the future.


Trump's focus on these issues is likely to be a central theme in his campaign strategy, potentially influencing voter perceptions and shaping the political debate leading up to the 2024 election. His proposed actions, if implemented, could have far-reaching effects on the American political system, electoral processes, and the balance of power within the executive branch.

Former President Donald Trump claims that height-enhancing devices will be prohibited during the upcoming presidential debate.

According to Fox News, Trump made this assertion in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, on Saturday.

In his statement, Trump declared, "No boxes or artificial lifts will be allowed to stand on during my upcoming debate with Comrade Kamala Harris." He further alleged that such devices would constitute cheating, adding that the Democrats "cheat enough" already.

Trump's Reference To Past Debate Controversies

Trump's comments harken back to previous debates and political rivalries. He specifically mentioned former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, claiming that Bloomberg was not allowed to use a "lift" during a past debate.

The former president has a history of making height-related jabs at his political opponents. During Bloomberg's 2020 Democratic nomination bid, Trump frequently referred to him as "Mini Mike Bloomberg" and alleged that he had requested to stand on a box during a primary debate.

However, it's important to note that Bloomberg's campaign vehemently denied these claims at the time. A spokesperson for Bloomberg's 2020 campaign dismissed Trump's assertions, stating, "The president is lying. He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan."

Vice President Harris's Height And Trump's Claims

While Trump's post focused on the alleged prohibition of height-enhancing devices, it's worth noting that Vice President Kamala Harris has previously addressed questions about her height.

In an interview with Katie Couric earlier this year, Harris clarified:

I am 5'4" and a quarter — sometimes 5'4" and a half. And with heels — which I always wear — I'm 5'7' and a half, thank you very much.

Trump's own height has been reported as both 6'2" and 6'3", although this has not been a significant point of contention in recent debates.

Implications For The Upcoming Presidential Debate

It remains unclear whether Trump's claims about debate rules stem from actual discussions with ABC, the network hosting the upcoming debate, or if they are merely speculative.

The former president's focus on this issue could be seen as an attempt to set the stage for the debate and potentially influence public perception. By bringing up the topic of height and alleged attempts to artificially enhance it, Trump may be trying to shape the narrative around the physical presentation of the candidates.

However, it's important to note that debates typically focus on policy issues and candidates' qualifications rather than physical attributes. As the debate approaches, it will be interesting to see if this topic continues to be a point of discussion or if attention shifts to more substantive matters.


The upcoming presidential debate between Trump and Harris will likely be a pivotal moment in the 2024 election cycle. Trump's comments about height-enhancing devices add an unusual element to the pre-debate discourse. As the event draws near, voters will be watching closely to see how both candidates present themselves and their policy positions. The debate's outcome could have significant implications for the election, potentially influencing voter perceptions and preferences in key battleground states.

Former President Donald Trump publicly expressed his gratitude to the Supreme Court for its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, a ruling that revoked long-standing protections for women’s reproductive rights.

According to Boing Boing, his praise comes as various groups celebrate the rollback of these rights and look toward further societal restrictions. The ruling, which many view as a significant reduction in women's rights, has stirred both celebration and concern across the political spectrum.

He recently praised the Supreme Court’s decision as "brave," a stance that has sparked controversy. Supporters of the ruling, including Trump, are advocating for more restrictive policies that could extend beyond just abortion rights.

Trump's Changing Stance on Abortion

Throughout his political career, Trump’s position on abortion has fluctuated, most notably in Florida, where he initially faced backlash from evangelical groups.

These groups had expressed dissatisfaction with his perceived reluctance to support more stringent anti-abortion measures in the state.

Now, however, Trump has made a notable shift back to his former hardline stance, stating that he is "back to taking credit" for pushing a total abortion ban.

Supreme Court's Role in Shaping the Future

Though Trump has praised the Supreme Court for its actions, many have pointed out that courage is often demonstrated by decisions that align with widespread public support. The ruling, however, has proven divisive, with large portions of the population expressing outrage over the rollback of so-called "reproductive rights."

Conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, through initiatives like Project 2025, are reportedly planning further social restrictions that could affect various demographics beyond women.

Some political analysts believe this issue could significantly damage Trump's chances in a future presidential election. One commentator observed, "This issue alone... should be enough to kill his campaign in a landslide," suggesting that Trump’s alignment with the court's ruling may alienate moderate voters, particularly women.

Potential Ramifications for the 2024 Election

Trump's positioning as a champion of conservative values risks further polarizing an already divided electorate. Some right-wing factions may hail the Supreme Court's ruling as a triumph for traditional principles. Others caution that it could severely impact Trump's political prospects.

Amid the controversy, Trump has steadfastly lauded the Supreme Court's decision. He portrays himself as a pivotal figure in reshaping the nation's legal and cultural landscape. Critics, however, argue that this approach may ultimately prove counterproductive to his campaign.

The ramifications of the Supreme Court's ruling and Trump's endorsement of it will likely remain central to the national political discourse leading up to the 2024 election. The question of whether Trump can effectively navigate the ensuing backlash remains unresolved.

The political terrain continues to evolve while proponents and opponents of the decision prepare for upcoming challenges. Trump's campaign is unfolding against this backdrop. His position on abortion and alignment with the Court's ruling will undoubtedly face scrutiny from voters across the political spectrum. Whether this stance will reignite support or signal the twilight of his political career remains uncertain.

House Republicans are redirecting their investigative efforts from Hunter Biden to Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz as the 2024 election approaches.

According to Just the News, the GOP is planning to probe Harris's handling of the border crisis and Walz's alleged connections to Chinese Communist Party officials.

With Congress set to reconvene, the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing titled "The Biden-Harris Border Crisis: Victim Perspectives," focusing on Harris's role in managing the southern border situation.

Harris's Border Crisis Management Under Examination

The upcoming House Judiciary Committee hearing will delve into Harris's performance as the administration's point person on border issues. Republicans have been vocal critics of her approach to the immigration crisis, with thousands of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Initially dubbed the "border czar" by the Biden administration and some media outlets, Harris and her team have since distanced themselves from this title. The livestreamed hearing is expected to shed light on the perspectives of those affected by the ongoing border crisis. It will likely examine the effectiveness of Harris's strategies and the impact of the administration's policies on border communities and beyond.

Walz's Alleged Ties To Chinese Communist Party

House Republicans have also set their sights on Tim Walz, launching an investigation into his purported connections to Chinese Communist Party officials. The House Oversight Committee has raised concerns about Walz's numerous visits to China and his associations with Chinese institutions.

According to the committee, Walz has visited China 30 times and served as a fellow at a Chinese institution known for its devotion to the CCP. They also pointed out his participation in events alongside the president of a Chinese organization that the State Department has identified as a CCP effort to influence local leaders.

Walz's Support For Controversial Research Institute

Walz's involvement with the Hormel Institute, a Minnesota-based medical research center, has come under scrutiny due to the institute's reported connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As a congressman, Walz played a role in securing over $2 million for the Hormel Institute and was known as a strong advocate for the organization.

The institute's former executive director, Dr. Zigang Dong, stepped down in 2019 amid an FBI investigation into potential failures to report foreign backing when applying for grants. This development has raised questions about the nature of the institute's international collaborations and funding sources.

Brian Cavanaugh, a former White House National Security Council member, expressed concern about the Hormel Institute's work with the Wuhan lab, stating that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has direct ties to China's People's Liberation Army. This connection has fueled Republican interest in examining Walz's support for the institute and its implications for national security.

COVID-19 Fraud Investigation Targets Walz

In addition to the China-related inquiries, Walz faces scrutiny over his administration's oversight of a Minnesota-based COVID-19 fraud scheme. The House Education and Workforce Committee has subpoenaed Walz as part of an investigation into the nonprofit Feeding Our Future, which has been charged with multiple federal counts including wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering.

The organization claimed to have provided 18.8 million meals to needy children across Minnesota. However, prosecutors allege that the group fabricated invoices and submitted thousands of fake names to defraud the government of $49 million in federal funds.

As the election draws near, these investigations into Harris and Walz are likely to intensify. The Republicans' shift in focus from Hunter Biden to the Democratic ticket reflects their strategy to challenge their opponents' records and qualifications. The outcomes of these probes could significantly impact the narrative surrounding the Democratic candidates and potentially influence voter perceptions as November approaches.

Former President Donald Trump has unveiled a comprehensive plan to address election integrity if he returns to the White House.

According to Just the News, Trump's proposal includes expanding the 25th Amendment to hold vice presidents accountable for concealing a president's incapacity and implementing severe penalties for election fraud.

During a speech in Mosinee, Wisconsin, Trump outlined his vision for combating election cheating and ensuring transparency at the highest levels of government. The former president's plan comes amid ongoing debates about election security and concerns over the mental acuity of elected officials.

Expanding The 25th Amendment For VP Accountability

Trump proposed modifying the 25th Amendment to allow for the removal of a vice president who engages in covering up a president's incapacity. This suggestion appears to be a veiled reference to the current administration, with Trump subtly connecting Joe Biden's perceived mental decline to potential concealment by Vice President Kamala Harris.

The former president stated his support for altering the amendment to permit the ouster of a vice president who "lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States." Trump emphasized the severity of such actions, declaring that they would be grounds for immediate impeachment and removal from office.

This proposed expansion of the 25th Amendment reflects Trump's broader concerns about transparency and accountability in the executive branch. It also highlights the ongoing political discourse surrounding the mental fitness of elected officials and the responsibilities of those in supporting roles.

Aggressive Prosecution Of Election Fraud

Trump took to his social media platform, TruthSocial, to further elaborate on his plans for election integrity. He vowed to closely monitor the 2024 Presidential Election and promised swift action against those found guilty of election fraud.

Trump stated:

WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON'T.

The former president's statement underscores his commitment to maintaining the integrity of the electoral process and deterring potential bad actors. Trump's proposed crackdown would extend to various individuals involved in the election process, including lawyers, political operatives, donors, illegal voters, and corrupt election officials.

Unprecedented Legal Consequences For Election Fraud

Trump's plan for addressing election fraud involves implementing severe legal consequences for those found guilty of misconduct. The former president emphasized that his administration would pursue prosecution at levels "unfortunately, never seen before in our Country."

This aggressive stance on election fraud reflects Trump's ongoing concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. By proposing such stringent measures, Trump aims to deter potential wrongdoing and restore public confidence in the democratic system.

The former president's statement highlights the seriousness with which he views election integrity:

Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

Trump's proposed crackdown on election fraud and his call for expanding the 25th Amendment represent significant policy positions in his potential future administration. These measures reflect ongoing debates about election security, governmental transparency, and the mental fitness of elected officials. As the 2024 election approaches, Trump's stance on these issues will likely continue to shape political discourse and influence voter perceptions of electoral integrity and governmental accountability.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is facing accusations that he fabricated key details about a pivotal moment in his political journey.

The controversy centers on his claim that he and two students were barred from attending a 2004 George W. Bush campaign rally because of a John Kerry sticker, and new evidence has surfaced that challenges the accuracy of Walz’s narrative, suggesting he was not denied entry and had already been politically active before the event, as the New York Post reports.

Walz’s Rally Story Faces Scrutiny

Walz, a former high school teacher and football coach, has repeatedly referenced this incident during his political career. He said it was a turning point that inspired him to run for Congress. According to his version, he and two of his students were prevented from entering a rally for Bush's re-election campaign in Mankato because one of the students had a Kerry sticker.

However, recent reports indicate that the teens in question were not his students and were not turned away because of the sticker. Matt Klaber, one of the individuals involved, was a Mankato West Senior High School graduate who had not taken a class with Walz. His companion, Nick Burkhart, attended Mankato East, and neither student was barred from the rally due to their political affiliations.

Furthermore, records show that Walz was already politically active prior to the rally, participating as a "Veteran for Kerry" in protests against the Bush campaign. These revelations cast doubt on his longstanding narrative of being apolitical until the alleged rally incident.

Students Not Barred Over Kerry Sticker

According to Klaber and Burkhart, the situation was more complex than Walz has portrayed. Both men were initially denied tickets to a different Bush event due to unfavorable comments they had made about the president. But after further consideration, Republican aides offered them tickets to another rally, where Walz accompanied them at the request of Klaber’s family.

The Secret Service, however, flagged Klaber and Burkhart as potential disruptions due to their earlier remarks. As a result, they were denied entry to the event, while Walz himself was allowed inside. This incident appears to differ significantly from Walz’s version of events, where he emphasized his frustration over being turned away alongside the students.

In a 2006 interview, Walz expressed indignation at being kept out of the rally, saying, "As a soldier, I told them I had a right to see my commander in chief." This statement has since become a cornerstone of his political origin story, even though the facts surrounding the event now appear to contradict it.

Continued Repetition Of Rally Incident

Despite the discrepancies in his story, Walz has continued to recount the rally incident over the years. In August 2020, he tweeted about the event, describing how it motivated his decision to run for office. "Above all, I was struck by how deeply divided our country was becoming," he wrote, "that a veteran and a group of high schoolers would be turned away at the door."

This narrative has persisted throughout his political career, with some of his supporters reinforcing it in public forums. A 2018 op-ed in the Mankato Free Press echoed Walz’s belief that "everyone should be allowed to see their president, regardless of political affiliation." This sentiment, rooted in Walz’s story, became a recurring theme as he campaigned for higher office.

However, not everyone agrees with this portrayal. Chris Faulkner, who witnessed the events firsthand, has been critical of Walz’s account. "It’s clear he was politically involved before that moment," Faulkner said, calling Walz's version "bulls–t" and accusing him of manufacturing a compelling origin story for political gain.

Inconsistencies In Walz’s Political Beginnings

The controversy surrounding Walz’s account has resurfaced in light of his recent remarks at the Democratic National Convention in September 2024. During his speech, he credited his high school coaching and teaching experience with inspiring him to run for office, mentioning the same students who had supposedly been turned away from the Bush rally.

This claim, combined with his earlier statements about the rally incident, has drawn further scrutiny as more details emerge. Nick Burkhart, one of the students involved, clarified in 2021 that his Kerry sticker was not visible at the rally, contradicting a key element of Walz's story. Meanwhile, Walz and his campaign have remained largely silent on the matter, declining to comment when approached by multiple outlets. As the discrepancies between his story and the evidence continue to grow, questions about the accuracy of his political origin tale linger.

A US-Turkish dual national was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a protest in the occupied West Bank, prompting a strong response from the U.S. government.

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a US-Turkish dual citizen, was fatally shot in the head by Israeli troops during a demonstration against Israeli settlements in Beita, a town in the occupied West Bank, as Tag24 News reports.

The incident, which took place during protests against the encroachment of Palestinian land by Israeli settlers, has sparked calls for a thorough investigation. Palestinian officials have accused Israeli forces of using live ammunition during the demonstration, which escalated into violence. Eygi’s death has drawn the attention of both US and Turkish authorities.

U.S. Expresses Condolences, Calls for Investigation

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his condolences over the incident and stressed the need for an in-depth investigation. Speaking from the Dominican Republic, where he was attending a diplomatic event, Blinken made it clear that the United States intends to get to the bottom of what occurred before taking any formal steps. “We deplore this tragic loss,” Blinken stated, offering his “deepest condolences” to the family of Eygi. He underscored that the safety of American citizens remains a top priority for the US government.

Though he refrained from immediately condemning Israeli actions, Blinken emphasized that the U.S. would act “as necessary” once more details of the incident were confirmed. He made it clear that further action would depend on the results of the investigation.

Tensions Rise in the Occupied West Bank

Eygi’s killing has intensified the already strained relations between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the West Bank. Beita, the town where the protest took place, has been the site of frequent demonstrations against Israeli settlements that many Palestinians consider illegal under international law.

Palestinian officials have blamed Israeli troops for responding with excessive force, alleging that the use of live ammunition was unjustified. The demonstration where Eygi was killed was part of a larger protest movement resisting what local Palestinians see as ongoing encroachment on their land by Israeli settlers. While protests in the region are not uncommon, the death of a U.S. citizen has drawn heightened international attention. The U.S. government, typically one of Israel’s strongest allies, now faces a delicate situation as it calls for both justice and restraint.

Blinken Urges Patience, Promises Action

When asked whether the U.S. would take any immediate steps against Israel following Eygi’s death, Blinken urged patience, emphasizing the importance of gathering all the facts before making any decisions. “First things first -- let's find out exactly what happened,” he said, suggesting that any response would come only after a full review of the situation.

The secretary of State promised that more information would be forthcoming as the investigation progresses. He assured the public that the U.S. would take the appropriate actions, based on the findings, to ensure the safety and protection of its citizens abroad. “When we have more info, we will share it, make it available, and, as necessary, we'll act on it,” Blinken said, reaffirming the administration’s commitment to safeguarding American lives. He added, “I have no higher priority than the safety and protection of American citizens wherever they are.”

Palestinian Protesters Claim Excessive Force

Palestinian authorities have been quick to condemn what they see as disproportionate use of force by Israeli troops. According to local reports, the demonstration was largely peaceful until Israeli forces opened fire on the crowd. Eyewitnesses claim that Eygi was shot during a heated moment in the protest. Her death has been seen as a reflection of the broader struggles in the occupied territories, where violence between Israeli forces and Palestinians has been a recurring issue.

While Israel has not yet officially commented on the specifics of Eygi’s death, the incident has reignited debates about the military’s approach to managing protests in the West Bank. The broader context of these protests relates to Israel’s continued settlement expansion in Palestinian territories, a practice that has been widely criticized internationally, even as Israel continues to defend its security measures.

Calls for Accountability from Both Sides

The U.S. is now under pressure to address both its alliance with Israel and its responsibility to protect American citizens. While Blinken has called for calm and a thorough investigation, many are watching to see how the US will balance its diplomatic ties with Israel against the demand for accountability in the killing of one of its own citizens.

The situation remains volatile, with Eygi’s death adding fuel to the ongoing conflict in the region. As the investigation unfolds, it will likely play a key role in shaping future U.S.-Israel relations and determining how the international community responds to the situation in the West Bank.

For the second time, Donald Trump's sentencing has been postponed, pushing it back to Nov. 26, just after the U.S. presidential election.

The delay has sparked mixed reactions, with some praising the effort to avoid election interference, while others express concerns about the timing and its potential impact on the judicial process, as Newsweek reports.

In May, Trump was convicted by a jury on 34 felony counts tied to a $130,000 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. His sentencing was initially scheduled for July 11 but was later moved to Sept. 18. On Friday, Judge Juan Merchan issued a second delay, citing concerns about the appearance of political interference with the presidential race.

Judge Merchan Cites Election Concerns in Issuing Delay

Merchan explained that his decision to move the sentencing to after the election aimed to avoid any potential concerns that the case could influence or be influenced by the upcoming election. The sentencing is now set for Nov. 26. This is the second delay in this case, further complicating the intersection of Trump's legal battles and his presidential campaign.

Not everyone agrees with Merchan's reasoning. Norman Eisen, a legal analyst for CNN, has criticized the delay as a politically motivated decision. He suggested that Trump has been receiving special treatment and referenced another judge, Tanya Chutkan, overseeing a federal election obstruction case involving Trump, who declared that election timing should not interfere with legal proceedings.

On the other hand, Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor, believes the delay will make it easier to sentence Trump if he is no longer an active candidate for office. He stated that it would be simpler for Judge Merchan to hand down a decision once Trump is out of the political spotlight.

Weissmann Discusses Legal "Downsides"

Andrew Weissmann, a legal expert with MSNBC, highlighted the potential legal pitfalls of the postponement. He noted that by delaying the sentencing, the Supreme Court is kept from intervening before the election. Weissmann indicated that while some see this delay as a win for Trump, the decision could pose problems for him as the guilty verdict remains in place without being affected by the election process.

Weissmann also emphasized that the verdict, which stems from Trump's conviction on falsifying business records related to the hush money payment, is still very much alive despite the delay.

Trump's legal team is set to argue a motion seeking the dismissal of the verdict based on presidential immunity. This defense strategy was bolstered by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in July, which Trump's lawyers claim provides him immunity due to his status as a former president.

Trump's Reaction to Postponement

Trump reacted publicly to Judge Merchan's decision, expressing his disapproval of the entire matter on Truth Social, calling the case a "witch hunt" and a "political attack." Trump reiterated his belief that the charges were motivated by his political opponents and designed to interfere with his 2024 campaign. He also expressed appreciation for Merchan's use of the phrase "if necessary" in the decision about the new sentencing date, implying that Trump hopes the case could be dismissed entirely before the need for sentencing arises.

Former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance noted that if Merchan had not delayed the sentencing, another court likely would have done so. Vance argued that forcing Trump to appear in court just before Thanksgiving would prevent further delays, ensuring that no additional arguments for postponement could be raised. Meanwhile, MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang attributed much of the delay to the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity. Phang has been critical of the ruling, linking it to the broader impact on the case timeline and the broader implications of future Supreme Court appointments, which could be influenced by the results of the 2024 election.

Legal Debate Surrounds Postponement's Impact

As the November 2024 sentencing date looms, debate continues over whether delaying the process is a strategic advantage for Trump or a hurdle he will have to overcome later. Critics of the delay, such as Norman Eisen, maintain that no one should receive special treatment in the legal system, regardless of their political status.

Ultimately, the postponement has raised questions about the intersection of politics and the legal system in high-profile cases like this one. As Trump continues his campaign for the 2024 presidency, his legal battles remain a key factor in shaping public opinion.

Republican vice-presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance has left the door open to the possibility of reintroducing family separations if he and former president Donald Trump win the 2024 election.

Vance’s refusal to rule out the controversial policy has brought the issue of family separations back into the political spotlight as immigration remains a key focus of the Trump campaign, as NBC News reports.

On Friday, Vance compared family separations resulting from immigration policies to those that happen when criminals are arrested for violent crimes. “Every time that somebody’s arrested for a crime, that’s family separation,” he said. Vance defended the practice by arguing that enforcing the law sometimes leads to these unfortunate situations, but it is necessary to maintain order at the border.

Trump's View on Family Separation Policy

Trump has similarly defended the family separation policy in past remarks. During a 2023 town hall, he acknowledged that the policy was harsh but said it was effective in deterring illegal immigration. “When you have that policy, people don’t come,” Trump stated.

In a recent interview, Trump emphasized plans for mass deportations, indicating that family separations might still be part of his strategy. While he acknowledged the difficulties the policy creates for families, he expressed a focus on ensuring the deportation of those he described as criminals. “Provisions will be made, but we have to get the criminals out,” he said.

The zero-tolerance policy, which led to the separation of over 5,000 families in 2018, was widely condemned by both domestic and international groups. Many families affected by the policy have not been reunified, with a recent Department of Homeland Security report indicating that 1,360 children are still separated from their families.

Ongoing Efforts to Reunify Families

Homeland Security officials are continuing efforts to reunite children with their families years after the policy was ended. These efforts have been slow, in part due to the lack of adequate records kept by the Trump administration regarding the families affected by the separations. The impact of these separations continues to reverberate, with many children still suffering the emotional and psychological effects, according to opponents.

Advocacy groups have been working to raise awareness of the issue, launching social media campaigns to highlight the stories of those who were separated. One teen named Billy shared his experience of being separated from his father and left without information about his family for 30 days. His hope, he said, is that no one else will have to go through what he did.

Another teen, who remains unnamed, described being moved to New York while maintaining limited contact with his family before being reunited. These personal stories have fueled a renewed push among some to end family separations permanently.

Political and Humanitarian Reactions

Vice President Kamala Harris has voiced strong opposition to the possibility of reinstating the family separation policy. Harris, who has consistently opposed what she says are punitive immigration measures, is planning to reintroduce a bipartisan border security bill aimed at addressing the border crisis without separating families. She described the previous policy as both inhumane and ineffective in providing a long-term solution to border security.

The debate over immigration continues to be a divisive issue in American politics. While the Trump campaign has focused on cracking down on illegal immigration, critics argue that policies like family separation have lasting consequences for the children and families involved. These effects, they say, are difficult to justify in a system that often lacks transparency and accountability.

For now, Vance's comments have sparked a renewed discussion about what border security will look like under a possible second Trump administration. With immigration remaining a hot-button issue, the potential for returning to harsh policies like family separation is likely to remain a central focus in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

As the 2024 election approaches, Vance and Trump are continuing to promote their vision for border security, while the Biden administration and immigration advocates work to address what Democrats say is the damage done by the family separation policy of 2018.

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to deny the Biden administration’s request on Title IX rules may alter the political landscape ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

The ruling prevents the enforcement of new Title IX regulations across 26 states, and legal experts suggest that the outcome could end up benefitting Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, as Newsweek reports.

In August, the Supreme Court ruled against the administration's effort to lift a ban on newly revised Title IX guidelines, which include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. This decision is especially significant as it occurred during the Court’s traditional recess, a period when such rulings are unusual.

Title IX, enacted in 1972, is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. President Biden’s administration expanded these protections in August 2024 to explicitly include gender identity and sexual orientation. However, a coalition of 26 states challenged the changes, delaying their implementation.

Supreme Court Decision Draws Political Focus

The Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 ruling, found the administration’s arguments insufficient to overturn lower court decisions that had paused the enforcement of the updated Title IX regulations in those 26 states. These states are led by Republican attorneys general who argue the changes go too far and infringe on state rights. Legal battles in lower courts over the new rules are ongoing.

Michael Popok, an attorney and legal commentator, called the decision a "gift" to Kamala Harris’ campaign. The ruling could galvanize Harris’ support from progressive voters and LGBTQ+ advocates by drawing attention to her alignment with policies that protect gender and reproductive rights. Harris has frequently emphasized these issues, particularly in response to Donald Trump’s positions on abortion and women's rights.

Harris' Campaign May Gain Momentum

The Supreme Court’s ruling follows its landmark 2022 decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which ignited a nationwide debate over reproductive rights. This adds another layer of complexity to the current legal and political environment, which many view as heavily scrutinized by the courts. For the Harris campaign, the ruling strengthens the argument that the future of gender rights, reproductive rights, and educational protections are at stake in the 2024 election.

In contrast, Republican-led states continue to argue that the Biden administration’s changes to Title IX violate states' rights and impose federal overreach. While these lawsuits continue to wind through the courts, the ruling leaves the Department of Education grappling with uneven enforcement across the country.

A spokesperson for the Department of Education expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court’s ruling but reaffirmed the department’s commitment to defending the new Title IX regulations. The spokesperson noted that schools in 24 states unaffected by the injunction must still comply with the new guidelines.

Legal and Political Battles Continue

Legal challenges to the revised Title IX rules are ongoing, with courts expected to review the issue in the coming months. The Department of Education continues to support the changes, which were introduced in April 2024, maintaining that they provide critical protections against discrimination.

The ongoing legal battles could keep Title IX at the center of political debates throughout the 2024 election cycle. As more appeals and court rulings unfold, both sides are likely to continue using the issue to mobilize their respective voter bases.

With the Supreme Court's decision, the stakes in the 2024 election appear to be rising.

Whether the legal outcome favors the administration's Title IX changes or supports the Republican states' resistance, the ruling may prove pivotal for shaping public opinion on these critical social issues.

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