Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 26, 2024

Concern Grows for Paul Anderson as Health Issues, Legal Troubles Mount

Paul Anderson, renowned for his role as Arthur Shelby in the TV series Peaky Blinders, faces serious health and legal concerns casting doubt on his return for the forthcoming movie.

Friends and fans have expressed worry over Anderson's frail appearance and erratic behavior, worsened by his recent drug possession charges and public altercations, as the Daily Mail reports.

The actor's health has been a source of concern for those close to him, with friends fearing he may not be ready to participate in the filming the Peaky Blinders movie starting in September. Anderson, who lives in a £1.2 million home in North London, has been spotted appearing thin and frail. These sightings, coupled with his erratic behavior, have only fueled the worries of those around him.

Anderson's behavior has become increasingly unpredictable, with reports of public toplessness and arguments with locals surfacing. In January, he was fined £1,345 after being found with crack cocaine, amphetamines, diazepam, and pregabalin. The charges stem from a Boxing Day incident at a local pub in Hampstead, where a drinker reported the smell of drugs coming from a disabled toilet.

Legal Troubles Add to Concerns

The actor has also faced scrutiny for his behavior on the set of Peaky Blinders, further compounding the concerns about his health and stability. Fans were shocked by his gaunt appearance in photos taken in February, questioning whether he would be able to participate in the upcoming movie.

Local shopkeepers and friends have observed his downward spiral, noting that his condition has worsened in recent weeks. "It's heartbreaking. He's a mess. But his erratic behavior is causing real problems. He often seems dazed and not with it," commented a local shopkeeper. Another friend added, "It's a real downward spiral. He has gotten worse in the last few weeks."

Paul Anderson's Career and Rise to Fame

Anderson's career began under unconventional circumstances when he was discovered by film director Nick Love while touting tickets outside Stamford Bridge. His roles in films such as The Firm and The Revenant, alongside acclaimed actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy, brought him significant recognition.

Despite his success, Anderson's recent behavior has led to a precarious situation. Moira MacFarlane represented Anderson in court and stated, "He is often recognized and does his best to please fans of the show by slipping into character. He was recognized that Boxing Day and tried to play up for these people. And because of the lifestyle he leads people often give him inducements."

Screenwriter Steven Knight is reportedly still working on the script for the Peaky Blinders film, but Anderson's conviction and ongoing issues create challenges for the production. A source close to the production remarked, "This conviction will create huge problems as it will be so hard to have a Peaky Blinders film without such a pivotal character while it will be tough having him reprise the role as if nothing has happened."

Friends and Fans Show Support

Fans have also expressed their concern and support for Anderson amidst his struggles. Comments on his Instagram include heartfelt messages like, "Take care of yourself -- you have a lot of fans who care!" and "You're so admired and loved by a crazy amount of people…. But right now, keep your circle small, focus on you, and please get well."

Anderson himself has openly discussed his journey into acting, saying, "I always wanted to be a frontman in a band. Not a footballer. Not an actor. Certainly not a policeman or a fireman." He has also described his experiences in drama school as a transformative time, likening it to attending university after leaving school at an early age.

As the September filming date for the Peaky Blinders movie approaches, concerns about Anderson's health and ability to reprise his role continue to mount. While his legal issues and erratic behavior present significant challenges, the support from fans and friends offers a glimmer of hope for his recovery and return.

The situation underscores the broader challenges faced by actors dealing with personal struggles under public scrutiny. As the Peaky Blinders production team navigates these difficulties, the future of Anderson's role, and indeed the movie, remains uncertain.

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About Ashton Snyder

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