Written by Ashton Snyder on
 April 6, 2024

Court Orders Biden Admin to Improve Migrant Child Care at Border Camps

In a significant legal development, a U.S. District Court judge has forced the Biden Administration to enhance care for migrant children detained in outdoor border camps.

The ruling requires the provision of suitable shelter and amenities for these children, adhering to existing legal settlements, as Breitbart reports.

The lawsuit, initiated in March by several human rights organizations, including the National Center for Youth Law, aimed to address the conditions faced by migrant children at temporary outdoor camps along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The court's decision, articulated by U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee, emphasizes the administration's duty to ensure adequate living conditions for these children while in Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody.

Judge Gee's ruling sheds light on the pressing issue of migrant children awaiting transfer to appropriate facilities, a process often delayed due to high crossing volumes and a shortage of adequate personnel and resources.

The order necessitates DHS to expedite the processing of detained migrant children at outdoor sites and restricts the duration of their stay to the minimal necessary time for arranging transfers.

Judge Sets Deadline for Compliance

Additionally, CBP personnel are now required to keep detailed records of the use of outdoor camps for housing children, including detention durations and pertinent statistics. An interim report, outlining these details, is due by May 10, as per Judge Gee's directive.

Neha Desai, Senior Director of Immigration at the National Center for Youth Law, lauded the ruling as a significant win for the welfare of children at open-air detention sites. Desai's statement highlights the critical need for the government to adhere to basic human decency and legal obligations, ensuring children in legal custody receive essential care including food, shelter, and basic medical services.

The legal challenge referenced the 1993 Supreme Court case of Reno v. Flores, which pertains to the treatment of unaccompanied migrant children in immigration detention, harking back to the 1985 detention of Jenny Lissette Flores. This historical context underscores the ongoing struggle to safeguard the rights and well-being of migrant children in the U.S.

Alarming Conditions at Border Camps

Specific outdoor processing sites like Jacumba and San Ysidro in California were criticized for lacking adequate facilities and security, highlighting the broader issue of insufficient care for migrant children awaiting transportation. Reports have detailed migrants camping for days along the border in states like Arizona and Texas, with instances of over 1,000 migrants held outdoors in December and nearly 30,000 migrants crossing into Del Rio, Texas, in 2021.

The increase in unaccompanied migrant children apprehended by the Border Patrol is stark, with CBP encountering 30,557 such individuals at the southwest border in FY 2020, and nearly 145,000 in FY 2021 under the Biden administration—an almost 400 percent increase. From 2021 to January 2024, 468,396 unaccompanied migrant children have been apprehended, showcasing the urgent need for improved care and processing systems.

In conclusion, the court's ruling against the Biden Administration marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing effort to ensure the humane treatment of migrant children at U.S. border facilities. It reaffirms the legal and moral obligation of the government to provide adequate care for these vulnerable individuals, amidst growing challenges and scrutiny.

As the administration works to comply with the court's demands, the focus remains on the well-being and rights of migrant children, ensuring their protection and care during a critical period of their lives.

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