Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 21, 2024

Defense Calls 'Killshot Witness' Robert Costello in NY v. Trump Case

The New York v. Trump trial defense team has employed a high-stakes tactic, calling former Michael Cohen's legal adviser to the stand. The move aims to deliver a decisive blow to the prosecution’s case against former President Donald Trump as the trial nears its conclusion.

Robert Costello, referred to by Jonathan Turley as a 'kill-shot witness, ' testified on Monday in the case of New York v. Trump.

Jonathan Turley, a seasoned lawyer, and Fox News contributor articulated the strategic and risky nature of calling Costello to testify. He commented on the defense's approach during an "The Story" appearance on Monday. According to Turley, the defense's line of questioning seemed to be paving the way for Costello’s testimony.

Turley Warns of Potential Risks Involved

Turley explained that a significant complication with calling Costello to the stand revolves around an email suggesting that Rudy Giuliani wanted to create a backchannel for Cohen.  This could expose another layer of the case to the prosecution. Despite these risks, Turley noted that the defense team was confident in their decision.

"Many of us felt it was not worth the risk," Turley said. He added that the defense appeared comfortable with their ability to counter any prosecution challenges during Cohen's examination. This, he believes, led them to proceed with calling Costello.

Turley, known for his cautious approach in legal battles, emphasized his usual strategy of halting when confident of winning a case. However, he acknowledged that this trial is far from ordinary. Even if a conviction occurs, Turley opines that it would likely be overturned upon appeal.

Costello's Testimony Aims to Undermine Prosecution

Costello’s testimony on Monday presented a crucial narrative for the defense. He recounted that Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, repeatedly informed him that Trump was unaware of the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. This assertion directly challenges the prosecution’s stance.

Earlier in the day, Cohen testified that he had informed numerous individuals that Trump did not know about the payment. The consistency between Cohen’s and Costello’s testimonies could bolster the defense's argument significantly.

Turley epitomized Costello as a "kill shot witness," someone brought in to effectively dismantle the prosecution’s case. He remarked, "You only call him if you need to ensure there’s no conviction."

Prosecution Rests; Defense Moves Forward

The prosecution rested its case against Trump on Monday after days of testimony from Cohen. Following this, Trump's defense team began calling its own witnesses, with Costello being a key figure.

The defense’s decision to call Costello demonstrates their proactive strategy as the trial nears its culmination. Turley believes the defense's efforts have been fruitful, suggesting the trial is proceeding favorably for Trump. "It went very well today for the defense," Turley stated, hinting at the positive developments for Trump’s legal team.

In conclusion, the decision to put Robert Costello on the stand is critical in the New York v. Trump case. Jonathan Turley's insight into the defense's strategy underscores the calculated risks involved.

Costello's testimony, corroborating Cohen’s earlier statements, aims to undermine the prosecution’s arguments. The trial's outcome remains uncertain, but the defense’s confidence signals their optimistic outlook.

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About Ashton Snyder

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