A leading neurologist has made a startling claim about President Joe Biden's health.

As reported by Daily Mail, Dr. Tom Pitts asserts that President Biden suffers from Parkinsonism, sparking controversy and prompting a strong denial from the White House.

Dr. Tom Pitts, a renowned neurologist, has stirred significant controversy by publicly stating that President Joe Biden, aged 81, suffers from a degenerative brain condition known as Parkinsonism.

Pitts, who graduated from Columbia University and is a four-time board-certified specialist, made his assertions during an appearance on NBC. Citing Biden's frequent gaffes and a notably poor debate performance, Pitts argued that these behaviors indicate a degenerative condition.

Dr. Pitts’s Claims and Observations on Biden’s Health

According to Pitts, the president exhibits classic symptoms of neurodegeneration, including word-finding difficulties, rigidity, and bradykinesia. He claims these symptoms are evident in Biden's public appearances and debate performances. Despite not having personally examined Biden, Pitts feels confident in his diagnosis based on his observations.

Pitts elaborated on his diagnosis by pointing out Biden's motor symptoms, specifically his end-block turning and a monotonous, low voice. He stated that these signs are hallmarks of Parkinson's disease and that he could diagnose Biden from across a mall due to these obvious symptoms.

The neurologist's comments have intensified the scrutiny on Biden's health, especially as he plans to run in the November election. Biden has faced criticism from some within his party about his mental acuity and overall fitness to lead.

White House Response to Health Claims

In response to Pitts's claims, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has firmly denied that Biden is being treated for Parkinson's disease. She emphasized that Biden's health remains robust and that he is not undergoing any treatment for degenerative brain conditions outside his regular checkups.

Jean-Pierre confirmed that Biden had been examined by a neurologist three times but did not provide details about the reasons for these visits. The White House has attempted to downplay the concerns by releasing a screenshot of Biden's February health summary, which does not mention any degenerative conditions.

Dr. Kevin Cannard, a movement disorder specialist who has seen Biden three times since he took office, has mostly been involved with the White House Medical Unit. According to the White House, Cannard's visits are routine and not indicative of any serious health issues.

Biden’s Personal Assurance and Political Impact

Despite the controversy, President Biden has insisted he is fit to lead and continues to perform his duties effectively. He claims to undergo daily cognitive tests as part of his rigorous job and maintains that his mental and physical health is in good condition.

However, Biden's health has been a topic of concern, especially following a disastrous debate performance and several public gaffes. Some Democrats have called for him to step down from the race, arguing that his health issues could impair his ability to lead.


The claims made by Dr. Tom Pitts have added fuel to the ongoing debate about President Biden's health. While the White House has denied any serious health issues, Pitts's observations and diagnosis based on public appearances have raised questions. Biden continues to assert his fitness to lead, but the scrutiny and speculation about his health persist, especially within his own party.

Former President Donald Trump discussed his potential vice-presidential picks, sharing praise and reservations. He hinted that an announcement could come soon, possibly during the upcoming convention.

As reported by the New York Post, Donald Trump commented on potential running mates, praising Sen. JD Vance's beard and criticizing North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum's strict abortion ban.

In an interview on Wednesday with Fox News Radio host Brian Kilmeade, Trump delved into various prospects for the role of running mate. He particularly highlighted Sen. JD Vance for his distinguished beard, which Trump likened to a young Abraham Lincoln.

"No. I’ve never heard that one," Trump remarked on rumors that he dislikes facial hair before complimenting Vance’s new look. “He’s like a young Abraham Lincoln,” Trump added, indicating his favorable view of Vance.

Trump’s Anticipation For An Imminent VP Announcement

Trump mentioned that he would announce his vice-presidential choice “over the next week or so,” with a preference for making the pivotal revelation during the upcoming Republican convention. This anticipation has stirred excitement as several prominent names have emerged in speculative discussions.

When Kilmeade brought up potential candidates, including Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. Marco Rubio, and Sen. Tim Scott, Trump shared his thoughts candidly. He noted that while considering several options, he feels "pretty well set" but is still open to changes.

Despite Vance's favorable reception, Trump did not ignore complications surrounding some candidates. Trump expressed reservations about Gov. Doug Burgum due to North Dakota’s stringent abortion legislation, which he labeled as a "pretty strong ban."

Electoral College Challenges With Rubio

One interesting complication regarding Sen. Marco Rubio centers on both he and Trump sharing Florida as their home state. Under the 12th Amendment, this could jeopardize Florida’s 30 electoral votes, requiring careful handling of delegate arrangements or a potential resignation.

Trump acknowledged the challenge: “You do that and it makes it more complicated.” Nevertheless, he offered solutions, saying, "there has to be a resignation" or other adjustments to mitigate risks. Recently, Trump spent time campaigning with Rubio in Doral, Florida, reflecting positively on Rubio’s popularity: “Great last night, very popular.”

Trump’s View On Democrats And GOP Platform

As Trump continues to weigh his running mate options, he remains outspoken about the Democratic Party. He dismissed concerns over President Biden’s cognitive abilities, asserting, “I don’t care if it’s him or somebody else. And these radical Democrats are all radical.”

He called Democratic contenders “radical left lunatics,” emphasizing that his choice would not hinge on who the Democrats nominate but on solidifying his own team.

Trump also defended the newly released 16-page Republican Party platform amidst some criticism. Figures like former Vice President Mike Pence have suggested the platform softens the party’s stance on abortion. However, Trump disagreed with this criticism, asserting it's rooted in common sense and not targeting moderates. He clarified that controversial measures like "gay bans" were not reflective of the party's direction.

In conclusion, Trump’s latest interview provided much insight into his thoughts on potential running mates. He praised JD Vance and acknowledged the electoral complications with Marco Rubio. Additionally, he voiced his reservations about Doug Burgum and staunchly defended the new GOP platform.

The Biden campaign faces internal chaos, as Joe Biden's associates allege President Barack Obama is subtly encouraging efforts to eliminate Biden from the 2024 election.

According to Daily Mail, an Obama ally reveals Biden's deep resentment over being sidelined for Hillary Clinton and how Obama's staff treated him.

Tension escalated after George Clooney, a friend of Obama, publicly criticized Biden on July 10, 2024. On July 11, 2024, during his 'Morning Joe' TV show, Joe Scarborough mentioned that Democratic officials and Biden's team believe Obama is working covertly against Biden.

Compounded Criticism From Allies And Critics

Scarborough revealed that Biden and many prominent Democrats assume Obama is orchestrating these movements behind the scenes. Biden voiced his displeasure with elite opposition, choosing Scarborough's show on July 8, 2024, as his platform.

The situation is further muddled by Clooney's New York Times column, "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee," published on July 10, 2024. Politico subsequently disclosed that Clooney consulted Obama before publishing this piece.

In a recent fundraiser in Los Angeles, Clooney reiterated concerns about Biden's decline, further amplifying the rift. Obama's campaign strategist David Axelrod also expressed apprehension about Biden's campaign, predicting a potential 'landslide' loss.

Deep-Rooted Resentment And Marginalization

Scarborough's show highlighted Biden's longstanding animosity towards the Obamas and the Clintons. He shared that Biden has always felt marginalized and undervalued within the inner circles of Obama's political sphere.

Scarborough emphasized that critical comments from Obama's allies only deepened Biden's resolve to stay in the race, noting that every such remark pushed Biden to dig in further.

Adding to this sentiment, Democratic strategist Brad Bannon noted that Axelrod's statements likely reflect Obama's reluctance to criticize Biden openly. "It's really clear from the Obama wing of the Democratic Party that they have grave concerns about Joe Biden staying in the race," Bannon shared.

Concerns Over Biden's Viability

The 'Obama wing' of the Democratic Party has reportedly harbored concerns about Biden's viability since his first lackluster debate performance against Donald Trump. These worries have steadily gained traction.

Scarborough emphasized that Biden's lackluster performance at a fundraiser weeks ago showed a stark contrast from his vibrant 2010 persona, raising doubts about his current fitness for the race. Axelrod voiced his apprehensions less publicly, citing "immutable facts of life" that were, according to him, apparent on the debate stage. He expressed skepticism over Biden's readiness to confront these realities.

Biden's ongoing grievances about feeling sidelined during Obama's tenure and the 2016 election, where Hillary Clinton was favored, further fuel his determination. According to Scarborough, Biden deeply resents the attempts to push him out, feeling perpetually undervalued by Obama's staff and political insiders.


Joe Biden's team contends that Barack Obama is subtly influencing efforts to push Biden out of the 2024 race. Obama has officially supported Biden, but critiques from his former administration members suggest otherwise. Prominent Obama allies like George Clooney and David Axelrod have echoed concerns about Biden's electability, with Clooney's recent column highlighting these sentiments. Biden's retort through Scarborough's show and his resentment towards Obama's political circles underscore the widening rift, setting the stage for an unprecedented showdown within the Democratic Party.

An astonishing historical find has emerged from a Massachusetts field: five musket balls from the pivotal North Bridge fight.

According to Daily Mail, these relics, unearthed at Minute Man National Historical Park, date back to April 19, 1775, and mark a pivotal moment in the onset of the American Revolutionary War.

The musket balls, now linked to the historic North Bridge fight, were fired by colonial militia members against British soldiers. This conflict is famously called ‘The Shot Heard Round the World,’ a term coined by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his 1837 “Concord Hymn.”

An Extraordinary Historical Find In Massachusetts

Minute Man Park Ranger and historic weapons specialist Jarrad Fuoss expressed the monumental significance of the discovery. "It's incredible that we can stand here and hold what amounts to just a few seconds of history that changed the world almost 250 years ago," Fuoss remarked.

These musket balls were found in the exact location where British forces had amassed to protect their river crossing at the North Bridge. It was from this position that colonial militia, having gathered in numbers on the hills northwest of Concord, took decisive action upon seeing a plume of smoke in the town center, fearing the British were burning homes.

On that fateful day, around 800 British soldiers marched from Boston to Concord with orders to destroy military supplies. The colonial militia, forewarned by midnight riders, swiftly intercepted their advance, leading to a sequence of skirmishes that ultimately erupted into full-blown conflict.

The Shot Heard Round The World

The Battle of Lexington Green, a brief encounter near dawn, saw the deaths of eight militia members and the wounding of ten others. Not far behind, a 200-strong detachment of British soldiers pressed on to Colonel James Barrett’s home, where military supplies were believed to be hidden. Meanwhile, approximately 96 soldiers were left behind to block the river crossing at North Bridge.

Concerned that their homes were under attack, the militia approached the North Bridge. British soldiers, in a state of panic, opened fire. In response, Maj. John Buttrick of Concord ordered the militia to return fire, resulting in a fierce exchange that turned the tide of the confrontation.

The North Bridge fight, though brief, left 18 men dead or wounded and marked the first time provincial militia were ordered to fire upon their government’s soldiers.

"These musket balls can be considered collectively as 'The Shot Heard Round the World,'" Fuoss added, highlighting these artifacts' emotional weight. This pivotal battle galvanized the American colonies into a unified struggle for independence.

Experiencing History First-Hand

This Saturday, July 13, visitors will have the unique opportunity to view these musket balls and learn more about this transformative event during Archeology Day at Minute Man National Historical Park. The artifacts will be displayed, offering a tangible link to the early stirrings of American independence.

In conclusion, the discovery of these musket balls underscores the enduring significance of the American Revolutionary War. The North Bridge fight, forever immortalized as 'The Shot Heard Round the World,' marked a turning point in the nation's quest for liberty. The find reaffirms the importance of preserving and commemorating the sites and artifacts that tell the story of America's fight for freedom.

As Fuoss eloquently stated, these musket balls are a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility to guard and honor the battlefields that shaped history. The meticulous preservation of these relics enables future generations to connect with the past and understand the sacrifices that forged a nation.

Judge Aileen Cannon is facing potential removal from her oversight of the Donald Trump Espionage Act case.

According to Raw Story, the judge's future is uncertain amid concerns she may dismiss the case following a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

The Espionage Act case against Donald Trump involves allegations of retaining classified White House documents and obstruction of justice. Florida Judge Aileen Cannon is currently presiding over the case. Trump has requested a dismissal based on a recent Supreme Court ruling regarding presidential immunity.

State Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg discussed the evolving situation on MSNBC. He indicated that if Judge Cannon attempts to dismiss the charges, the decision will likely be appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Aronberg believes the appeal would likely be successful, leading to her removal from the case.

Concerns About Delays in Case

Aronberg expressed concerns about Judge Cannon's handling of the case, particularly her tendency to delay proceedings. She is known for extending timelines, potentially delaying Trump's requests to slow the legal process. "She will continue to slow walk this case," Aronberg predicted, emphasizing the need for caution on her part.

The case is considered the strongest against Trump, but it was not anticipated to go to trial before the 2024 election. Aronberg noted that the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity could further delay proceedings.

Despite these legal complications, Aronberg does not anticipate any portion of the Mar-a-Lago documents case being dismissed. He underscored that the behavior in question occurred after Trump left office, which complicates his immunity claims.

Debating the Immunity Argument

Aronberg criticized Trump's argument for keeping classified documents. He likened it to a hypothetical situation where Trump would attempt to keep using Air Force One post-presidency. Aronberg deemed both scenarios equally untenable. "What if he stole Air Force One," Aronberg said, articulating his skepticism about Trump's justification for retaining the documents.

He further underscored the ridiculousness of Trump's claim by emphasizing that the alleged unlawful retention and obstruction took place after Trump left the presidency. Aronberg argues that this context nullifies Trump's argument for immunity.

Aronberg's remarks suggest significant legal hurdles for Trump's defense. The case involving the classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago remains a focal point of legal scrutiny, with Aronberg confident that Trump's immunity claim will not prevail.

Potential Consequences for Judicial Actions

Aronberg warned that Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the case could trigger a series of legal responses. Should she opt to dismiss, the 11th Circuit is expected to review and likely reverse her decision. This process could ultimately lead to Judge Cannon's removal from the case.

Her history of delays compounds concerns about her impartiality and ability to manage the high-profile case effectively. Aronberg reiterated the importance of timely and careful consideration in the judicial process, stressing that delays benefit no one but the accused.

In summary, Florida Judge Aileen Cannon may be removed from overseeing the Donald Trump Espionage Act case if she moves to dismiss it following a recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. Concerns about delays and her handling of the case are significant, with State Attorney Dave Aronberg predicting legal challenges that could ultimately remove her from the case. Despite these complications, Aronberg remains skeptical that any parts of the Mar-a-Lago documents case will be dismissed.

In a rare appeal, an Alabama inmate on death row has requested that his body remain untouched post-execution due to religious beliefs.

An Alabama prisoner set for execution has asked officials not to perform an autopsy on his body, citing religious reasons.

According to Daily Mail, Keith Edmund Gavin, 64, is scheduled for execution between midnight on July 17 and 6 a.m. on July 19, 2024, at the William C. Holman Correction Facility in Atmore, Alabama. Gavin was convicted of capital murder for the March 1998 killing of delivery driver William Clinton Clayton Jr., who was shot while withdrawing money from an ATM in Centre, Alabama.

Gavin's Legal Battle Over Autopsy

Traditionally, Alabama conducts autopsies following executions. However, Gavin has challenged this protocol. Through his lawyer, Gavin has conveyed that subjecting his body to an autopsy would violate his devout Muslim beliefs. His attorneys argue that Gavin believes the human body is sacred and must remain whole.

"Mr. Gavin is fiercely opposed to an autopsy being performed on his body after his execution," his lawyer said. They emphasize that Gavin's request is a matter of religious respect rather than an attempt to delay his execution.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall's office is actively seeking a resolution to Gavin's unusual request. William Califf, a spokesperson for the Attorney General, confirmed on Tuesday that they are "working on a resolution."

Legal Proceedings and Context

Gavin’s legal team filed a lawsuit last month in state court in Montgomery to address the issue of the autopsy. The lawsuit underscores that the request is purely religious and not a tactic to postpone his execution.

This forthcoming execution will be the third for Alabama in 2024. Gavin had prior convictions, including murder and attempted murder involving a law enforcement officer. He was sentenced to death in a 10-2 jury decision.

In light of Gavin's deeply held religious beliefs, his attorneys stress this matter involves significant religious considerations. They argue an autopsy would "desecrate his body and violate the sanctity of keeping his human body intact."

Broader Implications

This case occurs amid a broader national debate on capital punishment practices. In 2023, there were 24 executions in the United States, all via lethal injection. As of January 2024, 24 states retain the death penalty, 23 have abolished it, and three have moratoriums. Of particular note, one of this year's nine executions was carried out using nitrogen hypoxia, a controversial method that has stirred debate regarding humane execution practices.

Keith Edmund Gavin, who was convicted for the 1998 shooting of William Clinton Clayton Jr., is steadfast in his belief that the human body must stay whole post-mortem. His attorneys have asserted this stance in an ongoing lawsuit in state court, stressing that the request is purely religious and not a stalling strategy.

This will be the third execution carried out in Alabama in 2024. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office is working on a resolution to address Gavin’s unusual and deeply rooted religious request, which may have broader implications for capital punishment practices in the United States and respect for religious freedom.

Keith Edmund Gavin’s call for religious sensitivity after his execution has captured national attention against the backdrop of broader debates about execution methods and religious rights. This complex legal, ethical, and religious intersection continues to unfold as Alabama officials work towards resolving his unique request.

Barron Trump joined his father, former President Donald Trump, at a campaign rally, drawing enthusiastic applause.

Barron Trump attended his first political rally alongside his father, former President Donald Trump, who criticized Democratic leaders Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

According to The Telegraph, this marked Barron Trump's inaugural appearance at a campaign rally, a significant step into the political arena for the youngest son of the former president.

Recently turning 18, the towering 6ft 7in Barron caught the eyes of many as he entered the scene with a barrage of applause from supporters.

Barron Trump Draws Applause at First Rally

Donald Trump welcomed his son with open arms, proudly referencing Barron's newfound presence in the political spotlight. The elder Trump humorously posited that Barron might be more sought after than his older brothers, Don and Eric Trump.

While Barron pumped his fists and waved at the crowd, Donald Trump couldn’t help but remark on the significant shift in his son's life, noting the transition from a life of relative privacy to one under the public eye. “He had such a nice easy life, now it’s a little bit changed,” Trump commented.

Though largely shielded from the public limelight throughout his childhood, Barron now appears poised for a more active role. He recently declined a delegate role at the upcoming Republican National Convention due to prior commitments.

Melania Trump Hosts High-Profile Fundraiser

Concurrently, Melania Trump played a key role in fundraising efforts for Donald Trump's campaign, raising $1.4 million at a lavish event hosted in the Trump Tower penthouse in New York City. The event supported the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that advocates for LGBT rights within the Republican Party.

Attendees lauded Melania Trump's dazzling appearance in a striking “fire engine red Valentino dress,” with one attendee noting she “stunned all in attendance.” The Log Cabin Republicans praised the event as “amazingly spectacular.”

The substantial funds raised are a testament to Melania Trump's continued influence and commitment to her husband's political endeavors.

Donald Trump Critiques Democratic Leadership

During the rally, Donald Trump seized the opportunity to launch pointed attacks against current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. He criticized Biden’s performance in the recent presidential debate, suggesting that even members of Biden's own party wanted him to step down following the 90-minute encounter.

In a display of his characteristic bravado, Trump challenged Biden to a charity golf match, confidently highlighting what he perceived as Biden's weaknesses. Additionally, Trump did not shy away from criticizing Harris's effectiveness as vice president, assuring the crowd that a more competent running mate could have led to a different political landscape.

Speculation had circulated that Trump might announce his running mate at this rally, with Sen. Marco Rubio mentioned as a potential candidate. However, no definitive announcement was made.

In summary, Barron Trump's first foray into the political spotlight has garnered significant attention and enthusiastic reception. Meanwhile, Melania Trump's successful fundraising efforts underscore her influential role in the campaign. Donald Trump remains vocally critical of his Democratic opponents, continuing to challenge their leadership at every opportunity.

A resounding claim by a New York-based neurologist has ignited a storm of controversy regarding President Joe Biden's neurological health.

As reported by Daily Mail, Dr. Tom Pitts has asserted that President Biden is showing signs of Parkinsonism, leading to widespread debate about his fitness for office.

Dr. Tom Pitts, who specializes in headaches and other brain-related conditions, announced his belief on NBC that Biden, 81, exhibits motor symptoms consistent with Parkinsonism. This came after Biden's underwhelming performance in a June debate, where he appeared unfocused and stumbled over his words.

Debate Performance Sparks Health Concerns

Biden’s recent debate performance has raised concerns about his health, with critics questioning his fitness for office. Dr. Pitts commented that Biden demonstrated hallmark symptoms, such as slow movements and rigidity, during the debate.

"He has degeneration of the brain. Show me the MRI. Show me he doesn't," Pitts challenged on NBC. He pointed out specific symptoms like slow and rigid movements and a monotone voice, which he said are indicative of Parkinsonism. He argued that Biden's declining health is evident from his recent appearances.

The White House has refuted Pitts' claims. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed Biden is not being treated for Parkinson's. Although Jean-Pierre acknowledged that Biden had been examined by a neurologist three times, she did not provide specifics regarding the reasons for these visits.

White House Denies Parkinson’s Allegations

The neurologist's comments come amid increasing public scrutiny of Biden's health. The 81-year-old President has consistently dismissed concerns about his cognitive abilities, citing his daily engagement in rigorous tasks as part of his job.

A recent health summary released by the White House included a neurology section from February, aiming to quell doubts sparked by Pitts’ assertions. Additionally, reports revealed that Biden's personal physician consulted with a neurologist and Parkinson’s specialist at the White House.

Despite defenses from the White House, Pitts remained firm in his stance. He emphasized that Biden's motor symptoms were evident even from a distance, suggesting that these symptoms reflected a degenerative process in the brain.

Continued Evaluation and Political Impact

Further scrutiny has come from Kevin Cannard, a specialist in movement disorders. Cannard stated that he has evaluated Biden during his three physical exams since taking office and visited the White House in his role as a specialist for the White House Medical Unit.

Dr. Pitts highlighted other potential signs of Parkinsonism, such as Biden's reduced voice volume and difficulty finding words. He dismissed Biden's historical stutter, asserting that it was unrelated to current concerns.

Biden, facing mounting pressure, reiterated his fitness for office. In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Biden claimed to undergo cognitive tests daily as part of his responsibilities. He stressed that his campaign and presidential duties demand constant mental acuity.

To summarize, Dr. Tom Pitts has alleged that President Biden shows signs of Parkinsonism based on his recent public appearances. The White House has firmly denied these claims, reinforcing Biden's fitness for office. With the election on the horizon, Biden's health is poised to remain a critical issue among voters.

Former President Donald Trump has made a forceful call for Congress to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt.

According to Just The News, Trump directed the House to take action against Garland over his non-compliance with the subpoena issued. The Attorney General had not responded to demands related to a case involving audio recordings of President Joe Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

Resolution Introduced By Rep. Anna Paulina Luna

Adding fuel to Trump's directive, Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has already stepped into the arena. Last month, she introduced a resolution to fine Garland $10,000 daily until he abides by the subpoena. Luna's move stemmed from the Justice Department's decision not to pursue action against Garland.

“Republicans MUST GET TOUGH about stopping weaponization and cheating,” Trump stressed. He further suggested that investigations into special counsel Jack Smith, who is handling multiple criminal investigations involving Trump, should be pursued.

The resolution Luna presented deviates from the norm. In regular inherent contempt cases, the House Sergeant at Arms would detain the Attorney General to bring him before the chamber. However, Luna proposed the daily fines as an alternative measure.

Trump's Call To Action For Republicans

Trump's rallying cry to Republicans hinges on preventing what he views as systemic bias and misconduct. "They may just be coming for me and my elections today, but they will come for all the Republicans very soon if they succeed!" Trump warned.

In response to the ongoing battle, the House Judiciary Committee has also taken a proactive step by filing a lawsuit against Garland. This move targets the Attorney General's refusal to comply with the subpoena regarding the interviewed tapes. The tapes have been a point of significant contention, with President Biden exerting executive privilege over them.

Republicans, vehemently rejecting the executive privilege claim, argued that they have access to a transcript of Biden's interview. The legal back and forth has only heightened the sense of urgency surrounding the matter.

Upcoming Vote On Contempt Measure

As the situation continues to unfold, the House is expected to vote on the contempt measure against Garland on Wednesday evening. This forthcoming vote will dictate whether the resolution to fine the Attorney General will pass.

Former President Trump's active involvement in this issue underscores his enduring influence and the ongoing tensions between him and the current administration. The enforcement of the inherent contempt resolution, whether through fines or traditional methods, could set a precedent for handling non-compliance with congressional subpoenas.

As the House prepares to cast its vote, the implications of this decision hold significant weight for the political landscape. The interplay between the executive and legislative branches is once again front and center in American governance.

In conclusion, Former President Donald Trump has called for the House to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt due to his failure to comply with a congressional subpoena. Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has introduced a resolution to fine Garland $10,000 a day.

Trump’s stance is rooted in accusations of weaponization and cheating, urging Republicans to take action against such behavior. The House Judiciary Committee has filed a lawsuit against Garland, challenging executive privilege over certain tapes. The House will vote on the contempt measure on Wednesday evening.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas on Wednesday.

According to Fox News, the impeachment articles accuse the justices of corruption and failing to withdraw from cases where they had conflicts of interest.

Ocasio-Cortez claims both justices accepted undisclosed gifts and were involved in cases where they had personal biases or financial interests. According to Ocasio-Cortez, these actions violate the integrity of the Supreme Court and the rule of law.

Justice Alito is accused of having a personal bias in cases he presided over, while Thomas is alleged to have participated in proceedings related to his wife's financial interests. Ocasio-Cortez contends that the actions of these justices pose a severe threat to American democracy.

Impeachment Articles Highlight Corruption

Ocasio-Cortez’s impeachment filings include three articles against Justice Thomas and two against Justice Alito. The filing underscores alleged ongoing "unchecked corruption" within the highest court. Specifically, Alito’s involvement with controversies surrounding his home and personal politics has been questioned.

The articles specify instances where Justice Thomas failed to disclose gifts received from wealthy conservatives with business before the court. Thomas’s personal entanglements, especially those involving his wife's legal affairs, form the core of Ocasio-Cortez’s allegations.

Furthermore, the accusations against Alito are not confined to financial matters. Various claims imply that his personal political biases influenced his judicial decisions. The articles argue that both justices have compromised their ability to serve impartially on the Supreme Court.

Historical Context and Constitutional Crisis

These legal troubles arise amidst a recent Supreme Court decision on the immunity of former President Donald Trump. The Court ruled that there is "absolute immunity" for presidential actions within constitutional bounds and "presumptive immunity" for official acts, although no immunity exists for unofficial acts.

In her statements, Ocasio-Cortez emphasizes the importance of judicial integrity. She argues that Justices Thomas and Alito's failure to withdraw from cases with clear conflicts of interest represents a deviation from the principles of justice. She warns of a constitutional crisis that extends beyond the judiciary to threaten the American democratic system.

Ocasio-Cortez asserted:

The unchecked corruption crisis on the Supreme Court has now spiraled into a Constitutional crisis threatening American democracy writ large. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s pattern of refusal to recuse from consequential matters before the court in which they hold widely documented financial and personal entanglements constitutes a grave threat to the American rule of law, the integrity of our democracy, and one of the clearest cases for which the tool of impeachment was designed.

Congressional Action and Future Steps

Concluding this dramatic development, Ocasio-Cortez remarked, "It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture." The statement reflects a call to action for legislative bodies to address the perceived judicial overreach and its potential implications for democratic governance.

Through her impeachment filings, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has underscored serious allegations against Justices Alito and Thomas. The charges span undisclosed gifts, personal and financial biases in cases, and failure to adhere to ethical standards. If proven, these claims have significant implications for the integrity and perception of the U.S. Supreme Court.

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