In a series of escalating political skirmishes, allies backing Donald Trump have launched an attack ad targeting Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Daily Mail reported that the ad accuses Harris of covering up President Joe Biden's cognitive decline and links her to the administration's policy failures.

The 30-second advertisement, titled "Paid the Price," debuted on Monday morning. It claims that Harris has been complicit in hiding Biden’s mental health issues, while tying her to the administration's beleaguered policies.

Advertisement Targeted Key Swing States

The ad was released in crucial swing states Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. This strategic move came on the heels of Biden’s announcement that he would not seek re-election.

According to AdImpact, MAGA Inc., Trump's super PAC, has allocated a staggering $123.8 million on political advertisements. The ad targets Harris directly, accusing her of lying about Biden’s cognitive abilities.

In the ad, the narrator charges, “Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline.” The video portrays Harris as stepping in for an incapacitated Biden, thereby implicating her in the administration's so-called failures.

Trump Campaign Demands Biden's Resignation

The advertisement has accused Harris of exacerbating issues like immigration and inflation. Prior to its release, the Trump campaign openly demanded that Biden resign due to his cognitive state.

Top Trump campaign officials Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles expressed serious concerns, stating, “Biden is a national security threat in great cognitive decline and a clear and present danger to every man, woman, and child in our country.”

The statement identified Biden’s continued presidency as a significant risk, despite his stepping away from the re-election bid. This narrative has geared Republican efforts to portray the Democratic Party as being in disarray.

Accusations on Policy and Responsibility

The ad accuses Harris of mismanaging critical policies. Specific focus is placed on what they describe as a border crisis, inflation, and the diminishing American Dream.

Highlighting her involvement, the narrator asserts, “But Kamala knew Joe couldn't do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done... They created this mess.” This strong rhetoric suggests that Harris should own up to the administration's record.

Alex Pfeiffer, a spokesman for MAGA Inc., called on Harris to disclose the truth about Biden’s health. “Kamala Harris has lied for years now about Joe Biden's mental condition and America suffered for it,” Pfeiffer said.

Harris Defends Administration’s Record

Vice President Kamala Harris has stood firmly by Biden, defending his capability and health. She recently declared, “Our president is in good shape, in good health, tireless, vibrant, and I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done.”

Despite the Trump campaign’s fierce accusations, Harris remains unwavering in her support of Biden’s presidency. She continues to champion the administration’s accomplishments.

The unfolding political battle underscores deepening divisions ahead of the upcoming election season. Both sides appear geared up for a tumultuous campaign period.

Trump’s camp is preparing its strategy should Harris become the focal point of the Democratic ticket. These developments suggest that further ads and political offensives are likely forthcoming.

The revelations and criticisms in the current political climate emphasize the high stakes of the impending elections. Both parties' attempts to sway public opinion reflect the critical nature of their rhetorical tactics.


In conclusion, Donald Trump’s allies have directly attacked Kamala Harris, casting doubt on President Joe Biden's cognitive health.

The advertisement slams Harris for alleged complicity and policy failures, particularly in the realms of immigration and inflation.

With Biden stepping away from re-election, the political landscape promises to be fiercely contested, with Trump’s supporters actively seeking to capitalize on perceived Democratic upheaval. Both Harris and Biden's responses reflect a steadfast defense of their administrative record, setting the stage for a highly charged election campaign.

In a bold and unexpected move, former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown publicly called for President Joe Biden to step down and allow Vice President Kamala Harris to become president immediately.

This statement comes as the Democratic Party attempts to improve Harris's image and boost her popularity before the 2024 election.

The Daily Mail reported that Willie Brown, aged 90, held a news conference on Sunday to make his case for Biden to step aside. Brown summoned local reporters to gather outside John's Grill, just days after President Biden's surprise decision to suspend his campaign.

At the news conference, Brown argued that Harris's chances of success would improve if Biden made her president immediately. He stated, "[Harris's] chances go up if [Biden] would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I'm no longer the president — she is,"

Brown praised Harris for her outstanding performance in her various roles throughout her career. In 2020, he had advised Harris to reject Biden's offer to be his running mate, calling it a "dead end."

Harris's Relationship with Willie Brown

Brown and Harris dated in the 1990s when Harris was an emerging star in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office and Brown was the speaker of the state Assembly. Despite being legally married to Blanche Vitero, Brown and Vitero had separated, and Brown was known for his flashy lifestyle.

Harris distanced herself from the relationship by labeling it "an albatross hanging around my neck" in a 2003 interview.

In a 2019 opinion piece, Brown confirmed their past romantic relationship and admitted helping Harris in her first race for district attorney, which she went on to win in 2003. As DA, Harris introduced a controversial anti-truancy program, which led to the arrest of Cheree Peoples in 2013 due to her daughter's school attendance issues stemming from a genetic condition.

Efforts to Revamp Harris's Public Image

Recently, there has been a concerted effort within the Democratic Party to rehabilitate Harris's image. In April, actress Drew Barrymore praised Harris, describing her as "Momala" and suggesting that Harris should be a maternal figure for the country.

Harris currently has a favorability rating of 39 percent, similar to Biden's rating. Her career has faced numerous allegations of hypocrisy and dishonesty, but she has managed to evolve her views to become more socially liberal over the years.

For example, Harris’s stance on marijuana has shifted from prosecuting people for violations to advocating against jail time for smoking it.

Harris's Controversial Tenure as VP

During a 2019 Democratic primary debate, Harris criticized Biden for his past collaboration with segregationist senators and his opposition to federal busing. This reportedly caused tension between her and First Lady Jill Biden, who allegedly holds a grudge against Harris.

Harris was tasked with addressing the root causes of migration in March 2021 but faced criticism for admitting in an NBC interview that she had never visited the southern border. Under the Biden-Harris administration, approximately 10 million migrants have crossed the Mexico-US border.

Additionally, thirteen staffers resigned from Harris's office between 2021 and 2022 amid claims that she was an office "bully." Harris is also criticized for her confusing public statements, often referred to as "word salad," such as her remarks on community banks and her mother's advice on existing within a context.


Willie Brown's recent call for President Biden to step down represents an effort to bolster Kamala Harris's position ahead of the 2024 election.

Despite facing numerous controversies and challenges throughout her career, Harris has garnered praise from certain public figures and is subject to ongoing efforts within the Democratic Party to revamp her image. As the election approaches, it remains to be seen how these efforts will impact her favorability and political future.

Hundreds of migrants, originating from a dozen different countries, initiated their trek from southern Mexico with hopes of reaching the U.S. border before the November elections. They aim to beat any potential restrictive policies, particularly those proposed by a future Trump administration.

The Associated Press reported that starting their journey on Sunday, the migrants left the border town of Ciudad Hidalgo, situated adjacent to a river marking Mexico’s boundary with Guatemala.

Donald Trump's promises to shut down asylum-seeker access if reelected have stoked fears among migrants, leading to the formation of the caravan. Many are apprehensive that their permits to cross the border and secure appointments via the CBP One app might be blocked under stringent immigration rules.

Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador, expressed his concerns about the upcoming election. “We are running the risk that permits (to cross the border) might be blocked,” he remarked. Salazar, 37, believes the app route is the preferred choice once migrants reach northern Mexican territories. The app can only be accessed once they reach Mexico City or northern states.

Fears Over Stricter Immigration Policies

Many migrants have endured weeks in Ciudad Hidalgo waiting for permits to allow travel northward. These permits are critical since traveling by bus or train has become increasingly difficult, with Mexico imposing stricter controls. For those entering without visas, permits are rarely granted, leading instead to detention and deportation to the country's southern border.

Despite the challenges, forming a caravan appears to be the safer option for many, mitigating the risks of attacks or detainment. Nonetheless, these groups often disband in the southern parts of Mexico due to fatigue and harsh conditions.

Oswaldo Reyna, a Cuban migrant, described his arduous journey into Mexico from Guatemala 45 days ago. Having joined the caravan, Reyna criticized Donald Trump’s rhetoric, arguing that the migrants are merely seeking a better life. “We are not delinquents. We are hard-working people who have left our country to get ahead in life, because in our homeland we are suffering from many needs,” Reyna said.

Challenges Of Migrant Caravans

The extensive waits and bureaucratic hurdles in Ciudad Hidalgo have not deterred the migrants, but have emphasized the importance of migrating collectively. While the caravan significantly reduces the likelihood of attacks, its members must deal with fatigue and dwindling resources.

Mexico’s tightened travel restrictions have compounded the journey for these migrants. The reluctance to grant travel permits often results in repeat detainments and deportations to southern Mexico, making an already arduous journey even more punishing.

Hindered by Mexico’s stringent immigration enforcement, the migrants face the grueling prospect of continuing their journey on foot. As they progress north, they remain unified by the hope of reaching the U.S. border before any further changes in immigration policies.

Reaching The U.S. Border Amid Fears

Molino Salazar’s sentiments echo the broader apprehensions within the caravan. These migrants are acutely aware that delays or stricter regulations could drastically affect their chances of receiving asylum. The CBP One app, which can only be utilized in specific Mexican regions, represents a crucial lifeline.

For many, the idea of a Trump administration sealing the border is a paramount concern. This has galvanized their resolve to advance together, improving their odds of making it safely to their destination.

The migration journey, fraught with obstacles and uncertainties, remains a testament to their resilience and aspiration for a better life. While migrants like Oswaldo Reyna continue to counter negative portrayals, they share a common story of fleeing hardship in search of hope and stability.

A Glimpse Into The Migrants' Resolve

Hundreds of migrants commenced their journey from Ciudad Hidalgo, striving to reach the U.S. border before the November elections. Fueled by fears of a potential Trump administration curbing asylum-seeker access, they organized into a large caravan for safety and solidarity.

Miguel Salazar from El Salvador fears blocked permits if Trump wins. Many migrants prefer using the CBP One app, accessible only after reaching Mexico City or northern states. Battling fatigue and strict travel restrictions, they persevere, aiming for a safer future.

Torrential rain in northern China has led to a bridge collapse in Shangluo, Shaanxi province, resulting in at least 11 deaths and more than 30 people missing.

Metro reported that the disaster is part of a series of extreme weather events that have plagued China this summer, including floods, heatwaves, and landslides.

The bridge in Shangluo buckled around 8:40 p.m. on Friday due to sudden heavy rain and flash floods.

The collapse led to the disappearance of nearly 20 vehicles and more than 30 individuals. Rescuers have so far recovered 11 bodies from five vehicles found in the water.

Severe Weather Hits Multiple Regions

Images from the scene show a partially submerged section of the bridge with water rushing over it. This incident is part of a broader pattern of severe weather affecting northern and central China since Tuesday. Torrential rains have caused extensive flooding and damage in multiple provinces.

In Baoji city, Shaanxi province, at least five people were reported dead, and eight more are missing due to flooding and mudslides on Friday. The provinces of Gansu and Henan have also been hit hard by the heavy rains this week.

Henan's Nanyang city experienced a year's worth of rainfall at the start of the week, leading to significant disruptions. Meanwhile, in Sichuan province, two people were killed, and seven are missing after landslides triggered by the heavy rain.

This summer has seen a series of extreme weather events in China, with heavy rains affecting the east and south while the north grapples with intense heatwaves. The climate crisis is exacerbating these events, making them more frequent and severe.

In May, a highway in southern China collapsed after days of rain, resulting in 48 deaths. Earlier this month, a tornado in eastern China killed one person, injured 79, and caused widespread damage.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for "all-out efforts" in the rescue and relief operations. Authorities are working to locate the missing and provide aid to the affected areas.

Eyewitness Accounts

Witnesses described the chaotic scene when the bridge collapsed. One person recounted how a truck in front of them "didn’t stop and fell into the water." Another witness recalled hearing people "yelling at me to brake and stop the car" as the bridge gave way.

The ongoing rescue operations are challenging due to the adverse weather conditions and the swift currents in the river.

Emergency services are working around the clock to recover more vehicles and locate the missing persons.

The extreme weather events this summer highlight the urgent need for comprehensive climate action and disaster preparedness.

The increased frequency and severity of such incidents are straining the resources and response capabilities of local authorities.


The torrential rain that led to the bridge collapse in Shangluo, Shaanxi province, northern China, has resulted in at least 11 confirmed deaths and over 30 missing persons.

The sudden downpour and flash floods that caused the bridge to buckle at 8:40 p.m. on Friday also led to nearly 20 vehicles being washed away.

Regions across northern and central China have been experiencing severe weather, with heavy rains causing flooding, mudslides, and significant damage. This summer has seen a series of extreme weather events, exacerbated by the climate crisis, affecting various parts of China with both heavy rains and heatwaves.

Rescue operations are ongoing, with emergency services working tirelessly to recover more bodies and locate the missing. The impact of the climate crisis underscores the need for urgent action to mitigate its effects and improve disaster preparedness and response.

President Joe Biden's decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race has sparked a flurry of legal and political debate.

Concerns arose regarding the legality and feasibility of substituting Biden with another candidate on the Democratic ticket ahead of the November election.

ABC News reported that on Sunday, House Speaker Mike Johnson voiced apprehensions about potential legal hurdles if Biden were replaced. He claimed that some states' laws might prohibit the substitution of Biden for another candidate without following proper procedures.

Johnson suggested that a move to substitute Biden could face significant legal challenges in certain jurisdictions. He asserted that states' regulations do not permit a small group to make such a change arbitrarily.

Legal Experts Contest Johnson's Claims

Election law expert Richard Hasen rebuffed Johnson's position, indicating that the Democratic Party could legally appoint a new candidate.

Hasen explained that Biden is not officially the party's nominee until the Democratic National Convention.

Hasen noted that states typically defer to the major party's nominee for ballot inclusion. This clarification highlights the distinction between a candidate stepping down and the official nominating process.

Despite Johnson's claims, legal scholars seem to agree that the Democratic Party has the discretion to nominate a new candidate without infringing state laws.

Johnson: Republican Strategy Unchanged

Johnson reiterated that the Republicans' strategy would not be affected if Vice President Kamala Harris were to replace Biden. He stressed that Harris shares accountability for the Biden administration's policies.

"If Kamala is the nominee, so be it," Johnson remarked, indicating a consistent Republican approach regardless of changes in the Democratic ticket.

Johnson emphasized that policies, rather than personal attacks, should be the focal point of the election.

An ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll revealed public support for Harris over Trump if she were to become the Democratic nominee. The poll results showed Harris leading Trump by a narrow margin among all adults.

Trump's Personal Attacks on Harris

Former President Donald Trump has disparaged Harris, branding her as "crazy" and "nuts" during a Michigan rally. These comments signify the intensity of personal attacks in the current political climate.

Johnson responded that Democrats have similarly targeted Trump, projecting that the election should pivot on policy discussions rather than personal vendettas. He remarked that Democrats' harsh rhetoric towards Trump is a well-established pattern.

In conclusion, while Biden's decision to withdraw from the race has prompted debate on the legality of replacing him, experts like Hasen voice that the Democratic Party retains the jurisdiction to substitute candidates.

Johnson maintains that the Republicans' campaign approach remains unwavering, regardless of who tops the Democratic ticket. A close watch on the evolving legal interpretations and voter sentiments will shape the landscape leading up to the November election.

Hunter Biden has decided to drop his lawsuit against Fox News, aligning with the same day his father, President Joe Biden, announced he would not run in the 2024 race.

The Independent reported that Biden abandoned his defamation lawsuit shortly after President Joe Biden stated he was stepping down from the presidential contest.

The lawsuit, initially filed on July 1, accused Fox News of defamation by displaying intimate images and videos of Hunter Biden without his consent. At the center of the dispute was the series "The Trial of Hunter Biden," which was claimed to be a fictional mock trial. The series included genuine emails and sensitive images, despite its fictional narrative.

Hunter Biden alleged the show aimed to harass and humiliate him while damaging his reputation using fabricated claims. His lawsuit accused Fox News of commercializing his persona through distinct means rather than disseminating real news events.

Lawsuit Details and Context of the Allegations

Hunter Biden's legal team outlined that the series manipulated reality and presented events out of context.

The lawsuit argued that the blend of factual information with contrived narratives left viewers unable to distinguish what was true from what was fiction.

One significant point in the lawsuit highlighted emails and images shown by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene during congressional hearings. The lawsuit stated that this misuse of personal content was highly damaging to Hunter Biden.

A quote from the lawsuit emphasized that Fox News’s intent was not to report news, but was rather to exploit Hunter Biden's personality for commercial gain.

The lawsuit also emphasized the fictional nature of the series, which depicted a criminal case that didn't exist.

Fox News's Response and Political Implications

Fox News responded robustly, labeling the lawsuit as lacking merit and politically motivated. An official from Fox News explained that the lawsuit stemmed from a 2022 streaming program which Hunter Biden only contested in April 2024. The channel removed the program promptly after receiving a complaint, the spokesperson added.

Fox News further asserted that Hunter Biden, being a public figure and convicted felon, had been the subject of multiple investigations. They emphasized their coverage of newsworthy events as consistent with First Amendment protections and expressed readiness to vindicate their rights in court.

Legal representatives for Hunter Biden filed for dismissal of the lawsuit on the same day President Joe Biden announced his departure from the 2024 presidential race. The announcement followed significant pressure from his party and diminishing poll numbers.

With President Joe Biden stepping down, Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination. The Biden-Harris campaign updated its filings with the Federal Election Commission to identify Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate.

Hunter Biden's legal move has sparked curiosity regarding its timing, coinciding with his father's significant political decision. Some speculate about the potential strategic coordination between the two actions.

President Biden’s withdrawal marks a critical shift for the Democratic Party, opening the path for Kamala Harris's campaign. The party now pivots its focus on uniting behind a new candidate in preparation for the upcoming election campaign.


In conclusion, Hunter Biden’s decision to drop his lawsuit against Fox News follows closely on the heels of President Joe Biden’s announcement of not running in 2024.

The lawsuit, which initially sought to address alleged defamation, accused Fox News of intertwining factual and fabricated elements in a manner detrimental to Hunter Biden.

Fox News maintained the suit was politically driven and without foundation. With President Biden out of the race, Vice President Kamala Harris steps forward as the party’s likely nominee, marking a significant transition in the Democratic campaign strategy.

The Biden administration faces legal hurdles as it pushes forward a new debt relief plan for public service workers.

Morning Carpool reported that the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the administration’s broader monthly payment reduction plan, while President Joe Biden announced $1.2 billion in loan forgiveness for public service employees.

On Tuesday, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily halted President Joe Biden’s efforts to lower monthly payments for millions of student loan borrowers. This order aligns with several Republican-led states challenging the administration's student loan forgiveness initiative.

This legal roadblock did not deter the President, who subsequently introduced $1.2 billion in loan forgiveness for 35,000 public service workers. This plan targets professionals including teachers, nurses, and firefighters.

The debt relief forms part of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, originally established nearly twenty years ago and expanded under Biden's leadership. The initiative is designed to ease the financial burdens faced by those in public service roles.

Biden’s Commitment To Education Promises

Since taking office, the Biden administration has forgiven over $168 billion in federal student loan debt, benefiting approximately 4.8 million borrowers. This latest move underscores President Biden’s commitment to making higher education more accessible.

“From day one of my administration, I promised to fight to ensure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity. I will never stop working to make higher education affordable – no matter how many times Republican elected officials try to stop us,” Biden asserted in a statement.

The announcement of the $1.2 billion forgiveness plan comes as the administration battles against two legal challenges concerning the SAVE (Saving on a Valuable Education) repayment plan. These lawsuits, initiated by Republican-led states, question the legality and implementation of the program.

The SAVE plan is intended to reduce monthly payments for low-income individuals and to expedite their debt relief process. It represents a significant effort by the administration to address ongoing student debt issues.

Despite the current legal impediments, the Supreme Court is anticipated to make a crucial decision on whether to block portions of the SAVE plan while it undergoes thorough litigation. This pending ruling could significantly influence the administration's ability to deliver promised relief.

This recent development adds another layer to the complex legal battles surrounding student debt forgiveness. The administration remains confident in its stance and continues to promote various relief measures.

Impact On Public Service Workers

Public service workers, such as those in education, healthcare, and emergency response, stand to benefit significantly from this initiative.

The PSLF program’s design aims to alleviate financial stress and reward community-driven careers.

These debt forgiveness measures reflect a broader strategy to encourage and retain professionals in vital public service roles.

By reducing their financial burdens, the administration hopes to foster a more stable and committed workforce.

However, the uncertainty due to ongoing legal challenges may affect the administration's ability to implement these changes uniformly and promptly. It remains to be seen how the courts will ultimately rule on these matters and the corresponding impact on borrowers.

Future Outlook And Broader Implications

As the Biden administration continues to push for broader student debt reform, the interplay between legal rulings and policy initiatives will be critical.

The outcomes of these legal battles could shape the future of student loan forgiveness efforts in the United States.

The combination of temporary setbacks and new announcements underscores the administration’s determination to address student debt concerns. Public service workers, in particular, may look forward to more support and recognition for their contributions.

In conclusion, despite the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals' temporary blockage of a broader debt reduction plan, President Biden’s administration has introduced a significant $1.2 billion forgiveness plan targeting public service workers.

This move is part of a larger strategy that has forgiven over $168 billion in student loans. As the SAVE plan faces legal challenges, the Supreme Court's upcoming decisions will be pivotal in determining the program's future. Public service workers remain at the heart of these efforts, underscoring the administration's commitment to education and financial relief.

The director of the U.S. Secret Service acknowledged a serious security breach during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Monday, describing the July 13 shooting of former President Donald Trump as a major operational failure.

Al Jazeera reported that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle admitted the agency's failure to prevent an attempted assassination of Trump during a campaign event in Butler County, Pennsylvania, which resulted in injuries to Trump and three others, including one fatality.

During her testimony, Cheatle disclosed that the perpetrator, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, had been flagged as "suspicious" but not considered an immediate threat.

Crooks, a nursing home aide, was ultimately shot and killed by law enforcement officers at the scene.

Testimony Highlights Operational Gaps

Cheatle publicly admitted fault, stating, "We failed. As the director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse." She characterized the assassination attempt on Trump as the most critical failure faced by the agency in decades.

Republican members of the House Oversight Committee expressed deep concerns, with Chairman James Comer urging Cheatle to step down. "It is my firm belief, Director Cheatle, that you should resign," Comer asserted, pointing to the agency's large staff and budget as reasons why such failures are inexcusable.

Cheatle, however, resisted calls for her resignation. She emphasized, "Our mission is not political. It is literally a matter of life and death." She also noted that security measures for Trump had been heightened well before the campaign cycle and were continuously being adapted to address evolving threats.

Congressional Scrutiny and Future Steps

The House Oversight Committee's session marked the beginning of congressional examination of the assassination attempt. Democratic Representative Gerry Connolly pointed out the broader context of increasing political polarization and heightened tensions in the country, stating that such "unacceptable incidents" highlighted these issues.

In the wake of the incident, FBI Director Christopher Wray is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. This will provide further insight into federal law enforcement perspectives on the threats facing public officials and the adequacy of current protective measures.

Additionally, House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to announce a bipartisan task force to bolster House investigations into the attack and other concerning security incidents. This initiative aims to address gaps in current security protocols and ensure comprehensive legislative oversight.

Political Reactions and Future Implications

Lawmakers across the political spectrum have voiced their strong reactions to the attempted assassination.

While Republicans are primarily focused on perceived lapses by the Secret Service, Democrats stress the broader societal issues contributing to such acts of violence.

Cheatle's remarks, "The level of security provided for the former president increased well before the campaign and has been steadily increasing as threats evolve," underline the complex nature of maintaining security in today's politically charged environment. This heightened security, despite the operational failure, reflects ongoing efforts to protect individuals at risk.

In conclusion, the July 13 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has set off a wave of scrutiny and criticism of the United States Secret Service.

Kimberly Cheatle, the agency's director, admitted to significant lapses during a congressional hearing, while standing firm against calls for her resignation. This event has spotlighted the growing challenges of ensuring security amid rising political discord, prompting further investigations and potential reforms led by top government officials.

Speculation is swirling around who Kamala Harris will choose as her running mate after President Joe Biden endorsed Harris following his withdrawal from the presidential race.

With Biden stepping down, influential Democratic figures are recommending potential candidates, with Politico reporting that Harris has no shortage of options for a running mate.

Biden's endorsement of Harris on Sunday has prompted a flurry of discussions about her possible vice-presidential picks. Many prominent Democrats have expressed their support and insights regarding the significance of Biden's decision.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is emerging as a top potential running mate, praised for his connection with Harris and influence in a key swing state. Bob Brady, a notable figure, referred to Shapiro as "an excellent choice," highlighting the strategic advantage he brings.

Strengths of Potential Running Mates

Also under consideration are Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, both seen as strong candidates capable of swaying pivotal states. Their public endorsements of Biden's decision further solidify their positions in the speculation mix.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) brings a distinctive profile with his background as an astronaut and involvement in advocacy against gun violence, amplified by his wife Gabby Giffords' activism. Kelly expressed strong confidence in Harris, committing his and Gabby's support to her campaign.

The overarching question motivating these discussions, as one Democratic strategist close to the White House puts it, is "who can beat Trump in their home state?" This strategic focus is reshaping the considerations for Harris's vice-presidential pick.

Wide Range of Support and Praise

Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has also thrown her support behind Harris, emphasizing her dedication to halting Trump's agenda and promoting Democratic values. Her focus on Michigan's future underscores the strategic importance of her endorsement.

In addition to Whitmer, Governor Beshear and Governor Cooper have articulated their approval of Biden's choice. Beshear noted Biden's remarkable leadership and the benefits he has brought to the nation, while Cooper commended Biden's role in guiding the nation through tumultuous times.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, though facing logistical challenges due to Electoral College considerations, also endorsed Harris. His praise for Biden's presidency and commitment to opposing Trump's "dark vision" reflects a broader narrative among Democratic leaders.

Unique Contributions and Challenges

J.B. Pritzker offered a more intense critique of Trump, highlighting a range of issues but abstaining from directly endorsing Harris. His voice adds to the chorus of Democratic leaders focusing on the critical nature of the upcoming election.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore praised Biden's legacy of service and his impact on American society. His admiration for Biden's contributions reinforces the sense of unity and purpose within the party as they face the upcoming election.

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has also endorsed Harris, seeing her as the right person to succeed Biden and defeat Trump. His endorsement adds a layer of credibility and support to Harris's growing list of endorsements.

Collectively, these potential running mates bring unique strengths to the Harris ticket, ranging from state influence to policy expertise. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences present Harris with a wide array of strategic options for the 2024 election.

As the speculation continues, the Democratic Party is gearing up for a vigorous campaign to counter Donald Trump's agenda and secure a victory. The decision on Harris' running mate will play a crucial role in shaping the party's future direction.

Keen attention will be paid to how Harris navigates these choices, ensuring her ticket is well-equipped to address the pressing issues facing the nation and appeal to a broad voter base.


In conclusion, President Joe Biden's endorsement of Kamala Harris has ignited speculation about her vice-presidential pick, with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro emerging as a prominent candidate.

Governors Andy Beshear and Roy Cooper, along with Senator Mark Kelly, are also strong contenders. The Democratic strategist's words underscore the focus on selecting a candidate who can secure victory in a crucial state.

Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Wes Moore, and Pete Buttigieg have all shown their support or aligned viewpoints, enhancing the strategic options for Harris. Each potential running mate offers distinctive advantages, contributing to the Democratic Party's robust approach to the 2024 election.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has accused Democrats of a "big cover-up" regarding President Joe Biden's health.

Newsweek reported that Johnson is contemplating an investigation into Biden's cognitive abilities and public transparency.

During an interview on CNN's State of the Union, Johnson discussed his concerns about Biden's health with host Jake Tapper. The Louisiana Republican suggested that the public has been kept in the dark about the president's true condition.

Claims of Declining Cognitive Abilities

Johnson argued that Biden's mental faculties have diminished significantly since his election four years ago. He emphasized that the aging process is natural and not Biden's fault but insisted that it is crucial to address.

"Democrats have prevented the people from seeing what people in close proximity have seen," Johnson said. He expressed frustration over exaggerated claims from House Democrats regarding Biden's abilities.

Johnson criticized Democrats for allegedly hiding the truth about Biden's condition, claiming that Biden is no longer fit to serve as president.

During the interview, Tapper asked Johnson if he had considered an investigation by Congress or law enforcement into the alleged cover-up. Johnson confirmed that this was under discussion.

He pointed to Biden's performance during the June 27 presidential debate against Donald Trump, where Biden appeared to lose his train of thought several times. Biden's team attributed these moments to a cold and jet lag.

Johnson remarked that despite Biden's team's explanations, many Democrats and influential figures have called for Biden to step aside for a different nominee.

Pressure on Biden to Withdraw

Johnson stated that Biden and his advisers have consistently maintained that he will not drop out of the race. However, reports suggest that Biden is contemplating bowing out and has inquired about Vice President Kamala Harris's potential to defeat Trump.

"Every time, I'd see one of those statements, I couldn't believe they were doing it," Johnson said, criticizing Democrats' portrayal of Biden's capabilities. He described Biden as "cognitively impaired."

Johnson revealed that he had hesitated to speak out earlier due to concerns about projecting weakness on the global stage.

Johnson's comments come amid long-standing concerns about Biden's age. At 81, Biden is the oldest person ever elected to the presidency, and there are questions about his ability to seek another term.

Donald Trump, at 78, also faces scrutiny regarding his age and cognitive abilities, creating a unique dynamic in the upcoming election.

As Biden isolates in Delaware due to a COVID-19 infection, the pressure for him to withdraw from the 2024 race increases. Johnson's accusations add another layer of complexity to the ongoing debate about Biden's fitness for office.


Newsweek has reached out to Johnson's office and the White House for comments on the matter. There has been no official response yet.

Johnson believes that addressing Biden's health concerns is crucial for national transparency and integrity. He argues that the public deserves to know the truth about the president's condition.

Johnson's allegations and the potential investigation he has suggested have significant implications for the upcoming election and the broader political landscape.

In summary, Johnson has accused Democrats of covering up Biden's health issues. He is considering an investigation, citing concerns about Biden's cognitive decline and the integrity of public information. The unfolding situation has intensified scrutiny on Biden's fitness to serve and the transparency of his administration.

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