The Democratic National Convention was marred by behind-the-scenes drama, including a secret feud between Michelle Obama and Joe Biden.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, the former First Lady allegedly refused to speak at the convention while Biden was still in the 2024 presidential race.

The report claims that Michelle Obama's decision was motivated by her anger towards the Bidens over their treatment of her close friend, Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's ex-wife.

Buhle has been exiled by the Biden family since her separation from Hunter in 2017. The drama unfolded as Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the new Democratic nominee.

The Biden Family's Growing Sense of Betrayal

The Biden family is said to be feeling a growing sense of betrayal by the Democratic party. The report suggests that the party's treatment of Biden has left his wife, Jill, feeling increasingly frustrated.

The First Lady watched as her husband struggled to step up into the SUV waiting to take him to the Santa Barbara ranch, where the family had planned a week-long vacation.

Biden's aides have tried to downplay the situation, insisting that the president and his wife have "moved on" and are "looking forward." However, insiders claim that the Bidens are still seething over the way they were treated by the party. The report notes that Biden's decision to endorse Harris was motivated by a desire to exact revenge on Nancy Pelosi, who had been instrumental in forcing him to drop out of the race.

Pelosi's Role in Biden's Downfall

Nancy Pelosi played a crucial role in forcing Biden to drop out of the presidential race. According to the report, Pelosi sent a message to Biden threatening to go public with her concerns about his candidacy if he did not withdraw. The next day, Biden tweeted a letter confirming his withdrawal and endorsing Harris.

Pelosi's actions have reportedly left the Bidens feeling furious and betrayed. The report notes that the Biden family has a long-standing friendship with the Pelosi family, which has been strained by the recent events. The tension between the two families was palpable at the convention, where Pelosi was seen holding a "We heart Joe" sign and awkwardly mouthing along to chants of "We love you."

The Fallout from the Convention

The fallout from the convention has left the Democratic party reeling. The report notes that the party's internal problems have sparked concerns about Harris's ability to win the election.

With only 70 days to go until the election, the Democrats are facing an uphill battle to unite the party and rally behind their new nominee.

The drama at the convention has also raised questions about the party's treatment of its leaders. The report notes that the party's handling of Biden's exit has left many feeling frustrated and disillusioned. As the party looks to the future, it remains to be seen whether they can put aside their differences and come together to support their new nominee.


The Democratic National Convention was marred by behind-the-scenes drama, including a secret feud between Michelle Obama and Joe Biden. The Biden family is said to be feeling a growing sense of betrayal by the Democratic party, which has left them feeling frustrated and disillusioned. The party's internal problems have sparked concerns about Harris's ability to win the election, and it remains to be seen whether they can put aside their differences and come together to support their new nominee. The drama at the convention has raised questions about the party's treatment of its leaders and has left many feeling uncertain about the party's future.

Vice President Kamala Harris's proposal to increase corporate income taxes could have far-reaching consequences for Americans across all income brackets despite her promises of a middle-class tax cut.

This revelation comes as Harris outlines her economic plans following her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.

According to Reason, Harris's campaign has indicated support for President Biden's plan to raise the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. While Harris has pledged that no one making less than $400,000 annually would see a tax increase, analysis suggests that Americans at all income levels would feel the effects of such a corporate tax hike.

Corporate Tax Increase Effects Analysis

The Joint Committee on Taxation, a bipartisan congressional entity, has examined the potential impact of the proposed corporate tax increase. Their findings indicate that even individuals in the lowest income category, earning less than $10,000 annually, would experience a tax hike if the corporate income tax rate were to be raised as proposed.

This contradiction between Harris's promise and the projected outcomes stems from the nature of corporate taxation. Higher corporate taxes are often passed on to consumers, employees, and investors through various mechanisms, such as increased prices, reduced wages, and lower investment returns.

The discrepancy between the campaign's statements and economic realities raises questions about the transparency of tax policy proposals. It also highlights the complex nature of fiscal policy, where indirect effects can sometimes outweigh the intended direct impacts.

Comparison With Rival Tax Proposals

The article draws a parallel between Harris's corporate tax plan and former President Donald Trump's proposed tariff increases. Both candidates' economic strategies involve measures that could indirectly raise costs for a broad spectrum of Americans despite claims to the contrary.

Trump's suggestion of implementing a 10% or potentially 20% tariff on all imports has been estimated to cost Americans approximately $300 billion annually. This proposal, like Harris's corporate tax plan, has faced scrutiny for its potential to increase costs for consumers across income levels.

The comparison underscores a common theme in political campaigns: the tendency to downplay or overlook the broader economic consequences of proposed policies. Harris and Trump's campaigns have faced criticism for not fully acknowledging the potential ripple effects of their respective tax and tariff proposals.

Economic Impact And Public Perception

The discussion surrounding these tax proposals highlights the challenges in communicating complex economic policies to the public. While campaigns often focus on headline-grabbing promises, the nuanced realities of fiscal policy can be more difficult to convey.

Economists and policy analysts emphasize that all taxes, whether on corporations or imports, are ultimately paid by individuals. This principle applies regardless of income level, contradicting claims that tax increases will only affect high earners or specific entities like corporations or foreign countries.

The debate over these tax proposals also reflects broader discussions about economic fairness, the role of government in the economy, and the balance between stimulating growth and funding public services. As the election approaches, these issues are likely to remain at the forefront of political discourse.


Vice President Kamala Harris's proposal to increase corporate income taxes has come under scrutiny for its potential to affect Americans across all income levels. Despite promises that only high earners would see tax increases, analysis suggests that the effects of corporate tax hikes would be more widespread. This situation mirrors similar concerns about former President Trump's tariff proposals, highlighting the complex nature of tax policy and its far-reaching economic impacts.

Former President Donald Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

According to ABC News, Trump later addressed the National Guard Association at their annual conference in Michigan, where he received an endorsement from former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

The Republican presidential nominee used these platforms to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which continues to be a contentious issue among conservatives.

Trump's Remarks On Afghanistan Withdrawal

During his address to the National Guard Association, Trump didn't mince words when discussing the events of August 2021. He described the withdrawal as "botched" and an "embarrassing" moment for the nation. Trump's criticism extended beyond President Biden to include Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he now faces as a rival in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump asserted that the withdrawal from Afghanistan had far-reaching consequences, stating that it led to a collapse of American credibility and respect worldwide. He emphasized that he would have managed the situation differently had he been in office at the time.

In honoring the fallen service members, Trump expressed a commitment to their memory. He pledged to work towards restoring a government that prioritizes the American people, framing this as a way to honor the sacrifice made by those who lost their lives in the Kabul attack.

Vice President Harris's Response

In contrast to Trump's criticism, Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement on the anniversary, paying tribute to the 13 U.S. service members who perished in the Kabul airport bombing. Her words aimed to honor their sacrifice while also defending the administration's decision to end America's involvement in Afghanistan.

Harris stated:

I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families and I will always honor their service and sacrifice. Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones. I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland.

The Vice President's statement sought to balance respect for the fallen with a justification of the administration's ongoing counterterrorism efforts.

Contrasting Approaches And Political Implications

The differing approaches of Trump and the Biden administration to commemorating this anniversary highlight the ongoing political debate surrounding the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump's personal appearance at Arlington National Cemetery and his subsequent address to the National Guard Association stands in contrast to President Biden's absence from Washington on this day.

JD Vance, Trump's running mate, emphasized this contrast during a press call. He suggested that Biden's absence was indicative of broader issues while also criticizing Harris's role in the administration's handling of Afghanistan-related matters.

The involvement of Gold Star families in these discussions adds an emotional dimension to the political discourse. Some family members of the fallen service members expressed frustration with what they perceive as a lack of communication from the White House and insufficient accountability for the events in Kabul.


The third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack has reignited debates about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Former President Trump used the occasion to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the situation, while Vice President Harris defended the decision to end the war. Both sides' contrasting approaches and statements underscore the ongoing political sensitivity surrounding this issue.

Former President Donald Trump's attorneys have submitted a reply brief to the Georgia Court of Appeals, intensifying their efforts to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the ongoing election interference case.

According to Fox News, Trump's lead counsel, Steve Sadow, issued a statement emphasizing the strength of their arguments against Willis. The brief contends that Willis' rhetoric during a church speech was inflammatory and racially charged, potentially prejudicing potential jurors against the defendants.

Legal Team Cites Professional Misconduct

The Trump legal team's reply brief focuses on Willis' public statements, particularly a speech she gave at an Atlanta church. They argue that her comments were inflammatory and violated the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct.

Sadow's statement highlighted the team's position that Willis' speech was calculated to increase public condemnation of the defendants. This, they claim, could unfairly influence potential jurors, compromising the integrity of the legal process.

The brief calls for Willis' disqualification and dismissal of the case, citing her alleged misconduct as the basis for these actions. This move represents a significant escalation in Trump's legal strategy in Georgia.

Upcoming Court Of Appeals Hearing

The Georgia Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing for December 5 to consider the appeal by Trump and his co-defendants. This hearing will focus on their request to disqualify Willis from the case, primarily due to allegations of an improper relationship with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Willis had previously filed a motion to dismiss the appeal in June. She argued that the lower court found insufficient evidence to support claims of a conflict of interest on her part.

Judge Scott McAfee's March ruling allowed Willis to remain on the case, but Trump's lawyers are now challenging this decision. They characterize Willis' motion to dismiss their appeal as a "last ditch effort" to prevent scrutiny of her conduct.

Background Of The Georgia Case

The case against Trump and his co-defendants stems from a lengthy criminal investigation led by Willis and state prosecutors in Georgia. The investigation focused on alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in the state.

In August 2023, Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants faced charges, including violations of the Georgia RICO Act and conspiracy involving forgery and false statements. Challenges emerged as Judge McAfee dismissed six charges for being insufficiently detailed, and accusations of misconduct between prosecutor Willis and Wade led to Wade's resignation after evidentiary hearings.

Willis' Response And Judicial Actions

Fani Willis has consistently denied any impropriety in her handling of the case. She and Wade both refuted allegations of a romantic relationship prior to his hiring and provided explanations for their shared travels.

Judge McAfee's order in response to these allegations presented Willis with two options: either her entire office could step aside from the case, or Wade could withdraw. Wade chose to resign from his position as special prosecutor.

In conclusion, Trump's legal team has intensified efforts to disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis from the Georgia election interference case. They argue that her public statements, particularly a speech at an Atlanta church, constitute professional misconduct and could prejudice potential jurors. The Georgia Court of Appeals is set to hear arguments on December 5 regarding Willis' disqualification, stemming from allegations of an improper relationship with a former special prosecutor.

Residents of border towns in Texas and Arizona have expressed dissatisfaction with Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of immigration issues at the southern border.

According to a recent report by Fox News, locals are skeptical about the potential for improvement if Harris were to become president.

The criticism comes as the Biden administration faces ongoing challenges with border security and immigration policy. Residents interviewed by Fox News Digital shared their perspectives on Harris' performance as the administration's point person for addressing migration issues, with many giving her low marks for effectiveness.

Residents Voice Concerns Over Border Security

A resident of Yuma, Arizona, highlighted the lack of border security, stating that the current situation is one where "there's no border security." This sentiment was echoed by other interviewees who pointed to what they perceive as open borders and inadequate measures to control illegal crossings.

Another resident from Sierra Vista, Arizona, described Harris' record on border issues as "lousy" and "non-existent," suggesting that her actions have led to further opening of the borders rather than securing them. The criticism extends to Harris' perceived lack of engagement with the issue.

An Arivaca, Arizona resident rated Harris' performance on border issues as a zero on a scale of zero to ten, emphasizing what they see as a complete absence of effective action on her part.

Skepticism Over Future Improvements

The Fox News report indicated that border residents are pessimistic about the prospects of improved border security under a potential Harris administration. This skepticism is rooted in their assessment of her current performance as vice president.

A Del Rio, Texas gun shop owner accused Harris of doing "nothing" for border security and criticized her for allegedly never visiting the border.

However, it's worth noting that Harris did visit a processing center in El Paso in 2021, though this appears to have done little to assuage local concerns.

Border Crossings And Administration Response

The report mentions that migrant crossings at the southern border increased significantly after President Biden took office. This surge followed the rollback of several Trump-era policies and an attempted moratorium on deportations by the Biden administration.

In response to rising numbers, President Biden tasked Vice President Harris with addressing the "root causes" of migration, including factors such as climate change, poverty, and violence in migrants' home countries. This assignment led to Harris being dubbed the "border czar" by media outlets and Republicans, although the White House has rejected this title.

A Del Rio resident stated, "Everything is literally open. People just come across, wait to get picked up and get sent along somewhere in the U.S."


Border residents interviewed by Fox News expressed strong dissatisfaction with Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of immigration and border security issues. They voiced concerns about open borders, lack of effective action, and skepticism about future improvements. The criticism comes amid ongoing challenges at the southern border and has potential implications for the upcoming presidential election, particularly in swing states like Arizona.

The United States government is offering substantial financial incentives to homeowners for energy-efficient upgrades.

According to The Cool Down, American households could receive up to $8,000 for home improvements through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This initiative aims to modernize homes, reduce energy bills, and combat environmental pollution.

The IRA passed in 2022, represents the nation's largest investment in addressing climate change and its effects. It provides tax credits and rebates for various home upgrades, including the installation of induction cooktops, solar panels, and heat pump water heaters. These improvements contribute to a cleaner environment and offer long-term savings on utility bills.

Home Efficiency Rebates Program Details

The U.S. Department of Energy has established the Home Efficiency Rebates program as part of the IRA. This program offers rebates of up to $4,000 for improvements that reduce household energy consumption by at least 20%. For those achieving a 35% or higher reduction, the rebate can increase to $8,000.

Currently, Wisconsin residents can take advantage of these rebates, with more than 20 other states in the process of implementing the program. The Home Efficiency Rebates are distinct from the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program, which is specifically designed for low- and moderate-income households.

These rebate programs are separate from the federal tax credits that are already available to homeowners. The combination of rebates and tax credits provides multiple avenues for Americans to finance their home upgrades and contribute to energy conservation efforts.

Additional Benefits Of The Inflation Reduction Act

Beyond home improvements, the IRA extends its benefits to other areas of sustainable living. For instance, individuals purchasing electric vehicles can qualify for significant tax breaks. New electric vehicle buyers may receive up to $7,500 in tax credits, while those opting for used electric vehicles can get up to $4,000.

The Act's comprehensive approach addresses various aspects of daily life that impact the environment. From upgrading household appliances to encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles, the IRA seeks to make sustainable choices more accessible and affordable for Americans.

To simplify the process of accessing these benefits, the nonprofit organization Rewiring America offers free tools. These resources guide homeowners through selecting applicable tax credits, connecting with contractors for energy-saving improvements, and maximizing their budgets.

Broader Impact On The Environment And Economy

The IRA is part of a larger movement towards climate-focused policies and programs across the United States. These initiatives target various environmental concerns, including cleaner water supply, improved recycling in retail, and increased accountability for energy production.

The Act aims to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease harmful emissions by incentivizing energy-efficient upgrades. This contributes to combating climate change, helps protect natural resources, and improves air quality in communities across the nation.

Moreover, the financial incentives provided by the IRA can stimulate economic activity in the home improvement and clean energy sectors. As more households invest in upgrades, it could lead to increased demand for energy-efficient products and services, potentially creating jobs and driving innovation in these industries.


The Inflation Reduction Act offers significant financial incentives for American households to upgrade their homes and vehicles. With rebates of up to $8,000 available for energy-efficient improvements, the Act aims to make sustainable living more accessible. By encouraging the adoption of cleaner technologies, the IRA seeks to reduce energy consumption, lower utility bills, and contribute to environmental protection efforts nationwide.

Political analyst Larry Sabato believes that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump will likely have a minimal effect on the forthcoming presidential election.

After suspending his presidential campaign last week, Kennedy's influence in politics has diminished. Reports from The Hill indicate that Kennedy's initial strong polling numbers declined sharply following Vice President Kamala Harris's entry into the race. His support, which was once in the range of the upper teens to low 20s, has now fallen to just 2 to 6 percent in crucial states.

Sabato Skeptical of Trump’s Gains

Sabato, the director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, expressed doubt that Kennedy's endorsement would translate into a notable boost for Trump.

Despite the former president's campaign releasing a memo claiming Kennedy’s supporters would likely shift to Trump in a head-to-head matchup with Harris, Sabato suggested that this outcome is far from certain.

"For those who believe that Kennedy's endorsement will simply move his support base to Trump, they might be underestimating the complexities of voter behavior," Sabato remarked. He emphasized that Kennedy's supporters could just as easily align with other candidates, including Harris.

Sabato also pointed out that Kennedy's political trajectory had been steadily declining, even before his campaign suspension. "He has been dropping like a rock ever since Kamala Harris got in," Sabato said, noting that Kennedy's initial surge in the polls had dissipated almost entirely by the time of his endorsement.

Kennedy’s Influence Diminishing

As Kennedy's campaign struggled, Harris's candidacy gained momentum, narrowing the gap between her and Trump in national and swing state polls. Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump once considered a potential game-changer, now appears to be a less significant factor in the overall election dynamics.

Sabato further commented on the diminishing relevance of the Kennedy name in contemporary politics. While the Kennedy family has long been a staple of American political life, Sabato suggested that RFK Jr.'s failure to capitalize on this legacy contributed to his campaign's struggles. "He couldn’t cash in on the Kennedy name," Sabato observed.

This decline in influence is reflected in the polls, where Kennedy's numbers have dropped to the low single digits. A recent poll showed him garnering just 2 percent of the vote, a far cry from his earlier standing.

Polls Show Little Impact from Endorsement

The Trump campaign's optimism about absorbing Kennedy's supporters is not widely shared among political experts. Despite a memo from Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio claiming that Trump would benefit from Kennedy's endorsement, the latest polls paint a different picture.

In a hypothetical three-way race featuring Trump, Harris, and Kennedy, the latter’s support remains minimal, with Harris maintaining a lead of 5.6 percentage points over Trump. Kennedy's endorsement, it seems, has done little to alter the broader electoral landscape.

Sabato reiterated his skepticism about the impact of the endorsement, noting that "people who think that, because he’s endorsing Trump, he can just move that 2 percent into Trump’s column don’t know much about politics." He underscored the reality that voter behavior is not always predictable, especially when dealing with a figure like Kennedy, whose support has been on the decline.


Political analyst Larry Sabato doubts that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of former President Donald Trump will significantly influence the upcoming presidential election. Sabato, who is the director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, noted that despite claims from Trump's campaign, Kennedy's dwindling support, which has plummeted to 2-6% in crucial states, is unlikely to substantially benefit Trump. He highlighted that voter behavior is complex, and Kennedy’s declining influence, exacerbated by his inability to leverage his family's political legacy, makes the endorsement less impactful.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections faces a second lawsuit within five days as the Republican Party challenges the board's handling of voter registration procedures.

According to The Center Square, the lawsuit, filed on August 26, 2024, alleges that the board failed to comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requirements.

The GOP claims that approximately 225,000 individuals registered to vote without providing the necessary information mandated by HAVA. The party argues that the State Board of Elections did not follow up with these registrants to rectify their incomplete applications, raising concerns about the integrity of the voter rolls.

Republican Party Alleges Noncompliance With Federal Law

The lawsuit, filed in Wake County Superior Court, targets the State Board of Elections as a whole, individual board members, and the executive director. Jason Simmons, chairman of the state GOP, expressed frustration with the board's handling of voter registration procedures.

Simmons stated, "This state board continually has problems ensuring voter rolls only have verified citizens. This lawsuit will remedy their ongoing refusal to collect the required information from those who want to take part in North Carolina elections."

Michael Whatley, chairman of the Republican National Committee and former state chairman, echoed these concerns. He accused the board of failing to keep noncitizens off voter rolls, which he claims is "fueling distrust and jeopardizing our elections."

State Board Of Elections Defends Its Actions

Patrick Gannon, communications director for the State Board of Elections, responded to the allegations, arguing that the lawsuit misinterprets the data and exaggerates potential issues with voter registrations. He explained that the absence of certain information in the voter registration database does not necessarily indicate improper registration.

Gannon stated:

Despite being aware of their alleged claims months ago, the plaintiffs have waited until two weeks before the start of voting to seek a court-ordered program to remove thousands of existing registered voters. Federal law itself prevents such removal programs if they take place after the 90th day before a federal election, which was August 7. So, the lawsuit is asking for a rapid-fire voter removal program that violates federal law.

The board maintains that it has acted in compliance with federal regulations and that the timing of the lawsuit conflicts with legal restrictions on voter roll maintenance close to an election.

Upcoming Election Deadlines And Ongoing Controversies

This latest legal challenge comes at a crucial time in North Carolina's election calendar. Absentee-by-mail voting is set to begin on September 6, with early in-person voting starting 52 days later. The general Election Day is scheduled for 71 days from the filing of this lawsuit.

The State Board of Elections has faced multiple controversies in recent months. In July, the board was involved in two court cases, a congressional investigation and a General Assembly oversight inquiry. Initially, the board denied three petitions for party recognition but later approved two and was court-ordered to approve the third.

These legal challenges and controversies have put the State Board of Elections under increased scrutiny as North Carolina prepares for the upcoming election cycle. The outcome of this latest lawsuit could have significant implications for voter registration procedures and the management of voter rolls in the state.


The North Carolina State Board of Elections faces a second lawsuit from the Republican Party regarding voter registration practices. The GOP alleges noncompliance with the Help America Vote Act, claiming 225,000 incomplete registrations. The board defends its actions, citing federal law and questioning the lawsuit's timing. This legal challenge adds to the board's recent controversies as the state approaches critical election deadlines.

A Michigan judge ruled in favor of independent presidential candidate Cornel West on Saturday, overturning a previous decision to keep him off the state’s ballot.

The Michigan Bureau of Elections must now place West and his running mate on the ballot if they have submitted a sufficient number of valid signatures.

According to The Hill, Judge James Robert Redford of the Michigan Court of Claims said Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and the director of the Bureau of Elections “misapplied the law” when making their decision.

Judge Overturns West's Ballot Exclusion

Earlier this month, the director of the Michigan Bureau of Elections informed West’s campaign that he would be disqualified from the ballot. The director stated that the reason for disqualification was due to “defects in the notarization” of his affidavit of identity (AOI). Judge Redford’s order said the AOIs filed “cannot serve as a mechanism to exclude them from the ballot.”

West’s campaign announced in June that it had gathered enough signatures to qualify for the Michigan ballot. The campaign submitted more than 26,000 signatures, which is significantly more than the required number.

This recent decision comes as West cleared enough signatures earlier this month to qualify for the ballot in numerous states, including Maine.

West Celebrates Court Decision

West celebrated the court’s decision in a statement, calling it a victory for democracy. He went on to say that his campaign will continue to fight for the rights of all voters.

Although he continues to gain ballot access in several states, West still faces an uphill battle in his bid for the White House. He has struggled to gain much traction and has received about 1 percent in most polling.

This ruling is not just a legal victory—it is a moral victory for everyone who believes in the sanctity of the democratic process. Our campaign submitted over 26,000 signatures, significantly more than required, which the court recognized as a legitimate expression of the people’s will. We are grateful for this affirmation and promise to continue championing the rights of all voters.

West’s campaign announced in June that it had gathered enough signatures to qualify for the Michigan ballot. The campaign submitted more than 26,000 signatures, which is significantly more than the required number. This recent decision comes as West cleared enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in numerous states, including Maine, earlier this month.

West Continues To Gain Ballot Access

Although he continues to gain ballot access in several states, West still faces an uphill battle in his bid for the White House. He has struggled to gain much traction and has received about 1 percent in most polling.

West’s campaign announced in June that it had gathered enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in Michigan. The campaign submitted more than 26,000 signatures, which is significantly more than required. This recent decision comes as West clears enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in numerous states, including Maine earlier this month.


A Michigan judge ruled in favor of independent presidential candidate Cornel West on Saturday. The judge overturned a previous decision to keep West off the state’s ballot. The Michigan Bureau of Elections must now place West and his running mate on the ballot if they have submitted a sufficient number of valid signatures. West celebrated the court’s decision in a statement, calling it a victory for democracy.

Trump Media & Technology Group has initiated the registration of 5.1 million shares for potential sale by select company shareholders, leading to a notable decline in its stock value.

According to Seeking Alpha, the company's stock (NASDAQ: DJT) experienced a 3.6% drop late Monday morning, positioning it as one of the top decliners in the Communication Services sector.

The registration encompasses 2.55 million shares each for WorldConnect IPTV Solutions and JedTec, along with a smaller allocation of just over 2,000 shares for MZ Group, an investor relations consultant for Trump Media. It's important to note that Trump Media will not receive any proceeds from potential share sales associated with this registration.

Former President's Stake And Lockup Period

Former President Donald Trump, a major stakeholder in the company, is approaching the conclusion of a six-month lockup period, which could end as soon as September 20. This expiration may allow Trump to potentially divest part or all of his holdings in the company.

Trump currently holds 114.75 million shares, representing approximately 60% of the company's outstanding stock. At the current share price of $21.98, his stake equates to a paper value of just over $2.5 billion. This substantial holding underscores the significant impact any potential divestment could have on the company's stock performance.

The lockup period's expiration adds an element of uncertainty to the stock's future performance as investors await to see if and how Trump might adjust his position in the company.

Recent Corporate Actions And Filings

In addition to the share registration, Trump Media has recently engaged in other corporate actions. As disclosed in an 8-K filing on Friday, the company is purchasing approximately 128,138 shares, totaling just under $3 million, from certain insiders for tax remittance purposes.

This move suggests that the company is actively managing its internal stock allocations and addressing tax-related obligations. Such actions are common for publicly traded companies, especially those with significant insider holdings.

Furthermore, the filing revealed changes in the company's leadership structure. Board members Donald Trump Jr. and Linda McMahon have been appointed as co-chairs of Trump Vance 2025 Transition Inc., a nonprofit organization. This entity is tasked with preparing for a potential presidential transition following the November presidential election.

Implications For Investors And Market Observers

The registration of shares for potential sale and the approaching end of the lockup period presents several considerations for investors and market observers. The increased supply of shares that could potentially enter the market may put downward pressure on the stock price, as evidenced by the recent decline.

Investors will likely be closely monitoring any movements in Trump's holdings once the lockup period expires. Given the size of his stake, any significant changes could have a substantial impact on the stock's price and trading volume.

Additionally, the appointment of Trump Jr. and McMahon to leadership roles in a transition-focused nonprofit adds an interesting political dimension to the company's narrative. This move may influence investors' perceptions of the company's long-term strategy and potential ties to political outcomes.


Trump Media & Technology Group's registration of 5.1 million shares for potential sale has led to a decline in its stock value. The approaching end of Former President Trump's lockup period adds uncertainty to the stock's future performance. Recent corporate actions, including share purchases for tax purposes and leadership appointments to a transition-focused nonprofit, further complicate the company's narrative. These developments collectively present a complex scenario for investors and market observers to navigate in the coming months.

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