A recently leaked memo suggests a severe decline in President Joe Biden's political standing following his recent debate performance.

A substantial number of his past supporters are now urging the current White House occupant to end his campaign, while former President Donald Trump continues to gain ground in key areas, as The Blaze reports.

The memo, shared by Puck on Tuesday from left-leaning research group Open Labs, shows a significant drop in Biden's favorability and vote share. It reveals that 40% of those who backed Biden in 2020 believe he should withdraw from the race, contrasted with the 45% who think he should continue.

Debate Performance Triggers Concerns

Two months earlier, only 25% of Biden supporters felt he should step aside, with 62% preferring he remain in the race. The swing in opinion is significant and suggests growing concern among his base.

Additionally, swing voters express a two-to-one margin favoring Biden's withdrawal. The research from Open Labs highlights the largest weekly drop in Biden's vote share since late 2021.

Biden's standing was already four percentage points lower than his 2020 results, indicating a troubling trend for his campaign.

Growing Concerns About Biden's Age

A main factor in Biden's downturn appears to be escalating worries about his age. About 69% of voters now express concern, up by 8% since before the debate.

This includes 45% of those who backed Biden in 2020, 68% of swing voters, and 92% of Trump voters from the last election. The memo indicates these age-related anxieties are a considerable factor in his declining favorability.

Open Labs' document notes that Trump's competitiveness has expanded to states previously not seen as battlegrounds.

Trump Gains Ground in Battleground States

In swing states, Biden's margin has dropped by around 2%, with Trump leading significantly in places like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and other key states.

Even in states such as New Mexico and Virginia, Trump has gained a slight lead. The narrowing leads in Colorado and Maine further highlight Biden's vulnerabilities.

The share of voters seeing Biden "more favorably" has now reached an all-time low of 27%, according to Open Labs' ongoing tracking. This drop in favorability is notable, with similar decreases observed during past crises like the Afghanistan withdrawal and the classified documents case.

Some sources online have suggested that the memo could be a tactic to create a false sense of security among Republicans, potentially leading to voter complacency. However, if Biden continues his campaign against growing internal advice, the consequence could be a profound defeat. His path to re-election appears increasingly fraught with challenges.

A recent ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court is poised to significantly impact voting methods in the state.

The court's liberal majority has reinstated the use of ballot drop boxes, reversing a decision from two years ago as the state gears up for an election, as the New York Times reports.

This decision overturns a previous ruling by the former conservative majority, which had restricted their use.

With a presidential election just four months away, this move will impact how ballots are submitted and counted in Wisconsin. The state, often a focal point in national elections due to its sharp political divisions, could play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the Electoral College.

Ruling Highlights Partisan Divisions

The ruling has drawn sharp criticism from Republicans, who argue that it reveals partisan motives within the court. This is reflective of prior Democratic grievances when the court had a conservative majority.

Ballot drop boxes serve as an alternate method for voters to cast their ballots before Election Day. They gained prominence during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, which saw an increase in early voting by mail and in person. Following the 2020 election, Republicans initiated legal actions that significantly curtailed the use of drop boxes. The argument was centered on claims of potential fraud and concerns over the security of the drop boxes.

Opinions from the Justices

Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, writing for the majority, emphasized that the ruling permits municipal clerks to use drop boxes at their discretion. "Our decision today does not force or require that any municipal clerks use drop boxes. It merely acknowledges what Wisconsin law has always meant: that clerks may lawfully utilize secure drop boxes in an exercise of their statutorily conferred discretion," she wrote.

On the other hand, Justice Rebecca Bradley dissented, accusing the majority of abandoning legal principles to pursue a political agenda. "The majority again forsakes the rule of law in an attempt to advance its political agenda," she stated.

The decision is another step in an ongoing battle over voting regulations and practices in Wisconsin. It illustrates the broader national conflict over how elections should be conducted.

Court Shift Implicates Key Debates

Democrats and progressive groups in Wisconsin have been pushing for reforms to address Republican gerrymandering and other contentious issues. Following the shift to a liberal majority last year, the court took steps to redraw legislative district boundaries, aiming to correct perceived imbalances.

In addition, the court is set to hear another significant case that will decide if the State Constitution encompasses the right to abortion. This decision could have profound implications for women's rights and reproductive healthcare in Wisconsin.

Justice Ann Walsh Bradley's majority opinion affirms the lawful use of drop boxes, effectively reverting to practices in place before the 2020 ban. The court's decision underscores the ongoing clashes over voting methods and election integrity in Wisconsin.

As the next election approaches, the reinstatement of drop boxes may influence voter turnout and accessibility. With Wisconsin's status as a known battleground state, the ruling could have significant repercussions in the broader context of national election.

Federal law enforcement raided businesses and offices linked to a prominent Mississippi district attorney.

Agents searched the Downtown Cigar Company, owned by Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens, and his offices at the Hinds County Courthouse.

According to Daily Wire, the FBI led the operation on Wednesday, targeting properties associated with Jody Owens in Jackson, Mississippi. The raid focused on Owens's Downtown Cigar Company and his offices at the courthouse.

FBI Agents Seize Evidence From Multiple Locations

FBI agents seized evidence during the execution of federal search warrants. The FBI confirmed they were operating at multiple locations, though specifics of the seized material remain undisclosed.

The court is currently sealing the details of the search warrants, leaving many questions unanswered regarding the context and reasons behind the raids.

FBI Public Information Officer Marshay Lawson highlighted that the court has restricted further details by sealing the affidavit. Lawson reassured the public that safety was not a concern.

District Attorney Owens Is Soros-backed

Jody Owens, a Democrat, is backed by billionaire megadonor George Soros. Owens has a notable career history, having served as the chief policy counsel and managing attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mississippi Office before becoming the Hinds County District Attorney.

Soros-backed district attorneys have faced significant scrutiny for their approach to law enforcement, often accused of selective enforcement and promoting progressive policies. Owens is among those who have attracted such critiques.

The focus on Owens and Soros's involvement could indicate broader concerns or questions about his practices and affiliations. However, without further details, the full implications of the raids remain speculative.

No Immediate Threat to Public Safety

Despite the federal action and its implications, the FBI has emphasized that there is no immediate threat to public safety. This statement aims to reassure the community amid the heightened activity.

The public and officials await further clarification as the situation evolves. Any future unsealing of court documents may provide more insight into the reasons for these searches.

The sealed affidavit and search warrants point to potentially sensitive information. This confidentiality could be key to understanding the broader context and outcomes expected from the raids.

In summary, the FBI targeted Jody Owens' business, Downtown Cigar Company, and his office within the Hinds County Courthouse. The court has sealed the supporting documents for the search warrants. George Soros notably supports Owens and has a history with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Melania Trump is making a notable push for national unity during a tense time for the Republican Party.

The former first lady recently emphasized the importance of unity in the U.S. in a discussion with Fox News Digital, amid ongoing political and legal dramas surrounding her husband, Donald Trump, as the Daily Mail explains.

In her interview, Mrs. Trump expressed concern over the divisiveness affecting the country, particularly within her own party, which has been deeply influenced by her husband's Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement. This conversation comes as Donald Trump faces felony charges related to a hush money payment, although Melania has kept a distance from the trial proceedings.

Focused on Family and Future

Melania Trump outlined her priorities for her potential return to the White House, centering on the well-being of American families and children. Her commitment remains strong to initiatives like the Be Best campaign, which she launched during her tenure as first lady to focus on child safety.

"The safety and well-being of American families remains my top priority," Melania Trump stated during her interview. "Our children are our future leaders, tomorrow's innovators."

While she maintains a low profile regarding her husband's ongoing legal issues, Melania is evidently disturbed by the involvement of their son, Barron Trump, in the public discourse surrounding these matters. She steers clear of the courtroom and public controversy, focusing instead on her advocacy work.

Preparations for Solo Fundraising Efforts

Melania Trump is also preparing for her first solo fundraising event, which will support the Log Cabin Republicans at her husband's Mar-a-Lago estate. This event is part of the "Road to Victory" program, targeting swing state voters and will feature former Trump ambassador Richard Grenell.

Her efforts coincide with Donald Trump’s own campaign activities, as he is scheduled to hold a rally in Wilmington, Delaware, while Melania hosts her event. Despite her minimal visibility in the 2024 election cycle, Melania Trump's upcoming appearances signal a potential increase in her involvement in the campaign.

Melania Trump's stance has resonated with many, including MAGA supporters, though her actual presence in the campaign has been limited. She hinted at more to come with a simple "Stay tuned" when asked about her future campaign trail appearances.

Unity in a Time of Division

"We must unite in our effort to establish a society where equality is the everyday experience of every American," Melania Trump told Fox News Digital. She believes in fostering an environment where freedom and individuality are at the forefront, creating a foundation for a unified nation.

"Together, we must nourish and safeguard the seeds of liberty," she added. "Because, when successful, America blossoms into a magnificent place where everyone can practice their beliefs, share new ideas, and express individualism -- this is when we are our best."

Melania's commitment to unity and the well-being of American families and children highlights a central theme as she potentially steps back into the political arena. Her upcoming event and remarks reflect a strategic positioning ahead of her husband's political aspirations.

In conclusion, Melania Trump's advocacy for unity and child safety echoes through her recent public engagements and planned activities. As the political landscape continues to evolve, her role in shaping the narrative and outreach of her husband's campaign may prove pivotal. Her focus on American families and their future underscores the former First Lady's ongoing commitment to public service.

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