Courtney Kramer, the Republican candidate challenging Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, has nearly doubled her campaign donations between May and July, showcasing a notable increase in financial support.

Despite this growth, Newsweek reported that Kramer's fundraising remains significantly lower than Willis', who has garnered substantial support over a longer period.

Courtney Kramer announced her candidacy on March 8, entering the race to unseat the incumbent Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis. Recent campaign finance data revealed that Kramer raised $46,641 between May and July, bringing her total contributions to over $72,900.

Comparing Fundraising Figures

In contrast, Kramer's initial fundraising efforts saw her amass $26,320 between March and April. The financial disclosures released on Sunday highlight the increase in her campaign's financial backing.

While Kramer's fundraising efforts show a positive trajectory, they pale in comparison to those of Fani Willis. Willis, who has been raising funds for her reelection since June 2022, has accumulated a total of $572,750 over nearly two years.

This considerable difference underscores the challenge Kramer faces in matching Willis' established financial support. Willis' total fundraising is almost eight times higher than Kramer's current figures.

Impact of High-Profile Cases

Kramer's candidacy has gained attention partly due to Willis' involvement in high-profile prosecutions, including the August indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 allies related to alleged election interference in Georgia in 2020. The case involves accusations of violating Georgia's racketeering laws.

Despite facing controversy earlier this year over a relationship with a special prosecutor on the case, Willis remains on the case following a judge's ruling. However, proceedings for co-defendants are currently paused pending an appeal review.

Throughout her campaign, Kramer has been vocal in her criticism of Willis. She described Willis' conduct as a "disgrace to the legal community" and expressed her disapproval during an interview with Real America's Voice, stating it was "disgusting to see her not follow her rules of professional conduct or take her oath of office seriously."

Historical Voting Trends in Fulton County

Fulton County, where the race is taking place, has a historical tendency to lean Democratic. No Republican presidential candidate has won the county since Richard Nixon in 1972. In the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump received only 26% of the vote in Fulton County.

Despite these challenging demographics for a Republican candidate, Kramer has received significant backing from prominent GOP figures. Kelly Loeffler, a former Georgia Senator, is the top donor to Kramer's campaign, contributing $6,600.

David Perdue, another former Senator, has also been active in supporting Kramer's campaign, raising funds through events, although there is no individual donation from him recorded in the finance system.


Courtney Kramer has seen a notable increase in her campaign donations, nearly doubling her funds between May and July. Despite this growth, her total fundraising remains significantly lower than that of incumbent Fani Willis, who has garnered substantial support over a longer period. Kramer's candidacy follows Willis' involvement in high-profile prosecutions, and despite facing challenges, her campaign continues to gain momentum.

According to Salon, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has been criticized for delaying former President Donald Trump's trial on charges including mishandling classified documents.

Critics highlight the absurdity of the situation by comparing it to Trump hypothetically stealing Air Force One and claiming presidential immunity.

Broad Immunity Implications for Trump

The Supreme Court’s latest interpretation extends immunity to Trump for actions related to his official duties. This ruling now influences several cases against the former President, including his prior New York conviction.

Justice Clarence Thomas emphasized the questionable legality of prosecuting Trump, posing significant challenges to the legitimacy of the special counsel. Concerns about bias and manipulation of the legal system against Trump have surfaced, given the Supreme Court’s stance.

Following the Supreme Court’s decision, Judge Cannon ruled on Saturday to further delay Trump’s case, adhering to the Court's expanded immunity provisions.

Rising Criticisms and Concerns Over Delays

Joey Jackson, a legal analyst, noted criticism over Cannon’s history of delays in this case, though he acknowledged the legitimacy of the recent delay. “I think there's fair criticism with regard to what she has done with delaying previously,” Jackson noted.

Dave Aronberg, another legal analyst, concurred that a pre-election trial was unlikely, emphasizing that, “This case was never going to be heard before the election anyway.” He added that delays seemed to favor Trump’s defense strategy.

Prosecutors are expected to present evidence after the July 18 briefing on the immunity ruling, potentially leading to a preliminary examination in the fall. However, legal experts caution that the precise definition of what comprises an “official” presidential act remains unclear.

Uncertainty Shrouds Trump’s Legal Future

Steve Vladeck, a prominent legal scholar, expressed concern over the unpredictable outcomes stemming from these legal proceedings. “It’s going to be a lot of uncertainty all the way down,” Vladeck remarked.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor starkly encapsulated the prevailing sentiment with her succinct comment: “Immune, immune, immune.” This sentiment resonates amid widespread debates over the potential scope and limits of presidential immunity.

Cannon is expected to proceed cautiously and slowly with the case. Aronberg points out that storing state secrets in a private location cannot be seen as a presidential duty. However, Trump's team claims that since he packed the documents as president, he has full rights over them.

Aronberg illustrates the absurdity of this argument by asking, “What if he stole Air Force One?” which would clearly be illegal even though he used it as president.


Judge Aileen Cannon’s delay in Trump’s classified documents case, which was informed by a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, has significant ramifications. Legal analysts like Joey Jackson and Dave Aronberg have voiced concerns about the fairness and timing of such delays. The Supreme Court’s expansive interpretation of immunity protects Trump from certain prosecutions, complicating ongoing legal proceedings and fueling debate over what constitutes presidential acts.

Hunter Biden has withdrawn his request for a new trial following criticisms from federal prosecutors regarding his misunderstanding of court orders.

According to the New York Post, Hunter Biden withdrew his request after prosecutors disproved his claims of jurisdictional errors in the initial trial.

Hunter Biden dropped his request for a new trial on Tuesday. He was convicted on June 11 of three counts related to lying about his drug addiction to obtain a firearm.

Prosecutors Disprove Jurisdictional Claims

Biden's request for a new trial, filed on June 24, claimed Judge Maryellen Noreika lacked jurisdiction due to pending rulings. However, federal prosecutors quickly pointed out that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals had already granted Noreika the authority to preside over the trial.

Prosecutor Derek Hines emphasized that the Third Circuit had dismissed Biden's appeals before the trial began on June 3 and denied his petition for rehearing.

On Tuesday, defense attorney Abbe Lowell admitted that the Third Circuit's procedure was correct and withdrew the motion. This marked the end of Biden's bid for a new trial based on alleged jurisdictional errors.

Potential Sentencing and Public Opinion

Hunter Biden now faces a potential sentence of up to 25 years, though federal guidelines suggest he may receive a lesser sentence. Judge Noreika has yet to schedule a sentencing date.

Public opinion on the case has been strong. An Associated Press-NORC poll revealed that 60% of Americans, including 59% of Democrats, agreed with the verdict. Nearly half of the respondents believe Biden deserves prison time.

Biden’s legal troubles are not over, as he is scheduled for another trial on September 5 in Los Angeles. This trial concerns allegations of evading $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2019.

Rejected Appeals and Further Legal Issues

Hunter Biden's appeal in the tax evasion case to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals was rejected in mid-May. This dismissal adds to his mounting legal challenges.

In their Monday response, prosecutors had criticized Biden for his "failure to read" court orders and misunderstanding the appellate process.

Hines highlighted that both dismissal orders from the Third Circuit were clearly marked as issued "in Lieu of Mandate," leaving no room for reconsideration of jurisdiction.

Hines expressed frustration at Biden's insistence that his appeals had stripped the court of jurisdiction, calling it a "laughable tale." The defense eventually conceded, leading to the withdrawal of the motion.

Prosecutors Criticize Biden's Legal Tactics

Prosecutors were particularly critical of Biden's legal strategy, which they perceived as an attempt to delay proceedings. They described his appeal in the tax evasion case as a "stunt to delay his trial."

Hunter Biden remains a focal point in legal and public discussions despite these setbacks. His upcoming trial in Los Angeles will continue to attract significant attention.

The public and media will closely follow the developments as the legal proceedings advance. The implications of these cases extend beyond Biden himself, touching on broader issues of legal accountability and public trust in the judicial system.

Hunter Biden’s case underscores the importance of clarity and adherence to legal procedures. It also highlights the challenges and scrutiny faced by individuals in the public eye.


Hunter Biden withdrew his request for a new trial after federal prosecutors disproved his jurisdictional claims. He was convicted in June for lying about his drug addiction to obtain a firearm and now faces potential sentencing. Public opinion largely supports the verdict, and Biden's legal challenges continue with an upcoming tax evasion trial.

Iowa state Senate Majority Whip Waylon Brown, a Republican, resigned abruptly after his primary win without providing an explanation.

According to the Washington Examiner, Brown's sudden resignation has left many in the political sphere speculating about the reasons behind his departure.

Waylon Brown, who has served in the Iowa Senate since 2017, announced his resignation on Monday. Brown's decision to step down is effective as of July 10, 2024, but he did not provide a reason for his abrupt exit.

Unexpected Departure After Primary Victory

The resignation comes just weeks after Brown secured a victory in the state’s June primary. He received 53% of the vote, defeating his Republican challenger, Doug Campbell, who garnered 47%. This victory had set the stage for a general election showdown against Democrat Rich Lorence in November.

Brown expressed his gratitude to his constituents, stating, “I will forever be grateful to the people of my district who entrusted me to represent them in the Iowa State Capitol.”

He also thanked his family for their support during his tenure as state senator, adding, “I’m thankful for my wife, Julie, and our two kids, who have supported me throughout my tenure as state senator. I look forward to my next chapter. The best is yet to come!”

Impact on Upcoming Elections

With Brown’s unexpected resignation, the Republican Party now faces the task of nominating a new candidate to represent the district in the upcoming general election. Under Iowa law, Republicans are allowed to hold a convention to select a new nominee.

Democrat Rich Lorence, who was set to face Brown in November, responded to the news by acknowledging Brown’s service. “I want to thank Senator Brown for his hard work and leadership in the Iowa Senate on behalf of North Central Iowa and wish him the best of luck in whatever his future endeavors are,” Lorence said.

Lorence also reaffirmed his commitment to the race: "As we move forward, I am more committed than ever to serving North Central Iowa and making our state better for everyone.”

Brown’s Tenure and Contributions

Waylon Brown has been a prominent figure in the Iowa Senate since he first took office in 2017 after defeating a Democratic incumbent. During his time in the Senate, Brown has been recognized for his leadership and contributions to various legislative efforts.

His resignation has sparked curiosity and concern among his supporters and political analysts alike, as the reasons behind his decision remain undisclosed. The abrupt nature of his departure, especially following a primary win, adds to the intrigue. Brown’s role as the Senate Majority Whip involved rallying party members and advancing legislative priorities.


Waylon Brown’s resignation as Iowa state Senate Majority Whip has created a significant shift in the political landscape just months before the general election. Despite winning the primary election against Doug Campbell, Brown chose to step down without explanation, leaving his supporters and colleagues in speculation.

Republicans must now swiftly nominate a new candidate to replace Brown while Democrat Rich Lorence continues to push forward in his campaign for the November election. As the situation unfolds, the focus remains on who will take up the mantle and how this change will impact the future of North Central Iowa’s representation.

The Washington Examiner reported that former Republican Sen. James Inhofe, the longest-serving senator from Oklahoma, has passed away at 89.

Inhofe had a distinguished political career spanning from the state level to the U.S. Senate.

James Inhofe's journey in politics began in 1966 when he entered public service in his early thirties. His initial roles included state representative, state senator, mayor of Tulsa, and U.S. representative. His dedication and leadership paved the way for a nearly three-decade-long tenure in the U.S. Senate, serving from 1994 until his retirement in 2023.

Decades-Long Service to Oklahoma

Inhofe's extensive career in the Senate began when he won a special election in 1994. Over his 28-year service, he became well-known for his work on the Environment and Public Works Committee and the Armed Services Committee, where he eventually became chairman. His leadership in these roles left a lasting impact on national policies and defense initiatives.

One of the most memorable moments of his career occurred in 2015 when he brought a snowball onto the Senate floor. This act was meant to challenge the scientific consensus on human-caused global warming, illustrating his skepticism of climate change.

Details surrounding the circumstances of Inhofe's death have not been disclosed. However, his legacy is already being honored by many, including prominent Republican lawmakers.

Tributes from Colleagues and Friends

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reflected on Inhofe's career, stating, "Jim’s professional legacy was one that any aspiring legislator would dream of. But the legacy our friend was most proud of was the one that had surpassed his own wildest dreams: the life and family he had been blessed to build with his beloved wife, Kay."

Sen. Markwayne Mullin from Oklahoma praised Inhofe, calling him "a tireless advocate, and a wonderful friend, father, husband, and grandfather." Mullin expressed his admiration, adding, "While I will never be able to fill his shoes, Jim’s spirit, passion, and love of country will continue to inspire me each and every day."

Rep. Kevin Hern also offered heartfelt words, saying, "Jim spent his life in service to his country, both in uniform and in the halls of Congress.

He will always be remembered as a fighter, especially for our military service members. Jim’s legacy of service, leadership, and faith reflect the Oklahoma Standard and the pride he held in his work. Along with the family, friends, and many Oklahomans who knew and loved him, I mourn the loss of a great man."

A Life of Service and Advocacy

Inhofe's political journey began long before his time in the Senate. His career took off when he served in the House of Representatives from 1987 to 1994, following his early political roles in Oklahoma. His transition from local politics to a national platform showcased his dedication to serving his constituents and the nation.

Throughout his career, Inhofe remained a staunch advocate for his beliefs. While controversial, his skepticism of climate change science was a significant aspect of his political identity. He often cited his faith and conservative values as guiding principles in his decision-making process.

Despite the debates and disagreements that marked his career, Inhofe's colleagues respected his commitment to his principles and unwavering dedication to public service. They particularly noted and appreciated his efforts to strengthen national defense and support military personnel.

Legacy of Leadership

James Inhofe's retirement in 2023 marked the end of an era for Oklahoma politics. His long tenure brought stability and experienced leadership to the Senate. Even after retiring, his influence and the policies he championed continue to resonate within the political landscape.

Inhofe's passing leaves a void in the hearts of many who worked with him and knew him personally. His life's work has left an indelible mark on Oklahoma and the nation. As tributes pour in, it is clear that his legacy will endure through the lives he touched and the causes he championed.

As the state and the nation reflect on his contributions, James Inhofe's memory will be honored for his dedicated service, his passion for his beliefs, and his commitment to his constituents.

In conclusion, James Inhofe's passing at the age of 89 marks the end of a remarkable career in public service. From his early days in local politics to his influential role in the U.S. Senate, his dedication to his beliefs and his tireless advocacy for his constituents have left a lasting legacy.

Tributes from colleagues and friends highlight the profound impact he had on those who knew him and worked with him. His legacy of leadership and service will continue to inspire future generations.

Mike Heslin, a talented actor celebrated for his role in the Paramount+ series "Special Ops: Lioness," has died at 30 years old from an unexpected cardiac event.

His husband, Scotty Dynamo, took to Instagram to share the heart-wrenching news and recount Heslin's profound influence on those who knew him.

According to the New York Post, Heslin, whose career began with his debut in the Showtime series "7 Deadly Sins" in 2014, passed away on July 2nd following a week-long struggle in the hospital. Despite being in perfect health, doctors have no explanation for the sudden cardiac event that led to his untimely death. The revelation has left family, friends, and fans in shock.

Actors, Fans, and Family Express Grief

Scotty Dynamo, Mike Heslin's husband, expressed his sorrow on Instagram, calling Heslin his “best friend and soulmate.” Dynamo recalled Heslin’s positive influence, especially during Dynamo's own battle with cancer. The couple tied the knot in November 2023 and had been planning to start a family.

Reflecting on his late husband, Dynamo said, “Michael was young, in perfect health, and the doctors have no explanation for what happened.” He described Heslin as “selfless” and a “real-life guardian angel,” emphasizing how Heslin helped him through difficult times.

Dynamo painted a touching picture of Heslin, describing him as “the sweetest, most caring, and loving man on earth,” whose presence made people better. “He moved through life with such ease and confidence,” Dynamo shared, highlighting his late husband’s ability to uplift those around him.

Heslin's Legacy and Community Support

Heslin’s significant role in Dynamo’s life was evident as Dynamo further expressed his devastation, saying, “Mike, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Dynamo conveyed his grief and his commitment to honor Heslin’s memory, stating he would “live every day in your honor.”

The late actor's generosity extended beyond his lifetime; Mike Heslin was an organ donor whose selfless act has saved four lives. Dynamo found solace in the fact that Heslin's wish to be a donor had brought new hope to families in need. “I know that you are in a better place and that heaven has gained another angel,” he added.

In the wake of Heslin's death, a GoFundMe page was set up to cover funeral and hospital expenses. By Sunday, the page had raised over $58,000, showing an outpouring of support from the community. The GoFundMe message fondly referred to Heslin as a "Helper," urging others to embody the same spirit of generosity and support.

Tributes to Mike Heslin

Heslin’s acting career featured a range of roles, including appearances on TVLand's "Younger" and Lifetime's "The Holiday Proposal." Most recently, he created, wrote, directed, and starred in the 2020 scripted mockumentary series “The Influencers.” His work left a lasting impression on audiences and colleagues alike.

The team behind "Special Ops: Lioness," the series where Heslin made his most recent mark, expressed their sorrow on Instagram. “We are deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Mike Heslin. Our hearts go out to his friends, family and his husband Scott at this difficult time,” the tribute read.

Fans have poured in messages of grief and admiration for Heslin, who have been captivated by his performances and inspired by his character. The actor’s death has left a void in the entertainment world.

A Life Remembered Fondly

Mike Heslin’s passing is a tragic reminder of life’s fragility, but through the memories and stories shared by loved ones, his spirit continues to inspire and uplift. As Scotty Dynamo and the community navigate this difficult time, they are united in honoring a life so beautifully lived.

Concern is mounting over President Joe Biden's cognitive abilities, evidenced by reports of detailed and visual instructions given for his event navigation.

According to the Daily Mail, President Biden is provided with meticulous guidelines featuring large fonts and pictures to aid his movement during events.

The White House has a specific template, obtained by Axios, that includes a photograph illustrating Biden's precise route to the podium.

Democratic Leadership Questions Biden's 2024 Candidacy

The template also comprises memos captioned 'view from podium' and 'view from the audience,' each with accompanying photographs for clarity. A White House official stated that these memos are 'critical to presidential advance work' and emphasized that Vice President Kamala Harris' team uses similar materials.

Some event staff members expressed surprise at the level of guidance, considering a seasoned political professional shouldn’t require such detailed instructions. A staff member shared an instance of a simple fundraising event being handled with the precision reserved for high-stakes summits.

Biden's team downplays the special guidance, arguing that precision and detail are essential irrespective of who holds the office. Documents released publicly on Sunday coincided with a crisis call among Democratic lawmakers about Biden's viability for the 2024 candidacy.

White House Aides Assert Biden's Fitness for Another Term

Reports indicate that five Democratic lawmakers asked Biden to step down. Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries organized a discussion among caucus members, highlighting concerns over political futures and national democracy.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is also engaging Senate Democrats in conversations regarding Biden’s future. Rep. Adam Schiff mentioned concerns about Biden's ability to effectively counter Donald Trump, suggesting that Biden seek an objective evaluation about continuing his candidacy.

A senior White House official, who requested anonymity, raised alarms over Biden's declining mental sharpness and advised against his re-election bid. This official noted Biden’s recent faltering during public appearances and stressed the visible signs of aging in recent months.

Concerns Mount as Public Missteps Continue

Among Biden’s recent missteps was freezing momentarily at a White House Juneteenth celebration and making an erroneous reference to an 'Italian' cemetery. He also confused his own role with that of Vice President Harris during an interview.

Reports of Biden requiring stage management at the G7 summit, along with observations of fatigue from his entourage, further fueled concerns. French officials noted Biden's team's protective behavior, which hinted at underlying health worries.

Steps taken to mitigate Biden's on-air blunders include shorter Air Force One stairs and scheduled recovery breaks. Despite these measures, White House aides assert that Biden remains physically and mentally capable of serving until 2028, when he will be 86 years old.


As discussions about President Biden's future intensify, the White House emphasizes the necessity of detailed preparations for any president amid public missteps and a shifting political landscape. Democratic leaders, including Rep. Adam Schiff, are urging Biden to consider stepping aside for the benefit of the nation and the party, highlighting concerns about his age-related capabilities. The release of these documents and the resulting conversations among lawmakers highlight serious worries about Biden's cognitive health, with significant implications for the 2022 election.

In a horrifying turn of events, a mass shooting erupted during a Fourth of July block party in Detroit, leaving two dead and 18 injured.

Daily Mail reported that the tragic incident, which occurred early Sunday morning, saw a 22-year-old suspect taken into custody and receiving medical treatment.

The shooting happened at around 2:25 a.m. in the vicinity of Reno Street and Rossini Drive. This senseless act of violence turned the festive night, meant to celebrate Independence Day, into chaos and sorrow.

Details Emerge on Victims

The casualties include a 20-year-old woman who was fatally shot in the head and a 21-year-old man who succumbed to a gunshot wound to the back. The families and community are left in shock and mourning over the loss of these young lives.

The injured, whose ages range from 17 to 28, were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment. Among them, a 17-year-old girl remains in critical condition, further highlighting the severity of the incident.

Witnesses described a scene of panic and confusion as attendees fled for safety. Police quickly responded to the chaotic scene and successfully apprehended the suspect.

The alleged shooter, a 22-year-old male, was also injured in the incident. According to police, he sustained a gunshot wound to the left leg. After receiving medical attention, the suspect is now in custody at the hospital. His motives for perpetrating such violence remain under investigation.

Community in Shock

Residents of the area expressed their disbelief and grief over the incident. What began as a night of celebration ended in unparalleled tragedy. Local authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward, as they continue to piece together the events leading up to the shooting.

The Fourth of July celebration is typically a time for joy and coming together, making the violence all the more devastating for those affected.

The incident has prompted discussions about safety measures at public gatherings. Community leaders are calling for increased security to prevent such tragedies in the future.

This latest shooting adds to a growing list of gun-related incidents plaguing cities across the nation, raising questions about gun control and public safety.

As the investigation continues, the Detroit community stands in solidarity, mourning the lives lost and supporting those injured in the horrific shooting.


A mass shooting at a Fourth of July block party in Detroit left two dead and 18 injured. A 22-year-old suspect, who was taken into custody and treated for injuries, is under investigation. The community is in shock as what was meant to be a celebration turned into a tragedy.

The House Oversight Committee is questioning White House doctor Dr. Kevin O'Connor amid contrasting reports regarding President Joe Biden's cognitive evaluations.

According to Daily Mail, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer initiated an investigation following various statements about whether President Biden underwent cognitive testing.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre stated that President Biden had not taken a test assessing his mental acuity. At the same time, Biden himself mentioned being deemed fine by his physician after a debate.

Conflicting Statements And Medical Assessments

In a letter to Dr. O'Connor, Rep. Comer highlighted the discrepancies between the White House’s assertions and President Biden's own words. Comer expressed the committee’s intent to understand Dr. O'Connor’s current role at the White House in light of these inconsistencies. An anonymous White House official also indicated to The Washington Post that Dr. O'Connor never recommended the president for a cognitive assessment.

House Republicans are further probing Dr. O'Connor to determine if financial ties influenced his medical evaluations. Comer’s letter noted concerns about Dr. O'Connor's private engagements with the Biden family, suggesting these connections could impact his objectivity.

Rep. Comer emphasized, "The Oversight Committee is concerned your private business endeavors with the Biden family have influenced your medical assessments."

Financial Ties And Alleged Conflicts Of Interest

President Biden previously denied any long-term mental health issues during a post-debate television interview. In a conversation with George Stephanopoulos, he also dismissed the necessity of an independent medical review.

The committee’s focus expanded to include Dr. O'Connor’s association with Americore, a healthcare company where Biden’s brother, James Biden, held a principal role. Records disclosed that James Biden transferred $200,000 to President Biden on March 1, 2018, presenting it as repayment for a loan. This transaction has further fueled suspicions among House Republicans about possible conflicts of interest.

The committee's letter reported, "On March 1, 2018, the same day James Biden received the $200,000 wire transfer from Americore into his bank account, James Biden wrote a check to his brother, Joe Biden, for $200,000 for a 'loan repayment.'"

Committee Seeks Clarification From Dr. O'Connor

During a transcribed interview, James Biden admitted that Dr. O'Connor provided counsel regarding his business dealings with Americore. The committee aims to clarify if Dr. O'Connor will be able to conduct an independent review of the president’s capacity to serve.

Rep. Comer questioned Dr. O'Connor's ability to deliver unbiased medical opinions given his close connections to the Biden family. The investigation aims to assess whether Dr. O'Connor can impartially review President Biden's health without influence from personal or financial relationships.

"Given your connections with the Biden family, the Committee also seeks to understand if you are in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of the President's fitness to serve," Comer wrote.


The House Oversight Committee investigates Dr. Kevin O'Connor for discrepancies regarding President Biden's cognitive testing and potential conflicts of interest. The investigation probes whether financial ties with the Biden family and Americore influenced O’Connor’s assessments, with emphasis on his ability to provide impartial medical evaluations.

According to Daily Mail, the administration's previous lack of focus on Harris's development creates substantial obstacles as Democrats search for an alternative to President Joe Biden after his poor debate.

Amid the uproar following President Biden's poor showing at the CNN debate on June 27, Democrats are scrambling to find a viable alternative to the 81-year-old leader. Several prominent figures in the party, including Representative James Clyburn and Senator Laphonza Butler, have suggested Harris should take on former President Donald Trump if Biden decides to step aside.

Administration's Missed Opportunities With Harris

Former congressman Tim Ryan has echoed calls for immediate action, urging the administration to "rip the Bandaid off" and allow Harris to take a leading role. However, the administration's failure over the past four years to adequately promote Harris as a future leader has made this transition fraught with complex challenges.

In March 2020, during his campaign, Biden presented Harris, Cory Booker, and Gretchen Whitmer as the next generation of Democratic leaders. Biden described himself as a "transition candidate" and promised to pave the way for the future of the party. His endorsement of Harris at that time was strong, calling her a "fearless fighter for the little guy" and one of the nation's finest public servants.

Despite these initial promises, Biden's administration has done little to cultivate Harris’s image as a potential successor. Biden's team often met Questions regarding her readiness with hesitance or deflection, including a significant admission by former chief of staff Ron Klain that promoting a vice president is "always hard."

Calls for Biden to Fulfill Transition Promise

Jeff Zients, the current chief of staff, faced difficulty citing specific instances where Biden had relied on Harris's input. This has given critics like Tim Ryan further reason to argue that the administration’s lack of support has hindered Harris’s political prospects.

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro is among those pushing for Biden to fulfill his commitment to being a transitional figure. He has emphasized the importance of Biden stepping down to allow a "stronger Democrat candidate" to challenge Trump, warning that "time is running out."

Biden's allies have been quick to defend his intentions and leadership. Nonetheless, the president’s insistence on continuing his campaign, bolstered by support from First Lady Jill Biden, does little to quell the deepening fractures within the Democratic party.

Harris Attempts To Assuage Concerns

The issues surrounding Harris’s preparation are manifold. Her first year in office saw significant staff turnover and the daunting task of addressing immigration concerns. Critics, including Tim Ryan, argue that the administration has failed to back her adequately on immigration, resulting in the Democratic party losing ground to Republicans on this issue.

Harris has notably gained traction among abortion rights activists, which spurred her favorability before the 2022 midterms. Since the June debate, she has been actively defending Biden and working to alleviate concerns among donors. According to a former adviser, Harris's efforts have intensified in light of Biden's performance, making her visible on "the front lines of the campaign."

However, at least ten Democrats, including Castro, have called for Biden to step down, expressing concerns that voter enthusiasm for Biden is waning. Professor Anthony Fowler suggested that Biden's team might doubt Harris's ability to secure a victory against Trump, which complicates the decision to promote her candidacy. He also observed that voter excitement to support Biden has diminished since he declared himself a one-term "bridge."

Republicans Already Preparing for Matchup

The Republican party is also preparing for the potential of a Harris-Trump showdown, with ads targeting Harris already in motion. Fowler emphasized that if there had been greater voter enthusiasm for Biden, the demand for new leadership might not have been as pronounced, even with Biden's earlier statements about transitioning power.

In conclusion, the Democratic party's internal turmoil is centered on Biden's debate performance and the subsequent push for Harris to take the lead. The administration's oversight in Harris’s grooming for leadership continues to haunt them. Prominent Democrats urge Biden to step down as Republicans prepare for a potential Harris-Trump contest. Biden's decision to stay in the race clings to his support from key figures within the party, highlighting persistent divisions within the Democrats.

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