An attorney charged with illegally accessing Michigan voting machines after the 2020 election has been removed from a high-profile defamation case involving Dominion Voting Systems.

According to The Hill, Stefanie Lambert, an attorney who represented former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, was disqualified on Tuesday from participating in the defamation lawsuit brought against Byrne by Dominion Voting Systems.

The decision was handed down by U.S. Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya, who cited Lambert's misconduct in leaking confidential documents as the basis for her removal.

Judge Cites Egregious Misconduct

Judge Upadhyaya's ruling followed a motion filed by Dominion earlier this year, arguing that Lambert had violated a protective order regarding handling Dominion’s internal records. The judge noted that disqualifying a lawyer from a case is "extraordinary and rarely granted outside of cases involving conflicts of interest." Still, in this instance, it was deemed necessary due to Lambert's actions.

Lambert, who has been embroiled in legal troubles of her own for allegedly accessing voting machines without authorization, reportedly shared Dominion’s protected discovery materials publicly.

These materials were later disseminated through various channels, fueling unfounded theories about widespread election fraud. Judge Upadhyaya described Lambert’s conduct as "truly egregious" and said it warranted her immediate disqualification.

The ruling revealed that Lambert had intentionally disregarded multiple court orders and rules despite receiving warnings about the potential consequences. This pattern of behavior, the judge indicated, posed a significant threat to the integrity of the ongoing litigation.

Attorney's Actions Lead To Legal Fallout

Lambert's involvement in the case raised serious concerns about her motives. According to Judge Upadhyaya, Lambert’s repeated violations suggested that she might have entered the litigation with the sole intent of accessing and sharing Dominion’s confidential information. The judge expressed concern that allowing Lambert to continue as counsel would only lead to further interference in the case.

The memorandum issued by the court highlighted that Byrne, Lambert's client, also violated the protective order, though the full extent of his actions remains unclear. The violations by both Lambert and Byrne have played a role in perpetuating false narratives about the 2020 election, which have been widely debunked.

In one instance, Lambert used Dominion's documents in a public filing related to her criminal case in Michigan. She also admitted on the social platform X that she had shared the evidence with law enforcement, actions that were later confirmed during a May hearing.

Immediate Disqualification And Next Steps

During the hearings, Lambert did not dispute the facts underlying Dominion's accusations or the authenticity of the documents she was accused of leaking.

Judge Upadhyaya concluded that Lambert’s continued participation in the case would be detrimental, stating that "this Court cannot allow such intentional, dangerous, and relentless misconduct to continue." As a result, Lambert was immediately disqualified from serving as counsel in the case.

In response to the ruling, a Dominion spokesperson expressed satisfaction with the decision, emphasizing that the case against Byrne would proceed and that Dominion would hold him accountable for the false claims made against the company. Meanwhile, Lambert has announced plans to appeal the decision, although the basis for her appeal has not been fully outlined.

BEDMINSTER, N.J.Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at his New Jersey golf course, launching a sharp critique against Vice President Kamala Harris’s approach to managing rising food prices, Daily Mail reported.

Surrounded by an array of grocery items, Trump compared Harris's policies to those of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, accusing her of steering the United States toward communism.

Standing amidst shelves stocked with groceries, Trump began his criticism by likening Harris’s plan to Maduro's strategies, which have contributed to Venezuela's economic crisis. He expressed concern that Harris’s policies would lead to similar outcomes in the United States, calling them dangerous and misguided. Trump’s remarks were part of a broader attack on Harris and her policies, which he claimed were a threat to American freedoms.

Trump Escalates Personal Attacks On Harris

Throughout the press conference, Trump did not shy away from personal attacks on Vice President Harris. He accused her of being unintelligent and unfit for the presidency, asserting that her policies would plunge the nation into chaos. “I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president,” Trump stated bluntly.

Trump's disdain for Harris was further evident when he addressed a question about advice from Republican colleagues urging him to avoid personal attacks. He dismissed such advice, maintaining that he was entitled to criticize Harris, especially given what he described as her ongoing attacks on him. “She certainly attacks me personally,” he said, referencing comments from Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Trump’s grievances extended to his belief that Harris had “weaponized the Justice system” against him and his allies, a claim he has repeated often in recent months. He argued that her actions were part of a broader effort by Democrats to undermine his political future.

Trump Claims Harris Policies Threaten U.S. Stability

The former president’s criticisms weren’t limited to Harris’s intelligence and character. He also painted a grim picture of the potential impact of her policies on the United States. Trump repeatedly drew parallels between Harris’s proposed health care plans and the policies of socialist regimes, warning that they would usher in a communist system in America.

“You’re all going to be thrown into a communist system,” Trump warned, characterizing Harris's health care initiatives as a direct threat to the nation’s capitalist framework. He suggested that such policies would lead to widespread economic instability and loss of personal freedoms.

In a particularly dramatic moment, Trump suggested that if Harris were to succeed in implementing her policies, the United States could become more dangerous than Venezuela. “If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it’ll be a far safer place to meet than our country,” Trump predicted.

Press Conference Draws Attention Amid Campaign Season

Trump's press conference, held as he continues his campaign for the 2024 presidential election, highlighted his ongoing strategy of attacking his political opponents with a mix of policy critiques and personal barbs. By focusing on Harris, he appears to be laying the groundwork for a campaign narrative that positions him as a defender of American values against what he describes as the encroaching threat of socialism.

Trump’s remarks also included a broader critique of the Democratic Party, which he accused of being hostile to his administration and his 2024 campaign. He argued that the legal cases brought against him were part of a coordinated effort to derail his political career and silence his voice. “They’re not nice to me, they want to put me in prison,” Trump claimed, reiterating his view that the justice system had been unfairly weaponized against him.

As the press conference concluded, Trump reiterated his commitment to challenging what he views as the dangerous policies of Harris and other Democratic leaders. His rhetoric suggested that the upcoming election would be a battle not just for the presidency but for the future direction of the country.

With the 2024 election drawing closer, Trump’s aggressive stance toward Harris and his vivid comparisons to Venezuela signal that his campaign will continue to focus heavily on the perceived dangers of Democratic policies. The former president's remarks are likely to resonate with his base, many of whom share his concerns about the direction of the country under the current administration.

Henry Argueta-Tobar, a 19-year-old Guatemalan immigrant, was recently rearrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers after serving just 190 days in jail for a second-degree rape conviction.

Despite initially being sentenced to 20 years in prison, Argueta-Tobar's punishment was significantly reduced, prompting his rearrest and raising concerns about the Biden administration's immigration policies.

According to Daily Mail, Argueta-Tobar, who had entered the United States illegally in 2019 as an accompanied minor, was convicted last month for raping a Maryland resident. Originally sentenced on July 3 to 20 years, the court suspended all but 190 days of his sentence, leading to widespread outrage and the eventual intervention by ICE.

Controversial Sentence Spurs ICE Action

The decision to reduce Argueta-Tobar's sentence has drawn significant criticism, particularly as the Charles County Sheriff's Office arrested him in December 2023 for the crime. Following his conviction, an immigration detainer was issued by ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) division with the Charles County Detention Center, a request that went unheeded.

Vernon Liggins, Deputy Field Office Director for ERO Baltimore, stated that Argueta-Tobar had “made his way to Maryland and victimized one of our residents,” emphasizing that the agency could not permit him to “continue to threaten our communities.”

After being released by the Charles County Detention Center, Argueta-Tobar was apprehended again on August 15 by ICE officers, ensuring that he remains in custody as the debate over his case continues.

Immigration History and Legal Proceedings

Argueta-Tobar’s troubled history with U.S. immigration enforcement dates back to May 2019, when the U.S. Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas, first apprehended him. After his illegal entry, he was transferred to ERO El Paso and released under an order of recognizance, allowing him to remain in the country while his case proceeded.

In February of this year, a Department of Justice immigration judge in Baltimore ordered Argueta-Tobar to be removed to Guatemala, but by that time, he had already committed the crime for which he was recently convicted.

Despite this removal order, Argueta-Tobar remained in the United States until his recent arrest by ICE, casting a spotlight on the effectiveness and enforcement of current immigration policies.

FERM Program Under Scrutiny

The case has also brought renewed attention to the Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) program, which has come under fire for its perceived leniency. A recent report revealed that out of the 24,000 migrants enrolled in the program, 21,400 have been allowed to remain in the U.S.

Since the FERM program’s inception in May 2023, over 840,000 migrants traveling in family units have been apprehended by authorities at the border, but only a small fraction of those have been removed. This has led to criticism from lawmakers, including Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been vocal about the administration's approach.

Johnson took to social media platform X to express his frustration, accusing the Biden-Harris administration of having “no intention of enforcing our laws” and asserting that the administration is allowing “millions of illegals” into the country without adequate oversight.

In summary, Henry Argueta-Tobar's arrest and the subsequent controversy highlight the complex issues surrounding illegal immigration and criminal justice in the United States. As debates over the FERM program and immigration enforcement continue, the case underscores the challenges faced by authorities in balancing security concerns with humanitarian considerations.

Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota emerged victorious in her Democratic primary on Tuesday, bucking the trend set by her fellow 'Squad' members who faced defeat in their respective races.

According to USA TODAY, Omar's win stands in contrast to the losses suffered by Representatives Cori Bush of Missouri and Jamaal Bowman of New York, both of whom were ousted by more moderate Democrats in their primary contests.

The victories and defeats of these progressive lawmakers have been closely watched, particularly in light of their vocal criticisms of Israel's actions in Gaza during the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

Factors Contributing To Omar's Success

One key factor in Omar's victory was the absence of significant opposition funding from pro-Israel groups. The United Democracy Project, a super PAC with ties to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which invested heavily against Bush and Bowman, did not contribute to Omar's race this year. This marks a departure from her 2022 primary, where the group spent $350,000 in support of her opponent.

Omar also benefited from a shift in political focus since her last election. While police reform dominated the discourse in 2022 following the murder of George Floyd in her home state, this issue has taken a backseat in the current election cycle. Additionally, Omar enjoyed a substantial fundraising advantage over her primary challenger, Don Samuels.

The Minnesota lawmaker ran a more active campaign this time around, addressing concerns from her previous close race. Omar stated at a recent rally in Minneapolis:

In the last primary, it wasn't close because we don't have the support of the people that we represent. It was close because we did not remind every single person that there was a primary and they needed to get out and vote.

Contrasts With Other 'Squad' Members

While Omar secured her victory, her fellow 'Squad' members faced different circumstances in their primary races. Both Bush and Bowman were targets of massive spending by pro-Israel groups, with the United Democracy Project investing nearly $24 million against them combined. This spending contributed to making them the only House Democrats to lose their 2024 primary elections thus far.

Moreover, Bush and Bowman carried additional political baggage that Omar did not face. Bowman was involved in a controversy last year when he pulled a fire alarm in the Capitol complex during a crucial vote, leading to his censure by the House.

Bush, on the other hand, is under federal investigation for allegedly using campaign funds for security services, including hiring her husband as part of her security detail.

Impact Of Israel-Hamas Conflict

The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has significantly influenced Democratic primaries this year, creating divisions within the party over how to address the conflict. Progressive members of Congress, including Omar, have been pushing for a more forceful stance against the bombing campaign in Gaza.

Omar has long been critical of Israel's policies and was among the first lawmakers to call for a ceasefire. However, she faced backlash in April after suggesting that some Jewish students at Columbia University supported "genocide" during a visit to campus protesters.

In conclusion, Representative Ilhan Omar's primary victory stands out among her 'Squad' colleagues, with Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman losing their races. Factors such as reduced opposition funding, a shift in political focus, and a more active campaign contributed to Omar's success.

The Israel-Hamas conflict continues to be a divisive issue within the Democratic Party, influencing primary races across the country. Omar's win demonstrates her continued support within her district despite ongoing controversies surrounding her stance on Israel.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has announced his decision to step down next month, following a significant decline in his approval ratings.

The announcement comes at a critical time for Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which was set to announce the date of its triennial leadership vote in September.

According to a report by the Washington Examiner, Kishida's approval ratings have fallen to record lows. A recent poll by NHK showed his approval rating had halved since taking office, now standing at just 25%. Another poll cited by the BBC placed his approval rating even lower at 15.5%.

Prime Minister's Decision To Step Back

Kishida addressed his decision to resign during a Wednesday press conference. He emphasized the importance of demonstrating change within the LDP to the Japanese people.

The Prime Minister stated:

In the upcoming presidential election, it's necessary to show the people that the Liberal Democratic Party will change. A transparent and open election and free and open debate are important. The first easy-to-understand step that indicates that the LDP will change is for me to step back.

This move comes as the LDP faces increasing pressure to address various challenges confronting Japan, including a declining birth rate, economic stagnation, and mounting national debt.

Challenges Faced By Kishida's Administration

While Kishida made progress in foreign policy, drawing from his experience as a former foreign minister, he struggled to effectively address Japan's domestic issues.

His administration's attempts to pass legislation reforming campaign finance rules and dissolve the Japanese branch of the controversial Unification Church failed to boost his declining popularity.

The LDP, which has governed Japan almost continuously since 1955, has recently been embroiled in several scandals. These include connections to the South Korean Unification Church, also known as the Moonies, and campaign finance violations. These controversies have further eroded public trust in the party and its leadership.

Japan's Political Landscape And LDP Leadership

The upcoming LDP leadership election will involve the party's 1.1 million dues-paying members and elected leaders, each group accounting for 50% of the total vote. Traditionally, powerful factions within the LDP have dominated these elections. However, recent finance scandals have led to the dissolution of many of these main factions.

Japan has become known for its frequent changes in prime ministers, with Kishida being the eighth-longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history despite holding power for less than three years. His predecessor, Shinzo Abe, who served from 2012 to 2020, holds the record as Japan's longest-serving prime minister.

Despite the current political turmoil, the LDP is expected to maintain its grip on power in the next general election. The opposition parties have struggled to make significant electoral gains, leaving the LDP as the dominant force in Japanese politics.


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's decision to step down comes amid record-low approval ratings and mounting challenges for Japan. The announcement precedes the LDP's upcoming leadership election, which will determine the next party leader and likely prime minister. While Kishida's resignation marks another chapter in Japan's history of short-term prime ministers, the LDP's hold on power remains strong despite recent scandals and public dissatisfaction.

New York City has spent over $5 billion responding to the ongoing migrant crisis, as nearly 200,000 migrants have arrived seeking assistance since mid-2022.

According to a report by the Washington Examiner, the city has been grappling with the influx of migrants who entered the United States illegally by crossing the southern border. The NYC Humanitarian Crisis Response Tracker revealed that the five boroughs spent $4.8 billion responding to the migrant situation in fiscal years 2023 and 2024.

An additional $112 million is estimated to have been spent in the first six weeks of fiscal 2025, bringing the total expenditure to over $5 billion. The city has provided housing, food, and clothing to more than 212,000 migrants, making it the hardest-hit city nationwide as migrants seek to resettle while navigating immigration court proceedings.

Breakdown Of New York City's Migrant Spending

The city's spending on the migrant crisis has more than doubled from fiscal year 2023 to 2024. In 2023, NYC spent $1.45 billion, while in 2024, the expenditure rose to $3.43 billion. The largest portion of the spending, nearly $2 billion, went towards housing, rent, and "initial outfitting" for migrants.

Services and supplies accounted for another $1.9 billion of the total spending. Information technology and administrative costs followed at $488 million, while food costs totaled $345 million. Medical expenses amounted to $124 million. The NYC Department of Health and Hospitals and the Department of Homeless Services were the biggest spenders across the city government, each spending nearly $4 billion.

To accommodate the influx of migrants, the city has established more than 200 impromptu shelters. This includes taking over hotels such as the City View Inn, Springhill Suites by Marriott, and the Roosevelt Hotel, costing tens of millions of dollars.

Impact Of Texas Governor's Busing Program

The surge in migrants arriving in New York City can be partially attributed to Texas Governor Greg Abbott's decision to provide free bus transportation to migrants from Texas to NYC. This initiative was implemented to alleviate the burden on public transportation systems in Texas border towns amid mass crossings and releases.

Since April 2022, Texas has bused 45,900 migrants to NYC, accounting for approximately one-fifth of the 212,000 migrants who have arrived in the city. The remaining migrants have reached NYC through various means, including flights, trains, and buses from other locations.

Future Projections And Recent Developments

Republican Joseph Borelli, the minority leader of the New York City Council, provided testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee in September 2023. At that time, he stated that the city had anticipated spending $12 billion over three years.

This projection suggests that if the migrant situation persists, New York City's financial burden may continue to grow in the coming years.

However, recent data indicates a significant decline in the number of migrants crossing the southern border. In December 2023, Border Patrol agents arrested nearly 250,000 individuals attempting to enter the country illegally from Mexico. By July 2024, preliminary data obtained by the Washington Examiner showed that migrant arrests had dropped below 60,000.

This decrease in border crossings may lead to fewer new arrivals seeking assistance in cities across the country, potentially easing the financial strain on New York City and other affected municipalities. However, the long-term impact of the migrant crisis on the city's resources and infrastructure remains to be seen.


New York City's spending on the migrant crisis has surpassed $5 billion, with the majority of funds allocated to housing, services, and supplies. The city has housed, fed, and clothed over 212,000 migrants since mid-2022, making it the most impacted city in the nation. While recent data shows a decline in border crossings, the financial burden on NYC remains significant, with future projections suggesting continued high spending in the coming years.

Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign has indicated a shift in her health care policy stance for the upcoming presidential election.

Despite previously supporting "Medicare-for-all" during her 2019 presidential run, a campaign official told Fox News that Harris will not push for single-payer health care in her current bid for the presidency.

Harris initially backed a single-payer plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2017 and reiterated her support for "Medicare-for-all" in 2019. However, her campaign now states that she will not advocate for this policy. Harris had previously proposed a plan allowing private insurers to offer Medicare plans under strict rules, a change from her initial call to eliminate private insurance entirely.

Harris' Evolution on Medicare-for-All

In January 2019, Harris openly supported a single-payer system during an exchange with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy. When asked about her health care plans, she emphasized the need for universal access to health care, even if it meant eliminating private insurance. At the time, she believed that a "Medicare-for-all" approach was the best way to ensure that every American could receive necessary medical care.

By July 2019, Harris had fleshed out her health care proposal on her campaign website, advocating for "Medicare-for-all." This plan promised comprehensive coverage for medically necessary services, including visits to emergency rooms, doctor appointments, and even dental care. Additionally, the proposal included a provision for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate lower prescription drug prices.

Despite her previous support for a single-payer system, Harris' 2019 plan also included a role for private insurers, allowing them to offer Medicare plans. This inclusion marked a noticeable shift in her stance, leading to criticism and accusations of inconsistency from supporters and opponents.

Harris Backs Sanders' Bill

Harris's journey toward supporting "Medicare-for-all" began in 2017 when she publicly backed a single-payer healthcare plan introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders. Her endorsement came during a town hall in Oakland, where she announced her co-sponsorship of Sanders' bill. Harris's decision to support Sanders' plan was seen as a significant moment in her political career, as it aligned her with progressive elements within the Democratic Party.

At the time, Harris argued that a single-payer system was not only morally and ethically correct but also fiscally sensible. This endorsement marked her first public commitment to a "Medicare-for-all" system, although she had previously expressed support for the concept.

However, as the 2020 presidential campaign progressed, Harris began to modify her position. In an October 2019 interview with The Hill, she acknowledged that her evolving stance on health care led to flip-flopping accusations. She admitted that her initial support for eliminating private insurance might have been too extreme for some voters, prompting her to reconsider her approach.

Harris Balances Health Care Priorities

The Vice President's current health care proposal reflects a more moderate approach, balancing the desire for universal coverage with the realities of the American political landscape. By incorporating private insurers into her plan, she hopes to appeal to a broader range of voters who may be wary of a government-run system.

Her shift also reflects the complexities of the American healthcare system, which Harris has described as a frustrating "patchwork" that leaves many citizens feeling powerless against insurance companies. Her updated proposal addresses these issues while avoiding the potential pitfalls of a single-payer system that could alienate some voters.

As Harris continues her presidential campaign, her evolving stance on health care is likely to remain a focal point of discussion. Supporters and critics alike will be watching closely to see how she balances her previous commitments with the demands of a competitive and often contentious race.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris' journey on health care policy highlights the challenges and complexities of advocating for change in a deeply entrenched system. While she once championed a single-payer "Medicare-for-all" approach, her current proposals reflect a more nuanced and pragmatic perspective. This shift underscores the balancing act that Harris must perform as she navigates the expectations of her supporters and the broader electorate in her pursuit of the presidency.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced his intention to appeal a New York court ruling that bars him from appearing on the state’s ballot.

The decision, handed down on Monday, claims Kennedy made false statements about his residency. On Tuesday, Kennedy told Scripps News that the ruling was politically motivated and violated the 12th Amendment.

Kennedy’s legal team argues that the ruling was based on a misunderstanding of federal election laws, which require candidates to declare a domicile in one state for ballot purposes. Kennedy, who has listed a mailing address in California on federal statements, asserts that his legal domicile is New York because it is the state where he votes.

Kennedy Plans to Fight Ruling

The ruling, if upheld, could remove Kennedy from the New York ballot and potentially set a precedent for other states to do the same. Kennedy, however, is confident in his legal standing, stating that his domicile in New York is beyond question. “The federal statement was a mailing address in California,” Kennedy said in an interview. “The domicile legally has to be the place you vote.”

Kennedy’s legal troubles began when a judge found that he had falsely attested to living in New York, a requirement for appearing on the state’s ballot as an independent candidate. In response, Kennedy took an oath in New Hampshire, asserting that he had voted in New York and that it is, therefore, his legal domicile.

Kennedy insists that the court's decision is part of a broader effort by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to keep him off the ballot. He views the ruling as a violation of the 12th Amendment, which outlines the requirements for presidential candidates and prohibits states from adding their own.

Constitutional Concerns Over State Requirements

Kennedy’s primary argument against the ruling is that it added an unconstitutional burden to the requirements for running for president.

According to the 12th Amendment, a candidate must be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. Kennedy argues that New York’s residency requirement is an additional hurdle that the Constitution does not permit.

“States are not allowed to add a burden to the three requirements the 12th Amendment imposes for running for president,” Kennedy told Scripps News. He warned that allowing such state-specific rules could create a “patchwork” of regulations that would make it difficult for national candidates to run in certain states.

The DNC, however, disputes Kennedy’s interpretation of the law. A spokesperson for the committee accused Kennedy of running a “spoiler candidacy” and described him as “a fraud through and through.” The DNC’s stance suggests that they see Kennedy’s campaign as a threat to the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

Next Steps in the Legal Battle

Kennedy’s appeal is expected to challenge the New York ruling on constitutional grounds, focusing on the 12th Amendment’s limitations on state powers. He is optimistic about his chances on appeal, arguing that the facts support his claim that New York is his legal domicile.

“The DNC is stretching for any reason to keep me off the ballot, and they will lose this case on appeal because my domicile is New York,” Kennedy stated. He remains adamant that his candidacy is legitimate and that the ruling will be overturned.

In the meantime, Kennedy continues to campaign as an independent candidate, despite the legal challenges he faces. His supporters view the New York ruling as a politically motivated attempt to undermine his campaign, while his opponents see it as a necessary enforcement of election laws.

According to a Reuters report, the United States has approved a $20 billion sale of advanced military equipment to Israel, marking a significant move in the ongoing Gaza conflict.

The sale includes fighter jets, army vehicles, and munitions, highlighting the U.S. commitment to Israel's security despite international outcry.

The approved package includes Boeing Co F-15 fighter jets and other military hardware. Delivery of the jets, valued at nearly $19 billion, is anticipated to begin in 2029, while other equipment deliveries could commence as early as 2026. The decision comes at a time when Israel is engaged in a prolonged war in the Gaza Strip, now in its tenth month.

Weapon Deliveries Set Amid Ongoing War

In addition to the fighter jets, the package includes tank cartridges worth $774 million, explosive mortar cartridges valued at over $60 million, and army vehicles totaling $583 million. While the full delivery timeline extends several years into the future, some components of the sale could be delivered earlier, depending on the situation on the ground.

Since the start of the war in October, Washington has already provided Israel with substantial military aid. This includes more than 10,000 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles. The assistance underscores the U.S.'s strategic interest in ensuring that Israel maintains what Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant describes as its "qualitative military edge in the region."

Gaza Conflict Escalates as U.S. Faces Criticism

The conflict, which began on October 7 with a Hamas attack that left 1,200 Israelis dead and led to approximately 250 hostages being taken, has seen a devastating impact on the Gaza Strip.

Nearly 40,000 Palestinians have lost their lives, and the majority of the 2.3 million residents of Gaza have been displaced, facing dire humanitarian conditions. The heavy civilian toll has sparked accusations of genocide against Israel at the World Court, charges that Israel firmly denies.

Efforts to broker a ceasefire, led by U.S. President Joe Biden, have so far been unsuccessful, leaving the region in a state of ongoing turmoil. Washington's steadfast support for Israel has drawn criticism both at home and abroad, with many questioning the ethical implications of supplying arms in the midst of such a conflict.

U.S. Stands Firm on Israel's Defense

The Pentagon has emphasized the importance of the sale in a statement, asserting that the U.S. remains committed to Israel's security. "The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to U.S. national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability," the statement read. This stance is reflected in the scale of the arms package, which includes high-tech weaponry designed to enhance Israel's military capabilities in the long term.

Despite international condemnation of Israel's military actions in Gaza, the U.S. continues to prioritize its longstanding alliance with Israel. Defense Minister Gallant expressed gratitude to U.S. officials for their unwavering support, highlighting the significance of the arms deal in maintaining Israel's military dominance in the region.

As the conflict drags on, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens, with countless civilians facing food shortages and limited access to essential services. The international community remains divided, with some nations calling for a halt to arms sales and others backing Israel's right to defend itself.

The U.S.'s decision to approve this massive arms sale to Israel sends a clear message about its strategic priorities in the Middle East. While the delivery of the weapons may be years away, the impact of this decision is already being felt, both on the battlefield and in the realm of international diplomacy.


The U.S. government has approved a significant $20 billion weapons sale to Israel, aiming to enhance Israel's military capabilities. The package includes advanced weaponry and support systems, reflecting the ongoing strategic alliance between the United States and Israel. This move has broader implications for regional security dynamics, particularly amidst increasing tensions in the Middle East.

Fox News reported that Occidental College in Los Angeles faces mounting criticism after it decided not to renew the contract of Daron Djerdjian, a conservative economics professor.

Daron Djerdjian, who had been teaching at Occidental since 2010, was a well-regarded figure among students. His courses, focusing on free-market economics, were popular, and he was recognized as the sole professor on campus to offer this perspective.

Despite his popularity, the college chose not to renew his contract for the 2023-2024 academic year, which has left many in the college community questioning its motives.

The Loss of Conservative Perspectives

The situation has led to a petition signed by approximately 400 students and alumni, calling for the college to reconsider its decision. The petition highlights the significant loss to the academic environment at Occidental if Djerdjian were to depart, particularly noting his unique position in the economics department. The students argue that his departure would deprive them of a vital viewpoint in their education that challenges prevailing ideas and stimulates robust debate.

One student, Rayna Singh, remarked on the absence of other faculty members who teach from a free-market perspective, emphasizing Djerdjian’s critical role in the department. The petitioners have expressed their belief that the ideological diversity Occidental claims to uphold without his presence will be severely compromised.

Two anonymous faculty members have also come forward in Djerdjian’s defense, suggesting that his dismissal was not due to academic reasons but rather because of his political stance. They argue that this move could have long-term consequences for students, who will now be exposed to a more homogenous set of ideas within the economics curriculum.

Occidental's Shift in Economics Focus

In recent years, Occidental’s economics department has shifted its focus toward topics such as fair trade and market failures, aligning more closely with progressive economic theories. This transition has led some to speculate that Djerdjian’s conservative approach was increasingly at odds with the department’s direction.

Mark Skousen, a prominent economist and critic of the decision, has pointed out the irony of a college that champions diversity, equity, and inclusion while seemingly sidelining a faculty member who offered a different perspective.

Skousen highlighted the growing tendency within the department to prioritize viewpoints aligned with Keynesian economics over those associated with figures like Milton Friedman.

For its part, Occidental College has maintained that its decision was based on standard academic considerations, including curricular needs and student demand. A spokesperson for the college stated that non-tenure track faculty appointments, such as Djerdjian’s, are subject to change depending on these factors and that the college remains committed to providing students with a variety of perspectives in their education.

Concerns Over Academic Freedom and Diversity

Despite the college’s assurances, the decision has left many in the academic community uneasy. The concern is not just about Djerdjian’s departure but about what it might signify for Occidental's broader climate of academic freedom. Critics fear that the college’s actions could dissuade other faculty members from expressing viewpoints that deviate from the majority, leading to a narrowing of discourse on campus.

The situation at Occidental College is ongoing, with no clear resolution in sight. As the academic year progresses, the college community will be watching closely to see how the administration addresses these concerns and whether any steps will be taken to ensure that diverse viewpoints continue to be represented on campus.

In summary, Occidental College is facing criticism for not renewing Daron Djerdjian’s contract, with accusations that the decision was politically motivated. Students and faculty members argue that this move threatens the ideological diversity that is vital to the academic environment, while the college insists that the decision was based on academic factors. The outcome of this controversy could have significant implications for the future of free discourse at Occidental and beyond.

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