President Joe Biden recently addressed rising concerns about his cognitive abilities and age in a revealing interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

In the interview, Biden stated he would not undergo an independent cognitive test and attributed his debate performance against former President Donald Trump to temporary factors, including exhaustion and illness, as the Washington Examiner reports.

During the ABC interview, Biden was questioned about his mental acuity following the controversial debate with Trump. He firmly stated he would not take an independent cognitive test, emphasizing that he undergoes daily cognitive assessments as part of his routine.

Biden Cites Exhaustion for Debate Performance

Biden explained that the demands of his dual roles in governing and campaigning, as well as illness, contributed to his subpar debate performance. He also reinforced the importance of the United States on the global stage.

Reflecting on his overall health, Biden admitted he can no longer run as fast as he used to, though he claimed to be in good condition. He challenged Stephanopoulos to keep up with his schedule as proof of his capabilities.

Biden responded to questions on whether he was similar to his former self, affirming that he still achieves significant successes, despite the toll his first term took on his health. He categorized the debate incident as merely a "bad episode" and not a sign of a serious condition.

Health Issues Addressed in Detailed Response

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had previously expressed concern about Biden’s debate performance possibly indicating a health issue. Biden dismissed these concerns, repeating that his poor performance was due to tiredness and not adhering to his instinctive preparation methods.

Following his European trips, Biden spent some downtime at Camp David, where he reportedly felt unwell. His doctors conducted various tests, including for COVID-19 and other infections, but concluded he had only a severe cold.

"Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked them," Biden recalled. "They did a COVID test because we were trying to figure out what was wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn’t. I just had a really bad cold."

Challenges and Assurances from President Biden

Biden shared that he did not recall watching his debate performance afterward and stated that he did not place any blame on his team for the incident.

In the interview, Biden highlighted that despite the challenges, he remains focused on the campaign and leading the country. He promised his supporters that there is ample time left in the campaign for him to demonstrate his capabilities. "Watch me between — there’s a lot of time left in this campaign," Biden said, denying he is frail.

He reflected on the accomplishments of his tenure and remains confident in his physical condition and cognitive abilities. Biden's standpoint is that the incident was isolated and not reflective of his overall health or capacity to lead the nation.

In summary, Biden declined to commit to an independent cognitive test, attributing his debate performance to exhaustion and illness. He asserted his daily cognitive checks, the significant role of the U.S. on the global stage, and his overall good health. He addressed concerns from Pelosi, discussed the toll of his first term, and assured the public of his continued capabilities.

The legal team representing former President Donald Trump has requested a temporary halt of the classified documents case against him.

Lawyers for the former president argue that a recent Supreme Court decision grants Trump immunity from prosecution for actions performed while serving as president, as the New York Post reports.

On Friday, Trump’s attorneys Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, and Christopher Kise filed a motion seeking to halt the case. Central to their argument is a Supreme Court ruling from Monday, declaring that presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts executed while in office.

The lawyers assert that this decision severely undermines the prosecution's stance that Trump is not immune from criminal responsibility for keeping national security documents. They further cited a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, which raised doubts about the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Defense Team Accuses Political Motivation

The request for the pause comes after President Joe Biden criticized the Supreme Court ruling on Monday night. Biden expressed that the American electorate deserves to know the outcomes of ongoing legal cases involving Trump before the 2024 election.

Trump's legal team responded strongly to Biden’s remarks. In their motion, Blanche, Bove, and Kise argued that Biden's comments were proof of a politically motivated campaign against Trump, terming it a "lawfare campaign."

The lawyers also pointed to leaks attributed to the Washington Post. They claimed Smith communicated through intermediaries that he plans to continue the prosecution, even if Trump wins re-election. According to Trump's defense team, this is an egregious breach of Department of Justice policies.

Special Counsel's Intentions Under Scrutiny

The defense team urged U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to grant a partial stay on the case, allowing the court to handle the issue of immunity first. The lawyers suggested a briefing itinerary for discussions on the immunity-related matters extending into September. However, Smith’s office objected to the proposed motion for a stay. Government lawyers have requested the chance to formally respond to the defense team's arguments.

In their motion, Trump's lawyers emphasized the necessity of addressing foundational concerns about presidential immunity and other constitutional issues before progressing further with the case. They also linked this to other legal proceedings, such as Trump’s Manhattan “hush money” case, although experts consider a significant effect on this front unlikely until sentencing in September.

Implications for Other Legal Battles

Blanche, Bove, and Kise asserted in their court filing: "The remark explicitly connected the Special Counsel’s Office with President Biden’s misuse of the criminal justice system to communicate with voters prior to the election." They continued: "Smith’s indirect notification to the media and his allies that he has no qualms about prosecuting President Trump, even as President-elect after more than 100 million Americans cast their votes, is in blatant violation of DOJ policy and practice."

The defense team insisted that resolving key questions regarding presidential immunity is crucial before tackling other issues in the case. They highlighted the necessity of clarity on this front to address recurring constitutional debates.

The Supreme Court ruling and subsequent legal maneuvers have introduced significant complexity into the ongoing legal proceedings against Trump. The discourse surrounding presidential immunity, departmental practices, and political motivations will likely continue intensifying as the legal calendar unfolds.

In summary, Trump's attorneys are pushing for a halt to the classified documents case, citing a Supreme Court ruling they interpret as providing immunity. They allege political motivations behind comments made by Biden and actions by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Legal experts remain skeptical about the broader impact of the immunity ruling on Trump's other cases as motions and countermotions progress in the courts.

Facing increasing calls for President Joe Biden to step aside from the 2024 race, Democratic donors, led by Bill Harris, are spearheading a unique initiative.

These donors, including the former CEO of PayPal and Intuit, aim to create a "mini primary" to ensure that Vice President Kamala Harris does not automatically ascend as Biden's replacement, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Biden is currently facing mounting pressure from within his party to consider stepping away from his bid for re-election. If he does decide to exit the race, there's uncertainty about Kamala Harris merely stepping into his shoes without a more extensive vetting process.

The group of Democratic donors has collectively pledged $2 million to organize a series of debates designed to foster open competition for the Democratic nomination. This unorthodox "mini primary" initiative is primarily advocated by Bill Harris, who emphasized that televised debates with a compelling lineup of candidates will captivate the country and propel potential successors into the national spotlight.

Efforts to Promote Open Nomination Competition

This initiative is geared towards addressing concerns within the Democratic establishment about the current campaign setup, where funds allocated to the Biden-Harris campaign cannot be easily redirected to support other contenders. The mini primary aims to mitigate these concerns by providing a platform for a broad range of candidates to present themselves to the electorate.

Bill Harris underscored that Vice President Kamala Harris is indeed a formidable candidate. However, he highlighted the necessity for this initiative to ensure fairness and the opportunity for other potential leaders to emerge. "Televised debates with such a powerful cast will grip the country and instantly catapult at least some of them into the public imagination," Harris said during an interview with the Washington Post.

Super PAC to Highlight Younger Democratic Contenders

In response to his concerns about the current leadership, Bill Harris founded a super PAC called Democrats for the Next Generation. This organization is dedicated to showcasing ten potential Democratic candidates, all under the age of 60. Among these highlighted individuals are Vice President Kamala Harris, Sen. Raphael Warnock, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ro Khanna, and Govs. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, J.B. Pritzker, Josh Shapiro, and Andy Beshear.

Other renowned Democrats like Gov. Wes Moore, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and former first ladies Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have also been mentioned in conversations about potential replacements.

President Joe Biden has publicly affirmed his commitment to continuing his presidential campaign. At a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, he confidently declared, “I am running and going to win again,” signaling his determination to pursue a second term despite the discussions surrounding his capacity to lead.

Bill Harris’ Strategic Vision for the Democratic Party

Bill Harris's financial abstention from the Biden-Harris campaign this cycle was driven by his expressed concerns about Biden’s age and overall capability as perceived by the public. His strategic vision includes injecting an element of “drama and a little chaos,” hoping it will renew and energize the Democratic base.

The unique primary setup represents a significant departure from traditional nomination processes, focusing instead on fostering transparency and encouraging voter engagement through a variety of choices. Democratic donors, rallying around this innovative approach, are hopeful that it will pave the way for a dynamic and diverse field of candidates.

In conclusion, Democratic donors, under the leadership of Bill Harris, are advancing a campaign to spark a "mini primary" aimed at promoting an open and competitive nomination process. With Biden facing internal party pressure and Kamala Harris recognized as a strong contender, this initiative strives to ensure that potential leaders have a fair platform to present their visions.

Bill Harris's super PAC highlights ten promising candidates, while Biden remains steadfast in his commitment to seek re-election despite the evolving discourse within the Democratic Party.

President Joe Biden canceled his scheduled appearance at the National Education Association (NEA) conference due to a strike by the union’s staff.

President Joe Biden canceled his planned appearance at the National Education Association (NEA) conference in Philadelphia due to an announced strike by the union’s staff, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO) initiated the strike after filing two unfair labor practice complaints against the NEA. The strike is occurring at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, where the NEA’s 103rd Representative Assembly is being held.

Union Files Unfair Labor Practice Complaints

NEASO, representing the NEA's staff, made their concerns public on Friday. The union accused the NEA of wage theft, claiming the association removed holiday overtime pay unilaterally. Additionally, NEASO filed a second complaint regarding NEA’s "failure to provide information requested by the staff union on outsourcing more than $50 million to contractors,” further igniting tensions.

In response to the escalating dispute, the NEA has threatened to host the conference virtually to circumvent a physical picket line. NEASO President Robin McLean criticized this potential move, describing it as reprehensible and indicative of NEA abandoning its union values.

President Biden’s Decision

The Biden campaign released a statement affirming the President's support for unions and his decision not to cross a picket line. The campaign also mentioned that Biden still plans to travel to Pennsylvania this weekend, with further details forthcoming.

Biden's absence underscores the growing friction within the NEA. Despite the NEA’s offer to increase the average salary for employees from $124,004 to $133,218, the dispute remains unresolved.

Responses from NEA and NEASO

NEA spokesperson emphasized the association’s commitment to a fair bargaining process and expressed concerns about misinformation impacting ongoing negotiations. According to the NEA, the propagation of such misinformation not only distorts the facts but also undermines the integrity of their efforts.

On the other hand, McLean accused the NEA of preferring to cancel a highly costly convention rather than comply with labor laws. He reiterated the importance of adhering to union values, particularly in times of conflict. The ongoing strike at the Pennsylvania Convention Center highlights a fundamental disagreement over wages, overtime compensation, and the transparency of financial decisions.

Future Implications

Biden’s refusal to attend the conference amidst the strike is a significant gesture of solidarity with the striking union. It also places additional pressure on both the NEA and NEASO to find a resolution. The planned virtual conference could offer a temporary solution, but it may not address the underlying issues driving the strike. As the situation develops, both parties will need to engage in effective dialogue to find an enduring resolution.

Robin McLean's statements reflect a sense of disillusionment with the NEA’s current stance. The call for adherence to union values sets the groundwork for future negotiations and decisions affecting the association going forward.

Summary of the Dispute

President Joe Biden’s planned address at the NEA conference was canceled due to an ongoing strike by the union’s staff, represented by NEASO. The staff union filed two major complaints against the NEA, citing wage theft and a lack of transparency in outsourcing financial decisions.

As this situation unfolds, both the NEA and NEASO must navigate the complexities of labor negotiations amid high stakes and public scrutiny.

The debate over former President Donald Trump's potential vice-presidential pick has sparked significant commentary from all corners.

Former Republican Rep. David Jolly has voiced his strong opposition to Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), labeling him as “completely unqualified” compared to other candidates like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), as the Washington Examiner reports.

Jolly, who departed from the Republican Party in 2018, openly criticized Vance during an appearance on MSNBC. Jolly's remarks come as Trump's process for selecting a running mate narrows down, with potential candidates including Rubio, Vance, and Burgum.

Concerns About Qualifications and Experience

Jolly's primary argument against Vance revolves around a perceived lack of qualifications. “Vance is completely unqualified” Jolly stated, suggesting that figures like Rubio and Burgum are more suitable due to their governing experience. “I think Rubio and Burgum are two very safe picks,” Jolly added, noting their credentials and potential to govern effectively.

In contrast, Vance's political stance and actions have raised questions. Since taking office in 2023, Vance has shown unwavering support for Trump. Notably, he mentioned in an ABC News interview that he would not have immediately certified the results of the 2020 election, a comment that has fueled both support and criticism.

Other Candidates in Consideration

The pool of vice-presidential candidates is varied. Apart from J.D. Vance, finalists include Rubio, Burgum, Reps. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Byron Donalds (R-FL), and former Trump Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. Each candidate brings unique strengths and backgrounds to the table, reflecting the diverse approaches within the Republican Party.

Jolly emphasized the importance of qualifications in his critique, stating, “As a country, we should want somebody qualified to serve.” He reiterated his trust in Rubio and Burgum, saying, “Whatever you think of their ideology, they check that box.” Jolly's repeated emphasis on qualifications underscores a deeper concern about effective governance amid the brewing political storm.

Rubio is a well-established political figure with a comprehensive understanding of Republican doctrines. On the other hand, Burgum brings executive experience from his tenure as North Dakota's governor, a role that has involved significant administrative responsibilities.

Trump's Upcoming Decision

The final decision on Trump's running mate is expected to be announced closer to the Republican National Convention, which commences on July 15. Trump's selection is anticipated to be a critical factor in shaping the Republican campaign and its message.

Among the considerations for Trump's potential VP pick is age and future political potential. Vance is 39 years old and, if Trump wins the 2024 election, he could be a prominent figure in future presidential bids, positioning him strategically within the party.

Despite the diverse pool of candidates, Jolly's stinging remarks highlight the contentious nature of Vance's candidacy. “I think J.D. Vance is completely unqualified,” Jolly reiterated, indicating his strong stance on the matter. The selection process remains a focal point for both supporters and critics within the Republican landscape.

Former House Republican Rep. David Jolly's vocal objection to Sen. J.D. Vance as a vice-presidential candidate underscores considerable debate within the party. Jolly’s preference for more experienced figures like Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Doug Burgum contrasts sharply with Vance's staunch ideological alignment with Trump.

Trump's forthcoming announcement, expected nearer to the Republican National Convention's start on July 15, 2024, will undoubtedly crystallize the party's strategic direction. As the spotlight remains on Trump's potential VP picks, the conversation about qualifications, experience, and political alignment continues to shape the discourse.

The British monarchy has undergone significant transitions recently, with Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, emerging as a central figure.

The departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, combined with the death of Queen Elizabeth, has opened the door for the Duchess of Edinburgh to become a key member of the royal family, as the Daily Mail reports.

Despite the upheavals, Sophie has stepped up, solidifying her place within the British monarchy. Her active participation in various royal duties and charitable endeavors has not gone unnoticed.

Involvement in Royal Events

Sophie has been visibly engaged in significant royal events. She notably stood beside Queen Camilla for Trooping the Colour and was seated next to Emperor Naruhito at a recent State Banquet.

Unlike many of their older relatives, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are among the few working royals under 70, placing them in a unique position to carry out numerous royal duties.

Richard Fitzwilliams, a royal expert, praises her dedication and cheerful disposition, noting her extensive travels to places like Kosovo, South Sudan, Iraq, Ukraine, and various African countries, which highlight her focus on gender-based violence.

Championing Important Causes

Like Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, Sophie has been a vocal advocate for ending gender-based violence and promoting girls' education. She has visited several countries for these causes, traveling to Sierra Leone in 2020, the Republic of South Sudan later that year, and Iraq in 2023.

Markle, during her time as a working royal, advocated for similar causes, such as supporting survivors of the Grenfell fire and speaking on gender inequality in Cape Town. Fitzwilliams draws a comparison between Sophie and Meghan, noting that while Meghan may possess talent, she tends to be "self-obsessed" and "reportedly temperamental."

Recognition and Promotion

Queen Elizabeth had suggested Sophie as a mentor to Meghan Markle, hoping to guide her through her new royal life. However, Meghan declined the mentorship offer, feeling she did not need the help with husband Prince Harry by her side.

Sophie’s promotion from the Countess of Wessex to the Duchess of Edinburgh further distinguishes her position in the royal hierarchy, following her husband’s new title, Duke of Edinburgh.

Dedication to Royal Duties

Sophie, who joined the Royal Family in 1999 upon marrying Prince Edward, remains deeply committed to her royal duties and various patronages. Her involvement has only increased in recent years. Besides her extensive charitable work, Sophie is also relieved that she no longer has to curtsey to those who have left royal duties and criticized the institution she supports so diligently.

In summary, the British monarchy has experienced significant shifts with the Duchess of Edinburgh stepping up to fill the void left by others. Sophie’s commitment to royal duties, her advocacy for crucial social causes, and her ability to remain dedicated and trusted within the royal family underscore her newfound prominence.

As Sophie garners recognition for her achievements, her role within the monarchy continues to expand, proving her to be an invaluable asset to the institution. Her temperament and work ethic distinguish her within the family, offering stability during a time of change in the British monarchy.

Aboard a United Airlines flight to Jackson Hole, Wyoming a former campaign consultant found himself sharing the journey with notable passengers: Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Link Lauren, a former campaign advisor for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., documented his chance encounter with former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on social media, highlighting the pair's continued support for Joe Biden amidst Democratic Party upheaval, as the Daily Mail reports.

Lauren, who once played a significant role in RFK Jr.'s campaign, managed to snap a photo with the Clintons on the flight. The Democratic Party has been in disarray following a heated debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but the Clintons appeared unfazed as they headed to Wyoming.

At 77, Bill Clinton is still younger than the leading candidates for the upcoming 2024 election, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The former president visibly maintained his signature charm and charisma during the flight, an attribute Lauren said "can't be taught, can't be duplicated."

Bill Clinton's Enduring Political Persona

The Clintons, both of whom have largely stayed out of the public eye, have expressed their support for Joe Biden on social media after the recent contentious debate. Bill Clinton, in particular, tweeted affirmations for Biden, demonstrating his ongoing involvement in the political landscape.

Lauren described Bill Clinton as sociable and engaging, noting that he interacted naturally with flight attendants and passengers. In contrast, Hillary Clinton, while polite, remained more reserved, busying herself with her phone throughout the flight.

Despite their high-profile presence, the couple in first class with the Clintons were thrilled to converse, highlighting Bill Clinton's approachable nature. Lauren couldn't help but make a quip about Epstein's notorious plane, noting the differences in experience.

Link Lauren's Insightful Encounter

While Lauren found Bill Clinton's charisma undeniable, he felt that Hillary Clinton wasn't entirely impressed by his right-wing views and alignment with RFK Jr. Nevertheless, he respected their demeanor during the flight.

Lauren's past involvement with RFK Jr.'s campaign included significant contributions, such as aiding in the selection of Nicole Shanahan as Kennedy's running mate. He also revealed that a diverse group of candidates was considered for the position of vice president, including figures like Aaron Rodgers, Andrew Yang, and Tulsi Gabbard.

Lauren exited the RFK Jr. campaign in April, but he praised Kennedy's selection process and expressed enthusiasm for Shanahan's upcoming role in the campaign. He mentioned how a VP Select Committee, consisting of about ten people, was instrumental in narrowing down the choices.

The Clintons' Continued Influence

Despite the current turmoil within the Democratic Party, the Clintons seemed composed and content, seemingly undeterred by the ongoing political strife. Their vacation plans to Wyoming come amid Biden's heated exchanges with Trump.

Bill Clinton, known for his relaxed and approachable manner, made a lasting impression on those aboard the flight. Lauren noted that Bill Clinton was eager to chat, fostering a friendly atmosphere.

As the couple made their way to Jackson Hole, both continues to demonstrate support for Biden, a point Lauren emphasized. Their actions reflect the ongoing influence they wield within the Democratic Party.

This spontaneous encounter underscores the Clintons' enduring presence in American politics. Despite stepping back from public life, their support for Biden against Trump remains steadfast amid Democratic Party challenges.

Following the June 27 presidential debate, Joe Biden's performance has led to rising internal concerns among leading Democrats and donors regarding his continued viability as a candidate..

During this period, former President Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate, has been relatively silent, speculatively preferring Biden as his opponent while making minimal use of his Truth Social platform, as Just the News reports.

In the wake of the recent debate, Biden has faced criticism centered on his age and mental sharpness, with Reps. Lloyd Doggett and Raúl Grijalva, both Democrats, urging Biden to reconsider his reelection efforts. Additionally, reports have surfaced that donors might withdraw their financial support for Biden’s campaign, a fact further complicated by Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner’s reported request for a conference discussion about Biden's campaign strategy moving forward.

Unvoiced Trump Campaign Intentions

Corey Lewandowski, a former adviser to Trump, has indicated that no one within the former president's team has openly advocated for Biden to step down from the presidential race.

After the debate, Trump’s campaign appearances have largely concentrated on critiques of Biden's policies rather than personal attacks, including a recent event in Virginia where he emphasized Biden’s competency issues over age factors. Trump remarked that Biden's real issue lies in his competence, drawing comparisons to older individuals achieving significant successes, emphasizing that age is not the root problem.

Muted Social Media Presence By Trump

On social media, Trump has maintained a noticeably restricted presence. His Truth Social updates have primarily highlighted favorable opinion polls, a message for the Fourth of July, and various political endorsements.

Political analysts suggest that Trump’s quieter approach could be strategic, considering their close ages and Trump’s possible preference to face Biden in the general election. Trump’s campaign has refrained from commenting on his reduced social media engagement but emphasized his patriotic post on the Fourth of July.

Adding to the speculation, a leaked video emerged on Wednesday showing Trump predicting that Biden would exit the race, consequently positioning Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate. Trump expressed a controversial opinion on Harris' potential candidacy.

Calls For a Bare-Bones Debate

In the same leaked footage, Trump proposed a focused debate format featuring fewer participant conduct restrictions, suggesting this would allow for in-depth scrutiny of Biden's cognitive abilities. This leaked footage has intensified discussions about the high stakes of the 2024 presidential election, with Trump leveraging all available platforms to cast doubt on Biden's suitability as president.

Meanwhile, the pressure continues to mount on Biden from within his party. Reports of fundraising challenges and calls for strategic reevaluation indicate a tumultuous path ahead for the incumbent President. Warner's push for a conference meeting reflects growing unease among Democratic ranks about Biden’s prospects. As discussions unfold, the political landscape becomes increasingly strained with uncertainties surrounding the Democratic nomination.

Trump’s limited but sharp social media entries persist in accentuating Biden's alleged policy failures and calling for clear demonstrations of competency. His Fourth of July message was topped off with endorsements but remained focused on broader national concerns.

Broad Political Implications

As the potential GOP candidate, Trump’s comparative silence might also be a calculated measure, choosing to avoid direct confrontations over personal attributes and let Biden’s internal party conflicts unfold. This strategy allows him to focus on wider conservative narratives.

As the debate aftermath continues to reverberate through both parties, Trump's stance and the Democrats' introspection set the stage for a contentious 2024 election cycle. Biden’s camp faces critical moments as party leaders and donors weigh their options.

Jill Biden is reportedly pushing back against Democratic efforts to replace President Joe Biden as the party's 2024 nominee.

Despite pressure from within the Democratic Party, both President Joe Biden and the first lady remain resolute about his re-election campaign, as the Daily Mail reports.

Reports indicate that Mrs. Biden has been vocal about her disapproval of those advocating for a new nominee. According to ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz, the first lady is fervently defending her husband's decision to continue his campaign.

Jill Biden's Influence

Jill Biden's influence appears to be significant within the president's close-knit advisory group. Sources suggest that she is a major force driving President Biden's insistence on staying in the race. The president is said to rely heavily on his inner circle, which includes his wife, his son Hunter, and several unnamed advisors.

One source highlighted the first lady's sway, stating, "The ultimate decision-makers are president Biden and his wife." This perspective underscores the personal and familial motivations behind President Biden's decision, despite internal party pressure.

Democratic Party's Internal Struggles

The Democratic Party is facing internal divisions, with some members advocating for a change in the 2024 nominee. After a debate performance that was widely criticized, calls for Biden to step aside grew louder. Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia is leading a movement within the Senate that seeks to discuss Biden's potential withdrawal.

Meetings among House Democrats and some senators are expected to take place next week to further deliberate on this matter. The push is driven by a belief that Biden's continued candidacy could lead the party to an almost certain defeat in the upcoming election.

Polls are adding to the tensions, with a Reuters/Ipsos survey indicating that a third of Democrats want Biden to exit the race. Furthermore, some polls show former President Donald Trump widening his lead since the debate.

Jill Biden's Public Defense

Jill Biden has been actively defending the president's position in public forums. In a call to Vogue magazine from Camp David, she updated her cover interview and remarked about her husband's widely-panned debate performance, "[We] will not let those 90 minutes define the four years [Joe's] been president. We will continue to fight."

The Bidens spent the last weekend at the presidential getaway for a post-debate debriefing and a photoshoot with renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz. During this time, aides were reportedly instructed to remain strong and committed. One senior administration official reassured staff by saying, "We'll weather the storm, just like we always have."

President Biden's efforts to explain his debate performance included citing exhaustion and a bad cold. He mentioned undergoing more medical attention than publicly revealed, including a COVID-19 test, which came back negative.

Biden's Determination

President Biden remains steadfast, declaring his intent to stay in the race irrespective of the criticism and pressures from within his party. When asked about reviewing the debate performance, Biden indicated uncertainty, responding, "I don't think I did, no." He downplayed health concerns, asserting that he is still in good condition overall. "Can I run the 100 in 10 flat? No. But I'm still in good shape," he stated.

The complicated dynamics within the Democratic Party highlight significant challenges as the 2024 election approaches. Nonetheless, the unwavering support from Jill Biden and a tight-knit group of advisors serves as a strong backbone for President Biden, emphasizing his resolve to pursue another term in office.

A significant dispute has reportedly erupted between President Joe Biden's family and his staff following a disappointing performance against Donald Trump in their recent debate.

The aftermath of the debate has led to intense criticism and finger-pointing among Biden’s inner circle, with family members demanding more control over the campaign, as the Daily Mail reports.

President Biden has attributed his lackluster showing to illness and simply having a bad night yet affirmed his commitment to winning the Nov. 5 election. Family members, notably his son Hunter Biden, are said to have expressed dissatisfaction with the staff’s allegedly inadequate preparation and failure to highlight the president's strengths.

Biden Family Frustration Boils Over

Concerns about Biden’s seemingly frail and confused debate performance have worried some top Democrats. Thirteen sources close to the president have indicated that his family believes staff errors have been continual, with the debate serving as a breaking point.

One source commented, "Blunder after blunder by key staff personnel has finally reached a tipping point." The family is reportedly unhappy with the staff's tendency to assign blame to President Biden for the debate's outcome.

Emotional involvement from the Biden family is said to sometimes interfere with their political judgment. After the debate, family members, including his sister Valerie Owens and son Hunter, visited the White House to offer support.

Tensions Heightened by Hunter Biden's Legal Issues

Hunter Biden's recent felony conviction and upcoming tax fraud trial have added tension to an already strained situation. Staff worry his public presence could become a liability, though Jill Biden's former communications director, Michael LaRosa, defended Hunter as an effective campaign asset.

Family members had pushed unsuccessfully for the removal of Biden's personal lawyer Bob Bauer and top adviser Anita Dunn, both of whom were involved in debate preparations at Camp David. Jeff Zients, White House chief of staff, dispelled the rumors of their removal and expressed full confidence in them. "There is absolutely no truth to these unfounded and insulting rumors," he stated.

Democratic Leaders Stand Firm in Support

In spite of the family's criticisms, internal staffers noted that they trust Bauer and Dunn for providing honest feedback to Biden. Biden reportedly reached out to Ron Klain, his former chief of staff, to assure him amid the ongoing discord. Mutual accusations of overprotection and mismanagement have plagued the team. Some staffers believe that without Dunn's leadership, it will be difficult to recover and win against Trump.

Post-debate polls show Trump leading Biden by 2 to 3.3% in a direct matchup, and by 2.5 to 4.9% with third-party candidates. Nonetheless, potential Democratic replacements, such as Govs. Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, have voiced their support for Biden.

Family's Expanded Role in Campaign

"At the end of the day, Biden is very close to his family and values their advice," LaRosa remarked, signaling why the family might feel compelled to assert more control.

The fallout from this debate illustrates the intense pressures within Biden's campaign as the election approaches. With public opinion fluctuating, the quest for a robust and unified strategy becomes critical.

In summary, President Biden's poor debate performance against Donald Trump has exposed a rift between his family and staff. Biden's family has blamed the staff for inadequate preparation, while critical figures like Bauer and Dunn have faced internal pushback but remain supported by top staffers. With public polls showing a tight race, the support of Democratic leaders remains unwavering as Biden looks to navigate the complexities of his campaign.

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