Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 10, 2024

Democratic Fundraiser Said Even a 'Dead' or 'Comatose' Biden is Better Than Kamala Harris

Dmitri Mehlhorn, who organizes wealthy Biden supporters, explains why the President remains resolute in his decision to run in 2024 despite criticisms and low polling numbers.

According to Daily Mail, Mehlhorn emphasizes that Biden believes in his ability to win and feels his decision not to run in 2016 was a mistake.

Mehlhorn made controversial comments comparing Biden's viability to that of Vice President Kamala Harris, stating, "Either a 'dead' or 'comatose' Biden would be better than replacing him on the ticket with Kamala Harris." However, he also expressed confidence in Harris's ability to prosecute the case against Trump if necessary.

Mehlhorn Emphasizes Biden's Belief In His Ability To Win

Mehlhorn stated that Biden is determined to run and win in 2024, dismissing current unfavorable polls. He argued that the polls are within the margin of error and that Biden's position is not as weak as critics claim.

According to Mehlhorn, Biden regrets not running in 2016, believing it was a significant mistake influenced by others, including Barack Obama. The fundraiser and his donors continue to support Biden, believing he saved the country by resisting calls to step aside in 2020.

Despite Biden's age and workload, Mehlhorn insists that the President is still the best candidate for the job. He stated:

I actually think he's right, and you're all wrong. There was a lot that Biden said that I did not like, but his answer about polling - actually, everybody's wrong and Joe is right. The polls are tied, they're still within the margin of error. That's what matters at this stage.

Biden Remains Defiant Amid Criticisms And Questions

Despite criticisms and questions over his competency, especially after a recent debate and an ABC interview, Biden remains defiant. He challenged party elites to run against him if they believed he should not run.

The fundraiser emphasized Biden's ability to make tough decisions and communicate them consistently, arguing that the President is as good or better at these tasks than anyone else.

Planned Press Conference To Demonstrate Biden's Capability

Biden is planning a press conference to demonstrate his capability to handle the presidency. This comes after several Democrats called for him to drop out following the June 27 debate.

In response to the criticisms, Biden wrote a letter to congressional Democrats affirming his commitment to his campaign. He also made a surprise call to MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' to criticize party elites and reaffirm his support base.

Mehlhorn believes that Biden will ultimately listen to the voters rather than party elites. He challenged critics, asking how much the polls should drop if they are correct in their assessment of Biden's viability.


Dmitri Mehlhorn, a key Democratic fundraiser, provides insight into why President Biden remains committed to running in 2024 despite facing criticisms and low polling numbers. Mehlhorn emphasizes Biden's belief in his ability to win, his regret over not running in 2016, and his defiance in the face of doubts about his competency.

The fundraiser and his donors continue to support Biden, believing he is the best candidate for the job. A planned press conference aims to demonstrate Biden's capability to handle the presidency as he challenges party elites to run against him if they believe he should not seek re-election.

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About Ashton Snyder

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